Chapter 12 – Dispatched.

I've been hunting in swamp forest for few hours and here are some results.

So far, I manage to find 4 territories, each ruled by different boss monster.

The first territory is Swamp Forest Crocodile territory and it's ruled by the Savage Swamp Forest Crocodile that I killed. The only monster inhabiting that place were Swamp Forest Crocodile, they don't possess any skills but they instead had very big stat total.

The second boss was the Frog-Man warrior boss, the third boss was Frog-Man summoner and the third boss was the Frog-Man tamer. Honestly speaking, they were extremely weak and it didn't take long to finish the fight.

What did I get from each of those bosses? Boots…. I mean that every single one of them dropped boots. I mean why? None of those bosses wore any boots in the first place or anything, so why I was keep getting boots from them?!

[Frog-Mans don't wear boots.]

"It took some time but it was worth it. I got achievement for each killed boss and bonus for first time kill as well. I ended up getting 30 points from achievements."

[You have earn Achievement(s)]

[One of who slain the monster boss! - Tier 2 (7 place)]

[Rarity Rank: Rare]

[You have successfully manage to hunt down and kill 5 different boss type monsters.]

[You are the 7th person to ever earn this achievement. Additional rewards shall be distributed.]


-Your fame will be increased though the world by a bit.

-You have received +6 free stat points.

[Additional Reward]

-You had received additional worldwide fame.

-You have received additional + 3 free stat points.

[One of who slays boss monsters alone! - Tier 2 (2 place)]

[Rarity Rank: Rare]

[You have slain all 5 different boss type monster by yourself without of the help of any player.]

[You are the 3th person to ever earn this achievement. Additional rewards shall be distributed. The rank of the achievement increased (Common -> Rare).]


-Your fame will be increased though the world by a bit.

-You have received +8 free stat points

[Additional Reward]

-You had received additional worldwide fame.

-You have received additional + 5 free stat points.

(I already have the achievements with the same as this ones, however they have tier 1 written on them instead of tier 2. I think I get the gimmick here, "Do the same stuff over and over again and you will be rewarded." I have some other achievements with "Tier" in their name as well, meaning that gimmick applies to them as well.)

(Anyway, I got the 7th and 2th place once again. There are people who got those achievement before me again, I really want to know who are those people.)

([One who finished basic training], it didn't tell me my place when it comes acquiring it, it didn't said that I was the 12, 27 or more. Other achievements said that I receive bonus since I was the 1th, 2th, or 7th place, there is probably limit how many people can get bonus. I can't confirm right now if having higher place means you getting better rewards or not right now either.)

(Either way, I really want to know and see the faces of those people who beat me again in achievement race.)

"Well then. I already killed everything I got my hands on and my map of this place is filled up, meaning I already went everywhere, my business with this place is completely over. There is literally nothing else to do here so let's return to the town."

[Mix] – [Level 28]

[Min] – [Level 26]

[Ollie] –[Level 27]

(Even though the amount of EXP I receive got signific reduces because I now share it with Ollie, but thanks to the "Solo Boss Kill" I receive additional EXP. By the look of things this bonus refers to "Not being in party with other player", that is the only explanation I can come up with, since I still receive the bonus even when I'm hunting with Ollie and Min.) – though Mix while walking down the road.

(In the end there was nothing else interesting to tame besides Ollie. Only she was worth taming in the end. It would be useful if I manage to find some sort of support type that can heal or something since good potions aren't cheap.)

As Mix was walking down the road, she noticed group of players coming towards and moment later both she and the group passed each other. She then saw another few other players from distance walking on the road.

(People are already coming to the swamp forest? I thought it would take much longer for other players to catch up to me.) – though Mix while looking at the passing players.

After sometime, Mix manage to arrive back to the Green Town and then returned back to the manor

"Took you long enough. What's is your current level?"


"Level 28 huh? That will do."

[[QUEST: Unknown incident.]]

[[Recently there were mysterious cases of fire breaking out near Green Town. So far nobody was killed, however the charcoaled bodies of monsters could be found everywhere, on top of that a demonic energy could be senses coming from those unknown flames. There is high chance that the culprit is a demon or demonic user, but so far, the guards who were dispatched to investigate the original of the case have yet to uncover the source of that unknown fire. ]]

[[It's currently impossible to send any more additional guard to support the investigation, so the mayor would like you to help the guards who are currently investigating the mystery. ]]

[[If you accept the quest, you will be provided with the map of the investigated area and areas around it.]]

[[Completion condition: Discover the truth or find the clue regarding mystery.]]

[[Fail condition: ???]]

[[The Reward and Failure, will depends on the mission outcome. The contribution you made to the quest will affect the rewards and failure punishment as well.]]

[[Quest Restriction: Only person with level 25 or above can participant.]]

[[Difficulty Rank: Unknown.]

[[Do you wish to accept the quest?]]

(This is way different compare to the previous quest I received before. This time objective is really unknow. Better ask some questions before accepting it.)

"Excuse me, but how long ago did the first incident with that demonic fire happened?"

"About 3 days ago. Like said before, the guard send there have yet to find any leads to the cause of all this. So do you accept it or not?" – said half-elf with impatience voice.


[[You had accepted the quest: Unknown incident.]]

(The two quests I did beforehand had given me very good rewards and this quest seem very important, meaning if I complete it, I may receive a very good rewards. It's worth a risk.)

"Also take this letter, give to the person called Adren when you get there."

I left the manor shortly after receiving the letter.

Before heading towards quest location, I decided to head visit the blacksmith.

"You want custom made equipment?" – asked the old man.

"Yea. I'm currently level 28. Is it possible to made one at the moment?"

(Honestly speaking the best gear offered in this shop is only slightly better that my current gear. I asked the mayor how I can my hands on better equipment and said to ask the blacksmith shop owner about custom made equipment and weapons.)

"I can make some. Do you materials? If not then you will have to cover for material cost and that will cost a lot."

"Don't worry I have quiet amount of it. Will those do?"

(I got tons of materials from swamp forest.)

"[Savage Swamp Forest Crocodile Fangs, Claws, Leather] and other good stuff. Yea, I will be able to make something nice out of them. So, what type of equipment would you like."

Mix and old man begined discussing the matter of equipment.

"Okay, but it will take some time since I'm running a shop at the same time. Come back later to check the progress of your order."

"Oh, can I ask one more thing?"


"Do you by any chance can teach me blacksmith and other similar skills?"

(The digital fairy said something about Occupation Class. A classes that anybody can have and there is no limit how many you have. Unlike the 2 classes you pick on the beginning, those classes are not combat focused, but instead production, collecting, farm, crafting and other type of jobs.)

(I want to aquiver blacksmith type of class so I can make items myself, it will be extremely useful to acquire crafting type Occupation Class and maybe I will be able to sell some item that I made for some extra cash.)

"Heh. Okay then. I will teach you blacksmith skills. You are the loyal costumer and even dealt with those annoying Frog-Mans in west forest." – replied old man.

"Thank you. By the way, is it possible to do it later? I have currently a urgent request from town mayor, so I can't do it right now."

"No problem."

After that I sold all the weapons and armor I got from Frog-Man and bought the new equipment such as new armor and new crossbow. I also bought other items like potions and rations from other stops, before heading towards the quest area.

"So this is the place that mayor told me to go to."

Mix was standing in front out outpost gate located in grass plain, a different one from where Angry Rabbits live.

"Hold! Who are you?" – said the guard on top of the tower.

"I'm wonderer Mix. Town mayor send me to help you a bit and he gave me this letter. I'm supposed to give it to person named Adren!" – replied Mix while speaking very loudly, so the guard could hear her.

Moment later the outpost wooden gate opened and 3 people came out from the it.

"I'm Adren, I heard that you are looking for me. What the heck do you want? I'm busy right now."

[Guard Capitan Adren]

(His ears are similar to the mayor, but they are way longer and pointier. I guess he is an elf.) –"Yes, here is a letter written by the mayor."

Mix handed over the letter to the armored elf in front of her.

"I see. You there, show her around and explain the situation. I'm going back to my post."

(I don't think he likes me. If anything I think he dislikes me for some reason. He is not even trying to hide his feelings.)

"Please forgive him, he is very annoyed because we couldn't make any progress so far."

"No problem, I heard the gist of situation and I would pretty annoyed too if I were in his shoes."

(But honestly speaking I think he just don't like me for some reason.)

Mix begined exploring the outpost with the guard leading the way.

There are about 25 people that got dispatched here, including the capitan. The area of the investigation is forest and grass plains, where monsters between level 25-30 appears.

So far guards manage to find 18 charcoaled corpses of monsters, each in different spot. The hunting spot doesn't have any monsters that have possess fire based attack or skills, meaning there is no chance that they did that. The fire left on charcoaled bodies was filled with demonic energy, meaning somebody who is able to use demonic energy like demon or demonic energy user is suspected culprit.

The charcoaled bodies appeared at random times, some times during night, sometimes during day, but they always appeared when guards are not around.

"…Yeb, that will be a big pain in the ass."

The culprit either has some high stealth type skill or he is able to monitor guards movement, so it can easily avoid them.

When you think about demons, you normally think they are related to something like sacrificing or rituals and stuff like that, I even asked the guards about the demons and he replied that indeed demons do that kind of things. Maybe there is some sort of pattern that need to be discovered or something?

Mayor probably wanted to use me to cover more ground, but if I want to get better rewards it's better for me to contribute a lot to this case. But how in bloody hell do it in the first place?!

"Well, the guard said that I can hunt monsters here like normal. Maybe something will come up after I kill specific number of monster? Either way, this will be probably annoying"