Chapter 10 – Rare Monster.

There is 6 Swamp Forest Crocodiles and the big red one in the middle. Every single one of them are way stronger that group of Frog-Mans.

My team consists of Me(The hybrid who can fight either at close or from afar), Min who deals high damage and it's quiet nibble, the duo of Grey Chess Pawn who can fight close distance but they will probably die very early on (they will be probably used as sacrificial pawns) and the Lesser Water Frog, a summoned creature that have long range attacks.

The terrain that the monsters are currently is mostly the solid land, surrounded by water in all directions.

Using crossbow is bad idea, those bastards have thick layer of flesh and high defense, I even had trouble dealing damage with my cleaver that had higher attack power that crossbow. Guess I have to focus on melee fight again.

There are not many trees here and those bastards are able just wreck entire tree down with few attacks, there are no trees on the solid land as well, meaning I will have to get down from trees sooner or later.

[Frog-Ma Mage Mu'nu Staff]

[Effect when worn:

-Increases power of your water based skills and spells by 10%.

-Increases all basic stats by +5, if you are currently in terrain with water or terrains that possess water based attribute.

-Generate a skill: [Water Breath] for the user. The cooldown of the granted skill by this item will be set on: 1 hour.]

"Well then, let's start with something big. Water Frog, with me."

[Water Breath] x2.

A massive amount of water begined flying straight at the group of Swamp Forest Crocodiles, from the tree nearby, hitting them all before they noticed, dealing damage to all of them.

As soon as attack ended the crocodiles quickly regained their grip and looked at the direction where the attack came from, only to see a single rabbit sitting on it. The leader of the creature roared and its minions begined walking towards the murky water, in order to get to the rabbit, however as soon as crocodiles got close to the water, Mix together with pawns appeared from it, striking the opponents by surprise.

"Didn't expected to use your own trick against you, did you?!"

Mix blade was stuck underneath the creature neck, while the two pawns were fighting against crocodile next to her. One of the crocodiles tried to bit the Mix with its maw, while she was still occupied with other crocodile but as soon as it tried approaching her, a projectile made out of the water flew towards it, hitting it and stopping it from approaching Mix.

The one who launched that attack was the water frog, who was sitting on the water surface.

[You have slain: Swamp Forest Crocodile – Level 21. Received EXP will be shared. You received 118 EXP.]

[You have slain: Swamp Forest Crocodile – Level 22. Received EXP will be shared. You received 128 EXP.]

(Good, the pawns manage to kill their enemy as well, now there are only 4 enemies left and their leader.)

"Now let's make it three!"

Mix tried swinging her cleaver at the crocodile that tried to bite her before, but before she know it, the one she attacked was not the crocodile that tried to attack her but the dark red colored crocodile. Before she noticed the crocodile leader manage to stop her attack and now was holding her cleaver with its fangs.


(What's going on? I tried swinging at the crocodile standing on my right and yet before I knew it, I attacked the red one on my left? What the hell happened?!)

[[You have been affected by [Predator Challenge]!]]

[[You have been affected by {TAUNT}.]] [[While under the effect of {TAUNT}, you are only allowed to attack the being that caused that effect in first place.]]

"You have a taunt skill? Now I want you even more!"

The dark red crocodile begined pushing Mix back, in attempt to drive her into a water.

(I'm getting pushed back?! Look I said that I want you, but not in this way.)

"Min! Get him!"

Min jumped from the tree and flew straight at the creature while aiming her horn at her, the red crocodile noticed the attack and was forced to get away, making the creature to back away from Mix and stopping the creature from pushing Mix to the murky water.

(The current situation is 5 vs 5, however crocodiles have higher stats that everybody besides me and that red one have enough physical strength to push me back, even though I have higher strength that average level 22 player.)

(Is it straight up more powerful that boss type monster or something?! The remaining crocodiles that were staying behind are approaching fast, I have to stall them somehow or I will have to fight them while dealing with the red one.)

"Pawns block-"

The pawns begined attacking the dark red crocodile, ignoring Mix attempts of commanding them

(They got taunted as well?! Not good.)

"Min distract those on the back!"

While Min charged at the opponent behind the red crocodile, Mix looked at her status window to see her current condition.

(5 more seconds before TAUNT effect end, that means I can only attack it until the effects ends!)

(Min is trying to distract the remaining enemies, while the frog, paws and me are trying to chip away the leader HP. I can't attack at any vital spots at all cost or I will end up doing critical damage and this may accidently end up killing it, hitting vital spots can often end up causing instant death. But still…)

[Bloodthirsty Swamp Forest Crocodile – Level 22 – HP: 83%]

(The fight will way longer that I though.)

[[The target is currently affected by 10 stacks of bleeding effect caused by [Joseph the Butcher Hunting Clever], target will lose 0.1% of its HP every second.]]

(Oh, I completely forgot that weapon had that effect, since I normally just straight up cleaver Frog-Mans in half)

[She smiled like psycho while massacreting poor Frog-Mans who just lived their life.]

[You are no longer under the effect of {TAUNT}.]


[Bloodthirsty Swamp Forest Crocodile – Level 22 – HP: 80% -> 75%]

(What's going? My attacks are dealing way more damage as soon as taunt effect ended. Not only that but it's attacks have less power in them, I'm no longer getting pushed by its attacks. So that taunt skill it used had done something else besides inflicting taunt effect?)

[Tamed Creature: Min – HP: 45%]


"Pawns! Frog! Assist Min now!"

Pawns and water frog fallowed Mix order and instantly left to assist Min who was struggling against her opponents, leaving only Mix and the crocodile leader alone.

(…It's been some time, since I got excited. Most of the opponents here are way more stupid that bunnies in grass plains and you can easily defeat them, I could probably even defeat them even if I didn't had my bonuses stats from achievements. But you are different, you are the first proper challenges that I got, ever since I entered this place!)

Mix begined exchanging blows with the crocodile leader, dealing damage to each other with each blow exchanged.

[Player: Mix – HP: 74%]

[Bloodthirsty Swamp Forest Crocodile – Level 22 – HP: 59%]

(I have upper hand over it for now, however if it use that taunt skill again, I will be one in trouble, that skill seemed to increase his defensive and offensive abilities while active, beside applying taunt effect.)

[Bloodthirsty Swamp Forest Crocodile – Level 22 – HP: 46%]

(As soon as its HP gets low enough, I will then try taming it.)

{NOTE: The amount of HP creature is one of the factors that influences taming chances. It was written in skill description.}

[Bloodthirsty Swamp Forest Crocodile – Level 22 – HP: 38%]

(Oh? It look pissed.)

The crocodile leader took a deep breath and moment later it released a massive roar.

[[You have been affected by [Bloodthirsty Roar].]]

[[All of your stats have dropped by 5%, for 15 seconds.]]

[[Your movement speed and attack speed had been reduced by 25%, for 5 seconds.]]

"Now an debuff?! Man, you really are interesting!"

(5% drop in all stats is not the problem, but the speed reduction is indeed a pain in the ass. It's jaw is extremely big, giving it a wide range of attack, it's claws are no jokes as well and I have to watch out for the tail too)

[Player: Mix – HP: 61%]

(I can't dodge properly now and blocking in time is way harder as well, since I'm way slower.)

[Player: Mix – HP: 54%]

[Bloodthirsty Swamp Forest Crocodile – Level 22 – HP: 42%]

[[The speed reduction debuff has ended.]

(That speed debuff only lasted short time, but it was still big pain in the ass!)

Blows were continue being exchanged over and over, making both parties lose their HP over and over again.

[Player: Mix – HP: 45%]

[Bloodthirsty Swamp Forest Crocodile – Level 22 – HP: 36%]

[Grey Chess Pawn have been killed]

[Player: Mix – HP: 39%]

[Bloodthirsty Swamp Forest Crocodile – Level 22 – HP: 23%]



The square shaped pattern suddenly appeared beneath Bloodthirsty Swamp Forest Crocodile, the pattern then begined moving up wards, leaving behind white light.

[Taming has failed. Skill [Tame] will enter 1 min cooldown.]

The light surrounding the crocodile suddenly turned red and then it shattered like a glass.

"Tch. I was hoping too much to manage getting in on the first try, wasn't I?"

(Now I'm in trouble, Min don't have much HP left and it's matter of time before other pawn dies, if other crocodiles attacks me before I manage to tame it, then I will obviously die.)

(…Wait a second.)

Mix opened her status window to check something.


The crocodile leader attempted to bite the Mix with giant jaws once again, but this time Mix didn't counter attacked when situation presented itself, she instead dodged the attack and ran straight past the red crocodile.

Mix was sprinting straight at the remaining crocodiles that were fighting against Min and Mix summons.

"Mind if I join in?"

Before one of the crocodiles notice, Mix was already behind it, ready to swing her cleaver at the creature, moment later she attacked it, killing it in the process.

[You have slain: Swamp Forest Crocodile – Level 22. Received EXP will be shared. You received 128 EXP.]

(They are already suffered quiet amount of damage from fighting against Min and others, all I have to do is now finish them off while they are still busy.)

Mix begined chasing and attacking each crocodiles, one by one, killing them and making their numbers dwindle at rapid rate.

[You have slain: Swamp Forest Crocodile – Level 19. Received EXP will be shared. You received 98 EXP.]

[You have slain: Swamp Forest Crocodile – Level 21. Received EXP will be shared. You received 118 EXP.]

[You have slain: Swamp Forest Crocodile – Level 20. Received EXP will be shared. You received 108EXP.]

(Tch. It's faster that I though. I have to kill the last one now!) – Though Mix while noticing the crocodile leader approaching at rapid speed to her location.

"Pawn! Block their leader!"

As pawn begined charging straight the red crocodile, Mix was charging straight at the last crocodile that is currently fighting Min.

The crocodile opened it's mouth in order to crush the pawn with it fangs, while Mix prepared to strike the last crocodile down.

[Grey Chess Pawn have been killed]

[You have slain: Swamp Forest Crocodile – Level 22. Received EXP will be shared. You received 128 EXP.]

"Heh. I won."

The only player currently in the swamp forest is Mix alone, meaning the area is filled with monsters nonstop since there are no people hunting them beside a single person(Mix). While she was searching for the Swamp Forest Crocodiles, she ended up encountering group of Frog-Mans multiple times, before she finally manage to find her target.

Why is this being mentioned now? It's because of the EXP that she received from killing the Frog-Mans. It's true that she need way more EXP now and the little groups of Frog-Mans would not give her enough EXP to level up, but what if she combine the massive amount EXP she received from hunting crocodiles she just killed?

[LEVEL UP. You became level 23!]

[Tamed creature: Min, had LEVELD UP. Min became level 20!]

{Note: The succession chance of taming changes depending on the user level. It was written in skill description.}

(Good thing that I checked my status before head, to confirm how much EXP I was missing to level up.)

"Now let's try again!"


Once again square pattern appeared beneath the crocodile.

[Taming has failed. Skill [Tame] will enter 1 min cooldown.]

"Water frog."

Lesser water frog begined shooting the projectile made out of the water, straight at the red crocodile, dealing a little damage bit by bit.

[Bloodthirsty Swamp Forest Crocodile – Level 22 – HP: 22%]

(It does very little damage, but that is exactly what I want. With each of my attacks I had to be extremely careful not to deal any critical damage to you since my attack power was quiet high, however this doesn't apply to the water frog who deals way less damage that me!)

[Bloodthirsty Swamp Forest Crocodile – Level 22 – HP: 21%]

[Bloodthirsty Swamp Forest Crocodile – Level 22 – HP: 20%]

[Bloodthirsty Swamp Forest Crocodile – Level 22 – HP: 19%]

While Mix was distracting the red crocodile while not attacking herself, the frog was firing it's attack non stop at the creature, chipping away its lasts bits of health.

[Bloodthirsty Swamp Forest Crocodile – Level 22 – HP: 15%]

[Bloodthirsty Swamp Forest Crocodile – Level 22 – HP: 10%]

(Cooldown ended.)


An square pattern appeared third time beneath the crocodile and once again it began moving up wards, movement later a cage of lights completely surrounded the creature. As soon as cage fully appeared, it then begined shinning.

"Common, let's be friends." – said Mix while smiling creepily.

The cage of light turned into a ball and then flew straight to the [Tamer Book].

[You had successfully tamed creature: Bloodthirsty Swamp Forest Crocodile.]

[You have earn Achievement(s)]

[The one who tames rare species - Tier 1 (1 Place).]

[Rarity Rank: Legendary]

[You have successfully manage to tame a rare species of monster, a monsters that are not often seen by many. You are now seen are talented tamer.]

[You are the first person to ever earn this achievement. Additional rewards shall be distributed. The rank of this achievement will be increased (Epic -> Legendary).]


-Your fame will be increased though the world by a bit.

-You have received +3 Stat points in all of your basic stats.

-Receive +12 points to the [ Taming Mastery ] stat.

[Additional Reward]

-You had received additional worldwide fame.

-You have received additional bonus +8 to all of your basic stats.

-Receive additional +20 points to the [ Taming Mastery ] stat.

"So I'm first to ever manage to tame rare creature huh? And legendary rank achievement on top of that, hard work pays off."

"Welcome to the team, you bastard." – said Mix with satisfied smile on her face.