Chapter 6 EXTRA – What are achievements and titles?

What are achievements?

Achievements are feats done by player. Doing achievements rewards players with rewards, mostly stat points and fame.

There 2 type of achievements:

-Basic type- Normal achievements that just give you stats.

-Tier type – Achievement with multiple tiers. Simple put, by doing the specific reequipment over and over again you will receive better version of the achievement you already possess. Those type achievement possess [Tier] in their name.

The first ten people who will earn the achievements will receive bonus rewards: the first place will received the most benefits, the seconds place will receive more benefits as well but not as many as the first place, the third place receive benefits too but less that seconds place and the place between 4-10 will receive the same benefits however they will receive the smallest amount of additional bonus.

There are some achievements that can only be earned by specific number of people or a people that possess linked achievements.


Some achievements gives bonuses if you acquire them before anybody else right? So what happened if multiple people at the same? Like with boss for example?


It depends on contribution rate then, how much each individual contributed to the achievement.

How much person helped, how much damage he delt, who deal the finish blow and other stuff, person with higher contribution will receive the higher rank.

Achievements that Mix earned:

[The one who slain the unique boss monster alone! - Tier 1 (2 place)]

[Rarity Rank: Epic]

[You have successfully manage to slay a unique boss monster alone!]

[You are the 2th person to ever hold this title. Additional rewards will be given. The rank of the achievement increased (Rare -> Epic).]


-Your fame will be increased though the world by a bit.

-You have received +4 Stat points in all of your basic stats.

[Additional Reward]

-You had received additional worldwide fame.

-You have received additional bonus +5 to all of your basic stats.

[One who slain unique monster! - Tier 1 (7 place)]

[Rarity Rank: Epic]

[You are the 3th person to ever hold this achievement. Additional rewards shall be distributed. The rank of the achievement will be increased (Rare -> Epic).]


-Your fame will be increased though the world by a bit.

-You have received +3 Stat points in all of your basic stats.

[Additional Reward]

-You had received additional worldwide fame.

-You have received additional bonus +2 to all of your basic stats.

[One of who slays boss monsters alone! - Tier 1 (2 place)]

[Rarity Rank: Rare]

[You have slain all by yourself an boss monster, without of the help of any player.]

[You are the 5th person to ever earn this achievement. Additional rewards shall be distributed. The rank of the achievement increased (Common -> Rare).]


-Your fame will be increased though the world by a bit.

-You have received +6 free stat points

[Additional Reward]

-You had received additional worldwide fame.

-You have received additional + 6 free stat points.

[One of who slain the monster boss! - Tier 1 (7 place)]

[Rarity Rank: Rare]

[You have successfully manage to hunt down and kill boss type monster!]

[You are the 9th person to ever earn this achievement. Additional rewards shall be distributed.]


-Your fame will be increased though the world by a bit.

-You have received +4 free stat points.

[Additional Reward]

-You had received additional worldwide fame.

-You have received additional + 4 free stat points.

What are titles?

Titles are something you have to earn like achievements, however unlike achievements they are way harder to earn and come across, they often have multiple conditions to be acquired or you have to do specific quest(s) so you can acquire them.

Titles gives way a powerful benefits and can sometimes gives you a passive effect or even a skill!

Title that Mix earned:

[The One Who Dealt With The Frog Problem(Special)]

[Rarity Rank: Rare]

[You have successfully dealt with the Frog-Mans that were a quiet a nuisance to people of the Green Town. The people of the Green Town are very gratefully for your help and they will remember your name.]

[You have manage to earn this title alone. The effect of the title have been enchanted.]


-Your favorability with townsfolk of the Green Town have been increased. This effect have been strengthen – you received additional favorability.

-You receive a slight discount in Green Town while buying, ordering repair or making deals. This effect only applies to Green Town. This effect have been strengthen – you received additional discount.

-You will receive 10 free stat points, the moment you earned this title. This effect have been increased – you received additional 5 free point stats.

-You will deal addition 5% damage to Amphibians. This effect have been strengthen – you will deal additional 5% total damage to Amphibians.