Chapter 7 – Town Mayor.

[[Quest: Joseph The Butcher Favor]] – Status: Ready for turn in.

[[You have cleared the quest: Joseph The Butcher Favor]] – [[Difficulty Rank: F+]]

[[Return back to the quest giver to inform him about quest completion to received promised rewards.]]

After defeating the Frog-Mans, Mix returned back to the Green Town to meet Joseph the butcher, who given her quest in the first place.

"Yo! Young miss I see you are back. Did you manage to deal with Frog-Mans?" – asked the butcher.

"Yea I did."

[[Quest: Joseph The Butcher Favor]] – Status: Completed.

[[You had received quest rewards:

- Received EXP.

-Received 10 Silver coins.

-Your favorability with: Joseph the butcher had increased.

-You had received [Joseph the Butcher Hunting Clever].

[[Level up. You became level 13!]]

[You have earned achievement!]

[Quest Mania – Tier 1 (Rank 6)

[You have successfully completed your first quest!]

[You are the 6th person to ever earn this achievement. Additional rewards will be given.]


-You have received +3 free stat points

[Additional Reward]

-You have received additional +2 free stat points

"By the way, here take this."

[[You received: [Joseph The Butcher Letter].]]

"A letter?"

"Ay. If head towards the east part of the town you will find a manor and that it belongs to the mayor. The Frog-Mans were quiet a nuisance for all of us, not only me. The mayor will be glad to hear that you dealt with this problem. He may even reward you for your deeds."

(Huh. It would be nice if got money or some armor. Those last barrage of the attack destroyed my new armor completely and now I need to get new one.)

"…By the way. Is he a noble? What is he like?" –(Aren't nobles often depicted as troublesome to deal with?)

"Hm? Well yes, he is indeed noble. He is a quiet chill guy so you don't have to worry much, about him being something like "I'm the noble and you are nothing more as a commoner slave, obey me or you shall die!", the thing like this. He doesn't discriminate people about their birth origin or anything."

"Oh, okay." – (Thank god.)

[[Quest: Joseph the butcher letter.]]

[[Go to the east part of the town, where you will find manor belonging to the town mayor. If you show the letter to the guards stationing outside the gate, they may allow you to meet the mayor and please mention the Frog-Mans while you at it.]]

[[Completion condition: Bring the letter to mayor of the Green Town.]]


[[Difficulty Rank: F+]]

(Another quest. It's quiet different compare to the previous one. There is no failure condition and reward is unknown? Well he did say that mayor MAY give me a reward, so there is a chance I won't receive anything. Well I still have chance to receive a reward so doing this quest won't hurt me.)

[[You had accepted the quest]]

Sometime later.

"Excuse me. Is this town mayor manor?" – asked Mix.

"Yes, it's indeed town mayor manor. If you wish to meet the mayor, then state your business first." – said armored guard while holding a halberd.

"O-oh yes, my name is Mix and I've been told to deliver this letter in person to town mayor. The one who send me is butcher named Joseph and told me to inform you about Frog-Mans that were living in west forest, that I managed to deal with them." – said Mix while taking out the letter.

Two guards begined talking to each other and seconds later on of the guards left towards the manor.

"Please wait a moment."

5 Minutes later.

One of the guards that left came back together with maid.

"The mayor want to talk with in person. This maid here will lead you to him." – said the guard who just returned.

Seconds later, the Mix was fallowing the maid though the mansion, while passing many maids along the way. Moments later Mix together with the maid arrived at the luxurious looking door, the maid approached the door and knocked three times.

"Excuse me, I had brought the wander Mix."

"Enter." – a man voice could be heard on the other side of the door.

The maid entered the room while Mix fallows.

[Malenon Danwen - Baron Of Green Moon Kingdom]

"I'm Malenon Danwen. I heard you have some business with me."

(He look quiet young.)– though Mix while looking at the man sitting on the chair, who appears to be around 20 years old.

"Hm? You never saw half-elf before, have you?"


"Yes, I'm half-elf. Half-elves have longer lifespan that humans and we often look way younger , compare to the humans. I'm 40 years old if you wonder."

(Damn, he look like some sort of pop idol and yet he is 40 years old?)

"Hm? Wait, I don't want offend you in anyway but you look exactly like human."

"Well you are both correct and wrong. Half-elves and elves have very similar appearance to a human but there is one thing that can distinquess us are our ears. Look, my ear is pointier that human ears, you can easily tell the difference and elf ears are bit bigger and even more pointier that mine."

"I see." – (So it's exactly the same as in isekai novels. Aren't elves often depicted as over prideful individuals that see other races as lesser races?)

"Oh right! I almost forgot. My name is Mix and I'm supposed to bring this letter to you." – Mix panicked and then took out the letter from her inventory.

"Ah yes, the letter, bring it to me." – said the man while extending his hand forward.

Mix approached the man and handed the letter to the half-elf. After receiving the letter the man opened it and begined reading to contests of it.

"You manage to deal with this problem alone, without the help of other wanderers?" – asked Malenon.

"Yes, honestly I almost died like an idiot while doing so, because I let my guard down after I killed all the soldiers, the Frog-Man mage then appeared and it almost instantly killed me."

"Heh, interesting. Well then, shall I rewards this brave wanderer?" – said man while taking out the bag of money from his drawer.

[[You have cleared the quest: Joseph The Butcher Letter]] - [[Difficulty Rank: F]]

[[You had received quest rewards:

- Received EXP.

-Received 1 gold and 50 silver coins.

-Your favorability with: Malenon Danwen had increased.

[[Level up. You became level 15!]]

[[You had received 2 new skill!]]

[[Level up. You became level 16!]]


(The EXP reward from two quest give me enough exp to level up 3 times?! And I received quiet amount of money as well. It was worth it.)

"Normally I would send soldier to deal with this kind of problem, but they are currently busy with more urgent work."

(Hm? Why is he telling me this? Wait. Could it because I raised the favorability thing with him? If so…)

"Excuse me, you seem trouble. Is there anything I help with." – asked Mix.

The man smirked.

"Well aren't you a greedy one?"

"I don't know what are you talking about." – replied Mix while smiling.

"What is your current level?"

"16 sir."

"…Well, currently you won't be a much of help. Get stronger first and then return to me. Get at least to the level 25 before coming back."

"As you wish."

Mix bowed her head and left the room.

"I will show you the exit." – said maid that accompaniment Mix before.

Mix and maid begin walking through the halls of the mansion again.

(This time I didn't received the quest. He said something about me not being strong enough, does that you have to have a minimal level before accepting the quest from him? Either way, the only way to find out is to get to the level 25 and return to him.)

Mix left the mansion and then shortly after headed towards the city center.

(Time to log off.)

[[Do you wish to log out?]]

[[Log out process have been initiated. Please stand by.]

From the Mix body a pixel light begin to appear, similar to the logging in effect and seconds later Min entire body turned into a light, then disappeared into nothingness.

[[You had successfully logged out.]]

Mix opened her eyes, waking up from her slumber. Mix taken off the strange headgear device off her head and got up from her bed. She then walked towards her desk and picked up a futurizing phone.

"The time really flows different when you are inside the game world huh? I spend good few hours there but not that much time passed here." – said Mix while looking at her phone

"First thing first, eat something, it's dinner time."

Mix heated up the dinner she made before hand and took it to her desk.

"The community is already full with many commends and posts."

[Hard to fight.]

-It's really hard to get used to the fighting in that world. I thought it would be easier.

-Well the advertisement said that there is no control like keyboard or anything. What did you expected? That you would fight like some sort of protagonist right from the get go?

-Shut up! You probably struggle as well!

-We all did -.-'. I tried using bow and almost all my shots missed, I though there would be something like auto aiming.

-Well it's quiet realistic isn't it? Minus the magic stuff.

(Most of the commends are the same. Well I'm in the same situation. I don't really have problem with using crossbow since all you do is aim and pull the trigger, however I completely suck when it comes to the moving targets, all of my shots were missing, I only mange to hit the targets that were standing still or were going at me in straight line.)

(Same thing with axe. All I did was swing at random, I'm trying to aim at the spots like belly or vital points like cheast or sides but I'm often ended losing the balance because I still can't adjust to my own swings. Because of that sometimes I ended up getting pierced by the Horned Rabbit horn.)

(It would be nice if there was something like trainer that could teach people the basics on how to fight…)

(Wait a second.)

Mix begined looking of any mention of trainer or anything related.


[Free stats: Training grounds]

Hey I found something on training grounds. If you go to the training grounds there is instructor, go ask him if he could train you, he will ask you about your class and everything, answer his every question honestly. After doing all the steps above he will give you a task not a quest, simply put he will tell you to train.

If you completed entire basic training that trainer offers, you will receive this.

[You have earn Achievement(s)]

[One who finished basic training.]

[Rarity Rank: Common]

[You have successfully finished the basic training. Now you are more ready to venture to the unknown(maybe).]


-You have received +3 Stat points in all of your basic stats.

With achievement and training you will gain +3 stat point for all your basic stats. By the way, the trainer can to some extend help you with your weapon, about how to use them properly. He will teach you basics pretty much and it's pretty much worth it not only for achievement but to learn stuff.

(Oh? Well that seems pretty useful indeed.)

(Let's check few other things as well before I get to work.)

[Why the heck is deal with beginner town name?]

Why each beginner town is named after a color? Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, Purple, Orange, Black and White, couldn't they come up with some original names?

-Well it sometimes hard to come up with something original.

-Isn't that fine thought? You can easily distinquess the beginner town thanks their names.

-Hmm… Good point. By the way, does anybody know the name of the kingdoms or continents, where your starting zone is located? I'm in Orange Town and it's apparently located in Dwein Kingdom.

-Oh right. Did anybody checked yet?

-I'm in Red Town and I think it's located in some empire?

-Green Town is located in Green Moon kingdom. Some NPCs said that town mayor is an half-elf, but I never manage to see a glimpse of him so I don't really know how he look like.

-Half-elf? You mean like in those fantasies?

-I saw a dwarf in Yellow Town.

(Dwarf? So there are other fantasies species besides elves.)

Gyaru was looking though different posts while eating her dinner.

[Hey, what the difference between each town?]

Hey, I'm currently in Blue Town and I'm hunting a slime, one of my friends is currently in Black Town and he apparently hunts undead there. Are monsters near each beginner zone different?

-In Orange Town we have boars.

-We have bunny type monster that headbutts you to death in Green Town.

-We have weird rock clams monsters in Yellow Town. Those bastards won't let go of you once they bite you. I saw once a guy who had his entire body covered with them.

(A weird rock clams? Well I fought against frog people who can use magic and stuff, so it won't be first time I got surprised.)

"Well then. Let's see if I got enough inspiration to write some new work."