Chapter 8 EXTRA.

[ Mix ]

[ Race: Human ]

[ Gender: Female ]

[ Level: 16 ]

[ Classes: [Tamer], [Manifestor]. ]

[ HP: 680/680 ] [ MP: 510/510 ] [ SP: 460/460 ]

[ Main Stats ]

[ Physical Defense: 41(+17) ] [ Magic Defense: 41(+30) ] [ Strength:44(+17) ] [Agility: 31(+1) ] [ Intelligent: 31(+14) ] [ Health: 60(+8) ] [ Magic: 47(+14) ] [ Constitution: 45(+1) ]

[ Bonus stats ]

[ Taming Mastery: 38 ] – [ Remanning Points: 26/38 ]

[ Free stat points: 50 {10 points from leveling up. 40 points from title and achievements.}]

{16 points were put in [Taming Mastery], 3 points were put in basic stat (total 24 points were spend) and 2 stats points were additionally put into [Physical Defense] and into [Magic Defense]

{{Mix got +17 points in all of her basic stats thanks to achievements.}}

[ Title(s): [The One Who Dealt With The Frog Problem(Special). ]

[ Skills:

[ [Tamer] Skills: [Tame] [Tamer Book] [Tamer Command: Attack](LVL2) [The Way Of The Tamer-Beginner](LVL1) ]

[ [Manifestor] Skill: [Summon: Grey Chess Pawn](LVL3) ) [The Way Of The Manifestor-Beginner](LVL1). ]

[ Other skills: [Crossbow Mastery – Rank F](LVL1) [Summon Lesser Water Frog](LVL1). ]

[Title(s): [The One Who Dealt With The Frog Problem(Special). ]

[Tamed creatures:

-Min – Horned Rabbit – Level 12 – Taming Mastery Cost 12.]

[Crossbow Mastery – Rank F].

[Skill level: 1] – [Progress Rate: 00%]

[Normal Skill]

[Skill type: Passive]

[After long time of using the crossbow, you are to some extend able to grasp the crossbow true potential, but you are still beginner when it comes to it for now. You are now consider beginner while dealing with crossbows.]

[When you are using the crossbow: Increase crossbow attack, attack speed, piercing power and reload speed by X% (X= this skill current level multiplied by 0,5).] [Skill level 1 x 0,5 = Current bonus: 0,5%]

[This skill will grow stronger as you understand and use crossbow type weapon more.]

[The Way Of The Tamer-Beginner]

[Skill level: 1]

[Skill type: Passive]

[Increase EXP received for both tamer and tamed creature, if you are currently sharing the EXP with your tamed creatures.]

[The splitted EXP share that each individual receive will be increased by 5% + X% (X= current skill level)

[Splitted EXP + X% = Received EXP.] [Current bonus received EXP: 6%]

[The bonus of EXP is applied to all tamed creatures and tamer himself.]

[The Way Of The Manifestor-Beginner]

[Skill level: 1]

[Skill type: Passive]

[Increase the all stats of each of your summoned creature by 1% + X% (X = Current Skill Level multiplied by 0.5).]

[Current [Health] buff: 1.5%]

[This effect does not affect tamed creatures.]

[This skill only affects summon type monster by you.]

[Summon Lesser Water Frog]

[Skill level: 1] – [Progress Rate: 00%]

[Skill type: Active]

[Cooldown: 10 Minutes. If a creature dies while summoned the cooldown will be 20 minutes.]

[Cost: 100 MP + (10MP X current skill level) = current cost 110 MP.]

[You are now able to call upon the power of the frog! Bhu'n Frog-Mans are specialists when it comes to water magic, they often call upon a help of it as well.]

[Using this skill will summon a Lesser Water Frog, a being made out of a water that will fight alongside you.]

[The Lesser Water Frog stat depends on your level and skill level.]

[This skill will grow stronger as your summoned creature fights more and more as well as your understanding of the summoned creature grows, both of this factor influences the skill progress rate.]

[This skill is categorized as: Summing type skill. ]

[Summoned creature possess an water attribute.]

[[?]] – Summoned creature info.

[ Race: Lesser Water Frog ]

[ Level: 16 ]

[ HP: 360/360 ] [ MP: 360/360 ]

[ Main stats ]

[ Physical Defense: 30 ] [ Magic Defense: 30 ] [ Strength: 26 ] [Agility: 26 ] [ Intelligent: 36 ] [ Health: 36 ] [ Magic: 36 ]

[ This creature stats and level are influenced by your current level. ]

[ Skills: [Water Breath](LVL1) [Water Shot](LVL1) [Might OF The Water Frog]. ]

[Water Breath]

[Skill level: 1]

[Skill type: Active]

[Activation Cost: 100 MP]

[Cooldown: 5 minute.]

[Releasee a water based breath attack from your mouth.]

[This skill will deal 300 + X% of your current [ Intelligent ] stat as magic based damage.]

(X= Skill current level multiplied by 10) (Current damage scaling: 210%.)

[The performance of this skill can be affected by many factors like for example: Mouth size and shape, the power of the lungs and if creature possess multiple mouths.]

[This skill is categorized as: Breath type skill. Water Element type skill. ]

(NOTE: This is not the same skill that Frog-Man Mu'nu used, during his fight against the Mix.)

[Water Shot]

[Skill level: 1]

[Skill type: Active]

[Activation Cost: 10 MP]

[Cooldown: The cooldown of this skill will be reduced by X (X= current skill level multiplied by 0,5) the base cooldown of this skill is 10 seconds. Current skill cooldown: 9,5 seconds.]

[Summon water near you and create a water based projectile that will be shoot in chosen direction. The creation process of projectile takes 2 seconds. This skill can be charged up: You can chose not to fire the projectile immediately and when cooldowns ends you can create additional projectile, you can charge up to 3 projectiles this way. Firing will cause all the projectile to be shoot out at the same time.]

[This skills deals 70% + Y of your [ Intelligent ] stats as Magic – water element damage(Y= current skill level multiplied by 5)(Y=5). ]

[This skill is categorized as: Spell type skill, Water Element type skill. ]

[Might OF The Water Frog]

[Skill type: Passive]

[Increases your regeneration rate of HP, SP, MP and other types of energies, if you are currently in terrain with water or terrains that possess water based attribute. The regeneration bonus 10%.]

[Increases your STEALTH by 10%, if you are currently in terrain with water or terrains that possess water based attribute.]

[Increase all of your current stats by 5%, if you are currently in terrain with water or terrains that possess water based attribute.]

[Increases the power of your water attributed attacks, spells and skills by 10% if you are currently in terrain with water or terrains that possess water based attribute.]


[Joseph the Butcher Hunting Clever]

[Item type: Weapon.]

[Weapon type: Sword.]

[Rarity: Rare]

[Attack Power: 150-175]

[Effect when worn:

-Basic attacks apply bleeding effect that deals over time – 0.01% of the target max HP as a damage will be deal every second. This effect can be applied up to for 10 time and each bleeding from this effect lasts for 15 seconds, applying the new bleeding effect when maximal amount of stacks is reached will refresh all of the bleeding effects timers.]

-Hitting the vital point with this weapon, will increase damage dealt by 10%.

[Item Restriction(s):

-User need to be at least level 15.

-Minimal [Strength] stat: 20.]

[Durability: 250/250]

[Weight: 70]

[An old cleaver used by Joseph when he was still active adventurer. Joseph was well known adventurer during his active times, but he was forced to stop being adventurer after his son was born. Joseph inherited the business from his parents that were monster butchers before him.]

[Frog-Ma Mage Mu'nu Bracelet]

[Item type: Equipment.]

[Equipment type: Bracelet.]

[Rarity: Epic]

[Effect when worn:

-Grants +10 [ Intelligent ], [ Magic ] and to [ Magic Defense ], when worn.

-Generate a skill: [Might OF The Water Frog] for the user. ]

[Item Restriction:

-User need to be at least level 10.]

[Durability: 200/200]

[Weight: 20]

[Bracelet worn once by Bhu'n. Frog-Mans create a bracelet using different animals parts like fangs, claw, herbs and other different type of plants. The Frog-Mans mages create those bracelet to represent their ranks.]

[Bhu'n Frog-Man Apprentice Mage Bracelet]

[Item type: Equipment.]

[Equipment type: Bracelet.]

[Rarity: Rare]

[Effect when worn:

-Grants +3 [ Intelligent ], [ Magic ] and to [ Magic Defense ], when worn.

-Increases all basic stats by +2, if you are currently in terrain with water or terrains that possess water based attribute.]

[Durability: 100/100]

[Weight: 10]

[Frog-Ma Mage Mu'nu Staff]

[Weapon type: Staff.]

[Rarity: Rare]

[Attack Power: 80-105]

[Effect when worn:

-Increases power of your water based skills and spells by 10%.

-Increases all basic stats by +5, if you are currently in terrain with water or terrains that possess water based attribute.

-Generate a skill: [Water Breath] for the user. The cooldown of the granted skill by this item will be set on: 1 hour.]

[Item Restriction(s):

-User need to be at least level 10.

-Minimal [ Intelligent ] stat: 20.]

[Durability: 250/250]

[Weight: 100]

Item bough by Mix:

[Reinforced Horned Rabbit Armor]

[Armor set]

[Item Slots: Torso, Legs, Shoulders, Feet]

[Effect when worn:

-Grants +16 [ Physical Defense ] points.

-Grants +16 [ Magic Defense ] points.

-Increases Movement Speed by 5%.

[Item set bonus 4/4:

(4) – Increase [ Physical Defense ] and [ Magic Defense ] by 4. Increases Movement Speed by 5%.

[ Total Weight: 150]

[Pendant Of A Bit Stronger Weak Warrior]

[Item type: Equipment.]

[Equipment type: Necklace.]

[Rarity: Common]

[Effect when worn:

-Grants +5 [Strength] points.

-Grants +7 [Health] points.

[Item Restriction(s):

-User need to be at least level 10.

[Durability: 75/75]

[Weight: 5]

[Nice looking Belt]

[Item type: Equipment.]

[Equipment type: Belt.]

[Rarity: Common]

[Effect when worn:

-Grants +1 to all basic stats.

[Item Restriction(s):

-User need to be at least level 10.

[Durability: 75/75]

[Weight: 20]

[One Handed Newbie Huntsman Crossbow]

[Item type: Crossbow.]

[Weapon type: Crossbow.]

[Rarity: Common]

[Attack Power: 100-160]

[Effect when worn: None]

[Item Restriction(s):

-User need to be at least level 15.

[Durability: 150/150]

[Weight: 40]

[Two Handed Newbie Huntsman Crossbow]

[Item type: Crossbow.]

[Weapon type: Crossbow.]

[Rarity: Common]

[Attack Power: 185-215]

[Effect when worn: None]

[Item Restriction(s):

-User need to be at least level 15.

[Durability: 200/200]

[Weight: 80]

[Newbie Huntsman Crossbow Bolt]

[Item type: Ammunition - Bolt]

[Attack Power: 26-34]

[Item Restriction(s):

-User need to be at least level 15.

[Durability: 30/30]

[Weight: 0.5]

Other items:

[Tasty Smoked Meat], [Leather Water Canister(Big)], [Healing Grass Potion(Medium quality)], [Awful tasting potion(Medium quality)].