Chapter 11 – Progress And Problems.

Chapter 11 – Progress And Problems.

"[Tamer Book]."

A book like object appeared in Mix hand

[ Ollie ]

[ Race: Bloodthirsty Swamp Forest Crocodile ]

[ Gender: Female ]

[ Level: 22 ]

[ Taming Mastery Cost: 42 ]

(Her stats are very good for level 22 and she have 2 skills as well. Her defense as well as HP are quiet high and her skills are the things, I needed the most right now.)

"?" – Mix received notification from the system while looking at the Ollie stats.

[[Min had reached level 20. Evolve conditions have been meet.]]

[[There is only single evolution path available. The evolution path shall be chosen automatically.]]

[Do you wish to begin evolution process?]

(Min is finally able to evolve again after reaching level 20. Good timing.)

[[Evolution process shall begin.]]

The same pheromone of light appearing from Min bodies and then creating cocoon, began once again.

[[Tamed creature: Min. Race change: Horned Rabbit -> Killer Rabbit.]]

[ Min ]

[ Race: Killer Rabbit ]

[ Gender: Female ]

[ Level: 20 ]

[Taming Mastery Cost: 32]

The appearance the Min change once again. Her body grown in size once again and her horn is now bigger and longer. The color of Min eyes change to the bright red as well.

(Her stats increased thanks to evolving and she even got new skill [Agility Strike]. Let's see… it increases movement speed for few seconds and deals damage equal to the user [ Agility ] stat, this new skill seems pretty useful for her.)

"With addition of the Ollie and Min evolution, our party power grows!"

"However I now see as well the main problem with [Tamer] class."

The amount of points from [Taming Mastery] required to summoned either Min or Ollie is massive.

When I was level 1 I begined with 6 points in [Taming Master], with each level it increase by 1. Ignoring all bonuses from achievement, title and free points, my [Taming Mastery] would be 29 right now, literally not enough.

[ Taming Master: 106 ]

I currently have 106 points from [ Taming Mastery ], meaning I have currently enough points to summon both Min and Ollie (72 points needed to summon both). However I have now pay close attention to the [ Tamin Master], after Min hit level 10 the amount of points needed to summon her increased by 1, every time she level up. Ollie cost will probably increase as well, whenever she level up, meaning I will have to invest my free points often into taming mastery in near future.

If I'm planning to tame another creature in the future, I will have to invest huge amount of points into [ Taming Master ], probably each class that were offered had their own weakness as well or stuff like that.

[Manifestor] is not the class without the flaws either, I only have a single summoning skill from it right now that allows me to summon 2 pawns and that is all I can do right with that class. Honestly speaking those pawns can be easily killed if enemy just focus, I normally set ambushes with them to give them advantage. They can somewhat take care of single Frog-Mans if they are fighting 1 vs 1, however they don't stance a chance against crocodile even if they go together, they only manage to beat crocodile back there because of surprise attack and because they already got damage from AOE attacks before it fought pawns.

Honestly speaking [Manifestor] is a trash class right now. That little girl said something similar, about this class not being able to use its full potential until evolves or something. Does that mean all I have to do is wait until class evolves?

I tried to develop my close range and long range fighting style, to make up for the lack of offensive and defensive skills. Welp, the best way to learn how to fight is just to fight the monsters and learn while doing that.

I did tons trails and errors each time I fought against the monsters, but thanks to that I somehow manage to get better in close range combat, the real battle experience was indeed best approach, even when I almost died multiple times doing that.

However same can't be said about my long range fighting style. So far, I only manage to hit an unmoving targets or targets that were charging straight at me in single line, but I have extremely trouble when it comes to the moving targets, targets that moves left and right.

Truth to be told this is very bad place to improve your long range fighting style. There is way too many trees that hinder both vision and movement, I can't aim properly often because of that or can't get timing right when shooting. Frog-Mans like said before are stupid, they charge straight at you and they are way too easy to target, they can't dodge in time or anything, even a newbie like me who only recently picked up crossbow can easily shot them. Swamp Forest Crocodile are not good either, they use murky water to hide themself and you can only spot them appearing from underwater only when they are about to strike.

Honestly speaking, I would prefer focus my fighting style on range, for multiplied reason. One of the reason is: if I die during combat is game over, it doesn't matter if all of my summons or my tamed creatures are still alive, the moment I die is straight up game over, there is chance that my opponent will ignore all my summons and tamed creature and will went straight at me.

Fighting from afar is a best option for me, but there are 2 mayor problems right as of right now.

1. As mentioned before I still don't have experience when it comes to the crossbow and I can only hit not moving target or targets that just straight up charges at me in straight line. I need to learn how to properly use it and stuff like that.

2. My weapon. I need to get better crossbow and crossbow bolts in near future. The items I received from the quest and from Frog-Mans are extremely good, should I be aiming for quest or monsters that can give me good crossbow or something? That will probably take some time so it's better to look for any alternative methods to getting good item in meantime.

"And when I finally though that things will get bit simpler now ever since I tamed Ollie and evolved Min. Things just had to get complicated."

"…*Sigh*…No use complaining once again. Right, I want to check something after I tamed Ollie."

The Bloodthirsty Swamp Forest Crocodile that I managed to tame was named Ollie, she is a rare variant of Swamp Forest Crocodile. To compare her to the regular version I tamed normal one and compared their stats and skills.

The results were that: Bloodthirsty Swamp Forest Crocodile have 10 more points in all states and bigger amount of HP over the normal one, it also possess a skills unlike the regular one. I released the normal crocodile I capture back to the wild after I was done with it.

"Now that I think about it, I didn't find any rare variant of the Angry Rabbit or heard that somebody did and I when I was in the west forest, I didn't manage to see rare variant of Horned Rabbit either, even though I checked entire forest while looking for Frog-Mans."

"F*king me, even more questions. Let's just not dwell over it for now, I will just check it on internet later on or something, there is chance that other players have already encountered rare species as well, maybe players from different towns manage to encounter some."

Mix ignored the current questions filling her head and resumed her monster hunting.

Sometime later.

[[Savage Swamp Forest Crocodile – Level 23 – Boss Monster]]

(So that is the Boss here huh? It's at least 3 time bigger compare to the regular Swamp Forest Crocodile and its entire body is covered in scars, besides that I don't see anything else different, is it just bigger version of the normal one?)

Mix begined looking at the area around the boss monster.

(There is multiple giant tree roots that are above the water, I think they are meant to be platforms that players can use, to avoid going into a water while fighting against it. I don't see any other crocodiles right now, but there is chance they are hiding underwater.)

(This is second boss monster that I ever encounter, but something is different.

[[Bhu'n Frog-Ma Mage Mu'nu – Level 14 – UNIQUE Boss Monster.]]

[[Savage Swamp Forest Crocodile – Level 23 – Boss Monster]]

(That Frog-Man had Unique written next to the Boss monster, but this monster doesn't have it. does it have a meaning or something? Are they different? Well the obvious difference is that it doesn't have a name like that Frog-Man.)

(Oh well, I will probably find out something after I kill it.)

(First let's check if it's really alone.)

"Ollie, dive under water and don't engage in combat with the big guy, just circle around that guy and attack any other enemy you find. If you don't manage to find any use [Predator Challenge] on that big guy as a signal."

As Ollie enters the water, Mix jumped from the tree onto a giant crocodile back and begined slashing it over and over with her cleaver.

[Joseph the Butcher Hunting Clever, had applied bleeding effect. ]

[Joseph the Butcher Hunting Clever, had applied bleeding effect. ]

[Joseph the Butcher Hunting Clever, had applied bleeding effect. ]

"Tch. My attack barely did any damage."

The giant creature tried shaking off the human on its back by submerging itself into a murky water. Mix in response jumped off the creature back onto giant tree root platform.

(Getting dragged into a water will probably end up with me dying, got to avoid it from happening at all cost.)

(Even though this bastard is underwater I can still see him, well he is quiet big so no surprise that I can see his silhouette though this murky water.)

The creature begin swimming straight at the Mix location.

(It's coming.)

The giant creature launched itself from the water, straight at the platform where Mix was located, but unfortunately for it, Mix wasn't on that platform anymore. The creature attack missed and it then dived back into a water.

(Yeb. That would definity kill me. Good thing I change to the different platform when I noticed it approaching me.)

The giant crocodile reemerged from murky water, it then turned it gaze once again on Mix.

(As long as I don't panic, I can easily dodge the attack, but the question is, does it have any different method of attacks like that frog?)

[Ollie had used skill: [Predator Challenge].]

The giant crocodile suddenly turned it head towards the right and noticed Ollie chagrining straight at it.

(So there are no other enemies huh? Well then.)

[Summon: Grey Chess Pawn] X2

[Summon: Lesser Water Frog]

"Let's fight for real now."

After one very long boring and non climicting fight later.

[You have slain: Savage Swamp Forest Crocodile – Level 23 – Boss Monster(SPECIAL)]

Well that took quiet long time to kill that bastard, even when all of us were attacking him nonstop. Bastard didn't had any skills or any long range attack, but instead he had very high stats and he was tanky like hell.

Honestly all you had to do was to jump at him to attack and then jump between platforms to dodge his attacks. Well when his HP dropped to the 50% and 25%, he would then do that dive and jump attack nonstop at rapid rate for short time, but after that he would exhaust himself and would end up becoming easy target for few seconds.

Attack and dodge then repeat over and over. Nothing else really happened, well it's not like it was easy in the first place, because probably each one of its attacks were instant death for me.

"But doing something over and over again though the entire fight was very boring and not very enjoyable, would it hurt to give it more attack patterns on something?"

[You had solo killed boss type monster. Addition rewards and EXP will be provided. The chance of Receiving multiple rewards and rewards of higher rarity increased.]

[You had leveled up.]

[You had leveled up.]

[You will recover a little bit of your HP, SP, MP and your other energies, thanks to leveling up.]

[You are first person to ever manage to slay this boss monster! You will receive additional EXP, reward and achievement!]

[You have earn Achievement]

[Savage Swamp Forest Crocodile( 1 place)]

[Rarity Rank: Epic]

[You have manage to slain Savage Swamp Forest Crocodile, an boss type monster.]

[You are the 1th ever person to manage to hunt boss monster: Savage Swamp Forest Crocodile.]

[Rank of the achievement increased (Common -> Epic)


-You received +4 free stats points

[Additional Reward]

-You received additional +6 free stats points.

[[NOTICE: Savage Swamp Forest Crocodile will respawn after some time.]]

"So that is the deal."

Monsters spawns in specific territory after specific amount of times passes. Before I went to the swamp forest, I returned back to the spot where I fought Frog-Mans in the west forest. When I got there, there was no Frog-Mans nor the camps they made before, everything was gone and I even asked some people that were farming there at the moment for info, they replied that they never encounter Frog-Mans there.

I think I get the difference between the Unique and normal boss. When I killed this guy, a messenger said something about it respawning after sometime, meaning that guy will come back unlike the Frog-Man Mage who is gone forever and will never respawn.

The rewards are that I receive from crocodile are good but not as good as the rewards I received from Frog-Man. I got boots, some materials and money. I don't know about materials but boots are quiet good, I will swap them with my current ones.

[You had reached level 25]

[You received new skill: [Summon: Grey Chess Rock ].]

[You received new skill: [Taming Art: First Aid]. ]

[Skill level of: [Summon: Grey Chess Pawn] had increased from level 3 to level 4.]

[Skill level of: [Tamer Command: Attack] had increased from level 2 to level 3.]

[Skill level of: [The Way Of The Tamer-Beginner] had increased from level 1 to level 2.]

[Skill level of: [The Way Of The Manifestor-Beginner] had increased from level 1 to level 2.]

[You learned new skill: [Sword Mastery – Rank F].

"Wow that is a lot."

"…Well, currently you won't be a much of help. Get stronger first and then return to me. Get at least to the level 25 before coming back." – Mix rember the world of half-elf mayor.

"So that is a reasons why that bastard meant by having at least level 25. Probably each player will get similar spike in power once they get to the level 25 as well."

"Should I return back to that guy and receive a quest from him now? No, it's better to do that later."

Considering how huge this place is, there is chance there are more than one boss monster here! And being the first who kill them will give me a bonus as well.

"So let's just massacred everything in this forest until there is nothing else to kill."