Chapter 8 – Nothing Happens.

One of "The Infinity Wills Online" officials buildings.

"3 named monster were already slain during the first day?!"

"And 2 of them were solo killed! How?!"

A loud sound suddenly put all the people in the room in silence.

"Everybody calm down for moment." – said man in his 40, who hit the table and made the loud noise in the first place.

"Look, we predicted that it will take around 3-5 days in game time, for players start defeating the named monster, however that doesn't mean that our prediction will be right. There is endless possibilities and it's impossible to predict everything in that world."

"We don't have ability to completely control that world in the first place, our own control over that world is very limited. The ones writing the story of that world are inhabitance of that world and players. All we have to do is to move on, no use complaining."

The people inside the room begined looking at each other and started whispering.

Clapping of the hands could be heard.

"Now, now ladies and gentlemens. Can we finally talk about main subjects of this meeting?" – said lady in a suit.

A giant screen right next to the lady activated and some images were shown on it.

"As you know, the 3 named monsters were defeated in the first day of the game. The first and third one was solo killed and the second one was killed by the group of players." – said lady while pointing her hand at the screen.

1.Black Town – Corpse Knight Jakla – Status: Dead.

2.Red Town – Trick Imp Kun – Status: Dead.

3.Green Town - Bhu'n Frog-Ma Mage Mu'nu – Status: Dead.

The man in the suit raised his hand.

"Weren't the named monster in Black Town and Green Town the hardest ones?" – asked the man in the suit.

"Yes, they were indeed the strongest named monsters, to be more precisely the Jakla was the strongest and Mu'nu was the second strongest."

Jakla was undead monster that had ability to heal himself, restore energy and regrow any destroyed parts using other undeads or corpses. His means of attack was using cursed sword to strike his foes and apply some random curses.

Mu'nu was specializing in water based magic and each of his attack are quiet deadly. His offensive abilities are quiet very lethal and if you are not careful enough, he can one shot you.

Kun is one of the most tricker opponents. He focus on summoning illusions of enemies that will fight on his side. The difficult of slaying him depends on number of people present on the battle field.

"The order you see on screen is the order they were slain in."

"There is high chance that those who manage the slay the named boss monster first day, won't stay as most stronger players. Sooner or later more people begin to grow more powerful after they adjusted them self to the new world. So you don't have to worry about those players for now, there is a chance some other players will become way stronger than them."

Woman wearing glasses raised her hand.

"Question. What is current average level of a player?"

"Well, about 40% are right now between 1-4 level, other 40% are between 5-8 and rest is between 9-10 level. Probably the leveling rate of players will increase after they adjusted to this world to some extent." – replied secretary in a suit.

"Okay now, we have other matters to discuss in this meeting and it's not like we have time on our side. Let's return to more important matters at hand for now. "

The meeting lasted sometime after that.


[[You had successful log in.]]

[[Welcome back player [Mix].]]

Mix came back the world of the game with the big smile on her face.

(I finally was able to come with the new story and on top of that a quiet good one!)

(The comments I received from those few chapters I released were very positive, by the look of this they enjoyed it and that's good. I think nothing can ruin my day!)

Few minutes later.

"(Wheeze) F-f*ck (Wheeze) y-you." – said Mix while pointing her finger at instructor.

[You have earn Achievement(s)]

[One who finished basic training.]

[Rarity Rank: Common]

[You have successfully


-You have received +3 Stat points in all of your basic stats.

(Bastard told me that regular training won't do and ended up forcing me to do harder one instead. He told me not to items as well while at it and only use beginner set.)

(G-god f*king dammed. Why nobody said anything about training difficultly increasing if you have a higher level. I received the same +3 from all this like other the same as other people, you could at least give me a little bonus for additional work.)

(Anyway, a lot of stuff happens in the game community, the forums are very active right now and for very good reason.)

[Crossbow Mastery – Rank F]

(There are tons of posts that right now and all of them are related to the weapon skill, by the look of things most of people have already manage to acquire at least one this type skill, people call them [Weapon Mastery]. The condition to acquire [Sword Mastery], [Axe Mastery] any other weapons seems to be same: use the specify weapon over and over as well as defeat monsters as well.)

"[Status Open]."

Mix opened her status winddown and her inventory.

[ Mix ]

[ Race: Human ]

[ Gender: Female ]

[ Level: 16 ]

[ Classes: [Tamer], [Manifestor]. ]

[ HP: 600/600 ] [ MP: 470/470 ] [ SP: 450/450 ]

[ Main Stats ]

[ Physical Defense: 41(+1,5) ] [ Magic Defense: 41(+) ] [ Strength:44(+) ] [Agility: 31(+) ] [ Intelligent: 31(+) ] [ Health: 60(+) ] [ Magic: 47(+) ] [ Constitution: 45(+) ]

[ Bonus stats ]

[ Taming Mastery: 38 ] – [ Remanning Points: 26/38 ]

[Title(s): [The One Who Dealt With The Frog Problem(Special). ]


[ [Tamer] Skills: [Tame] [Tamer Book] [Tamer Command: Attack](LVL2) [The Way Of The Tamer-Beginner](LVL1) ]

[ [Manifestor] Skill: [Summon: Grey Chess Pawn](LVL3) ) [The Way Of The Manifestor-Beginner](LVL1). ]

[ Other skills: [Crossbow Mastery – Rank F](LVL1). ]

[Tamed creatures:

-Min – Horned Rabbit – Level 12 – Taming Mastery Cost 12.]

([Summon: Grey Chess Pawn] became level 3 and now I can summon additional pawn now, Min [Headbutt Attack] became level 2 as well.)

(By the look of things the EXP from the quest is only given to me and it's not shared between my tamed creatures, Min is still level 12.)

([The Way Of The Tamer-Beginner] and [The Way Of The Manifestor-Beginner], are new skills I got after I reached level 15. The first skill increases the EXP that I and my tamed creature receive, if we are sharing current EXP gain. The second skill effect is about increasing the summoned time of the creature or reduced the cost if creature drains your energies nonstop to sustain itself, it also increases summoned creature HP.)

{{Skill details will be written in this chapter EXTRA.}}

"Anyway, my stats grown up a lot and I can feel it. I can run faster and longer amount of time, on top of that all."

Mix took out her crossbow and single bolt, she then loaded the bold and shoot it at the dummy.

(I can tell that I'm reloading noticeable faster than before, by the look of things my guess was correct, the [Strength] stat indeed influences reload speed of crossbow.)

Mix looked away from her status window and begined looking though her inventory.)

(I got quiet amount of items from Frog-Mans and I got some weapon from butcher. Let's check them out.)

[Joseph the Butcher Hunting Clever]

[Item type: Weapon.]

[Weapon type: Sword.]

[Rarity: Rare]

[Attack Power: 150-175]

[Effect when worn:

-Basic attacks apply bleeding effect that deals over time – 0.01% of the target max HP as a damage will be deal every second. This effect can be applied up to for 10 time and each bleeding from this effect lasts for 15 seconds, applying the new bleeding effect when maximal amount of stacks is reached will refresh all of the bleeding effects timers.]

-Hitting the vital point with this weapon, will increase damage dealt by 10%.

[Item Restriction(s):

-User need to be at least level 15.

-Minimal [Strength] stat: 20.]

[Durability: 250/250]

[Weight: 70]

[An old cleaver used by Joseph when he was still active adventurer. Joseph was well known adventurer during his active times, but he was forced to stop being adventurer after his son was born. Joseph inherited the business from his parents that were monster butchers before him.]

Mix taken out the new weapon from her inventory.

"It's stats are extremely good and it has nice effect. The strongest weapon you can buy in this town have the damage output of 100-125."

Mix took out the cleaver from her inventory.

(By look of things it's one handed weapon, around the size of the short sword."

(Since it's quiet good, I will use it as my main weapon for now when it comes to the close range combat.)

[Bhu'n Frog-Man Apprentice Mage Bracelet] [Frog-Ma Mage Mu'nu Bracelet] [Frog-Ma Mage Mu'nu Staff]

{{Item data will be in Extra.}}

(I will keep those items, they seem useful and I will sell the rest, they don't pose any value to me. I heard there is auction house somewhere around here. I went there to check it before I came, I wanted to see what was the deal with it.)

The auctions house is pretty much the same as in MMORPG games, you can sell, buy and coopete in auctions with other players. By the way, the information about who sells and who buys are can be set to [Unknown] and your nickname won't be revealed whenever you are selling or buying stuff.

(Even though this items don't have any value for me, other players will definity buy them since they are way better that beginner items.)

(Is there anything else interesting…?)

(What is that?) – Mix looked at the strange blue stone table object in her inventory.

[Skill Book: Summon Lesser Water Frog]

[Item Type: Skill Book]

[Rarity: Rare]

[Single use item]

[Using this item will make individual automatically learn the skill [Summon Lesser Water Frog].]

[Condition to use item:

-User need to be at least level 15.

-You need to posses one of the fallowing classes: [Tamer], [Apprentice Mage], [Listener], [Manifestor] or ???.]

(Skill book? Using it allows me to learn skill. Huh, another way to learn skill.)

[[System Notice: You have encounter Skill book!]]

[[Skill books are items that can be used to grant a person an skill but there is limit of how many skills you can get. The number of the skill books you can use will increase as your level increases.]]

[[Current Skill Book Slots: 0/4.]]

[[If by any chance you wish to use new skill book while all of your slots are taken, you will have to sacrifice one of your skills that uses the slot.]]

(So there is limit how many you can use huh? It seem quiet useful. Well then.)

[[Do you wish to use item [Skill Book: Summon Water Frog]? The item only have one use, if used the item will be no more and you will learn skill [Summon Lesser Water Frog].]

[[You had used [Skill Book: Summon Lesser Water Frog].]]

[[You had learned a skill [Summon Lesser Water Frog].]]

(The new skill got put into my "Other Skills" category. As name implies it's summoning type skill like pawn summon, meaning I don't have to worry about sharing EXP. The frog stats are quiet good as well.)

(This is f*king interesting!)

"Did you enjoyed your training?" – the trainer approached the Mix.

"Do you enjoy torturing people with an excuse of training?" – asked Mix.



Sometime later.

"Take care. The area you are heading towards is way more dangerous area, that area you were in before."

"Thank you for concern, but honestly it's only way to get stronger."

[North swamp forest – recommended level: 20-25]

(Honestly speaking, with my current stats I think that can easily take on level 25 and one of the most common monster there are mostly Frog-Mans, I already have some experience when it comes to dealing with them, so it won't be that much problematic.)

(I already bought new armor as well.)

(There is other reason why I want go there. My goal is to at least tame new creature, to add to my party.)

Min is fast and nimble, she can dodge, quickly move into different position and she can do lots of damage if she manages to pierce her opponent with her horn.

I myself can either fight using crossbow for long range or fight at close distance. I can even summon additional monsters to fight alongside me to gain numbers.

(But there is still many holes in this party, for example we don't have any tanker or anything.)

"Leveling up, looking for new comrades and killing frogs while at it. Simple plan, isn't it?"