Chapter 11 EXTRA.

[ Mix ]

[ Race: Human ]

[ Gender: Female ]

[ Level: 25 ]

[ Classes: [Tamer], [Manifestor]. ]

[ HP: 870/870 ] [ MP: 810/810 ] [ SP: 660/660 ]

[ Main Stats ]

[ Physical Defense: 61(+18) ] [ Magic Defense: 61(+31) ] [ Strength:64(+23) ] [Agility:51(+1) ] [ Intelligent: 51(+14) ] [ Health: 80(+7) ] [ Magic: 67(+14) ] [ Constitution: 65(+1) ]

{{+11 to all basic stats thanks to achievements}}

[ Bonus stats ]

[ Taming Mastery: 104 ] – [ Remanning Points: 22/104 ] {[Taming Mastery] received 32 from legendary achievement.}

[Free stat points: 19{ 9 from leveling up and 10 from achievement.} [{19 points were put into [Taming Mastery].}

[ Title(s): [The One Who Dealt With The Frog Problem(Special). ]

[ Skills:

[ [Tamer] Skills: [Tame] [Tamer Book] [Tamer Command: Attack](LVL3) [Taming Art: First Aid](LVL1) [The Way Of The Tamer-Beginner](LVL2) ]

[ [Manifestor] Skill: [Summon: Grey Chess Pawn](LVL5) [Summon: Grey Chess Rock](LVL1) [The Way Of The Manifestor-Beginner](LVL2). ]

[ Other skills: [Crossbow Mastery – Rank F](LVL1) [Summon Lesser Water Frog](LVL1) [Sword Mastery – Rank F]. ]

[Title(s): [The One Who Dealt With The Frog Problem(Special). ]

[Taming Art: First Aid]

[Skill level: 1]

[Skill type: Active]

[Activation Cost: 5% of your max MP]

[Cooldown: 5 minute.]

[This skill possess 3 charges that have each their own cooldown.]

[Using this skill will heal an chosen tamed creature under you, within the range of 25 meters. The target need to be in line of sight for the skill to be used.]

[This skill will heal target for: 5% of your max MP + X%(Current skill level multiplied by 10)(X=10 ). ]

[Summon: Grey Chess Rock

[Skill level: 1]

[Skill type: Active]

[Activation Cost: 100 MP]

[Cooldown: Each Grey Chess Rock has their own cooldown.]

[Summon Grey Chess Rock to fight by your side. The creature specializes in long range combat and possess an gun arm, that can shoot projectiles from afar.]

[This skill possess charges. Each charge have their own cooldown and the number you can have depends on how many Grey Chess Rocks you can summons at the same time.]

[Grey Chess Rock stats depends on two factors: Skill level and the user current level]

[Each Grey Chess Rock has their own cooldown. 15 minutes cooldown if the creature is de-summoned. 30 minute cooldown if the creature is slain.]

[The number of the Grey Chess Rocks that can be summoned at the same time depends on the skill level. Current Max number: 1]

[This skill is categorized as: Summing type skill. ]

[Sword Mastery – Rank F].

[Skill level: 1] – [Progress Rate: 00%]

[Skill type: Passive]

[After long time of using the sword, you are to some extend able to grasp the sword true potential, but you are still beginner when it comes to it for now. You are now consider beginner while dealing with sword.]

[When you are using the sword: Increase sword attack, attack speed and slashing by X% (X= this skill current level multiplied by 0,5).] [Skill level 1 x 0,5 = Current bonus: 0,5%]

[This skill will grow stronger as you understand and use sword type weapon more.]

[ Ollie ]

[ Race: Bloodthirsty Swamp Forest Crocodile ]

[ Gender: Female ]

[ Level: 23 ]

[ HP: 990/990 ] [ MP: 290/290] [ SP: 360/360 ]

[ Main attributes]

[ Physical Defense: 40 ] [Magic Defense: 40 ] [ Strength: 45 ] [Agility: 30 ] [ Intelligent: 28 ] [ Health: 99 ] [ Magic: 28 ] [ Constitution: 36 ]

[Free Stat Points: 1(1 point was invested into [Strength]

[ Skills: [Predator Challenge](LVL1) [Bloodthirsty Roar](LVL1). ]

[ Taming Mastery Cost: 43 ]

[Predator Challenge]

[Skill level: 1]

[Skill type: Active]

[Activation Cost: 100 MP]

[Cooldown: 10 minute.]

[When this skill is activated, all enemies and hostile beings will be affected by TAUNT effect, all enemies affected by this skill can only take caster as their main target.]

[When the skill is active user [ Strength ], [ Physical Defense ] and [Magic Defense ] will increase by 50%]

[The skill buff and debuff effects lasts for 10 seconds and +X seconds(X= skill current levels times 2)(X= 2 seconds)(Current time: 12 seconds).]

[This skill will affect all units within range of 4 meters and +Y meters(Y= skill current levels times 1.1)(Y= 1.1 bonus meters)(Current range:5.1 meters.]

[If the skill don't manage to land on single foe

[Bloodthirsty Roar]

[Skill level: 1]

[Skill type: Active]

[Activation Cost: 200 MP]

[Cooldown: 30 minute.]

[Gather your inner bloodthirst and release it with mighty roar, after charging for 1.5 second. When roar is released all enemies and hostile units within the skill range will be affected by 2 separate debuffs.]

[The first debuff will reduce all stats by 5% for 10 seconds + X seconds( X= current skill level multiplied by 5)(X=5) (Debuff time: 15 seconds)

[Second debuff will apply a movement speed reduction and attack speed reduction for 25%, for 4 seconds + Y seconds(Y= skill current level)(Y=1)(Debuff time: 5 seconds)]

[This skill will affect every enemy and hostile being within range of 10 meters + Z meters(Z= current skill level)(Z=1)(Current skill range: 11 meters.)

[[Tamed creature: Min. Race change: Horned Rabbit -> Killer Rabbit.]]

[ Min ]

[ Race: Killer Rabbit ]

[ Gender: Female ]

[ Level: 21 ]

[ HP: 540/540 ] [ MP: 290/290 ] [ SP: 430/430 ]

[ Main stats ]

[ Physical Defense: 33 ] [ Magic Defense: 33 ] [ Strength: 33 ] [ Agility: 33 ] [ Intelligent: 27 ] [ Health: 54 ] [ Magic: 29 ] [Constitution: 43 ]

[ Free stat points: 26(4 stats points were put into all stats expect the [Intelligent] and [Magic], only 1 points were put in both of this instead (10 points from evolution bonus)] (Free state points from level 6-21 {16points} )

[Skills: [Headbutt Attack](Level 4) [Agility Strike](LVL1).]

[Taming Mastery Cost: 31]

[Agility Strike]

[Skill level: 1]

[Skill type: Active]

[Activation Cost: 50 MP]

[Cooldown: 3 minutes.]

[Increase your movement speed for 10% + X%(X= current skill level multiplied by 0.5)(X=0.5)(Movement speed bonus: 10.5%)]

[The buff lasts for 2 seconds or when user inflict basic attack that inflict physical damage. In case of dealing damage, this skill will deal Y amount of psychical damage to the target, will only apply damage to the single target.]

[This skill will deal damage equal to your current [ Agility ] stat] [Current damage: 31]

([Headbutt Attack] enchant basic attack, meaning you can combo it with [Agility Strike].)

[Stats change]

[Item [Horned Rabbit Reinforced Bots] have been unequipped.]


-Item effect: +2 to [ Physical Defense ], +2 to [ Magic Defense ], +1% to movement speed, have been removed.

-Effect of [Reinforced Horned Rabbit Armor Set] have been deactivated. +4 to [ Physical Defense ], +4 to [ Magic Defense ], +5% to movement speed effects have been removed.

[Savage Swamp Crocodile Boots]

[Item type: Equipment.]

[Equipment type: Boots.]

[Rarity: Rare]

[Effect when worn:

-Grants +6 [Strength] points.

-Grants +3 [ Physical Defense ] points and [ Magic Defense ] points.

[Item Restriction(s):

-User need to be at least level 20.

[Durability: 275/275]

[Weight: 55]

[Boots made using materials using Savage Swamp Forest Crocodile.]

[This item possess set effect: [Savage Swamp Forest Crocodile Armor].]

[Set effect: 2/4/6]