Chapter 13 – Investigation.

[LEVEL UP. You became level 30!]

[Your tamed creature: Min had LEVEL UP. Min became level 28!]

[Your tamed creature: Ollie had LEVEL UP. Ollie became level 29!]

[Some of your skills level had increased.]

[Your proficiency of the skill [Summon: Lesser Water Frog] had reached 100%! Skill level increased from level 1 to level 2.]

[Your proficiency of the skill [Crossbow Mastery – Rank F]had reached 100%! Skill level increased from level 1 to level 2.]

"Well I manage to get to the level 30, but I still didn't manage to find a good dame clue. So killing the monsters at random wasn't the answer."

(I didn't manage to find a single lead or anything from the monsters either. There was no boss monster here as well, but I at least manage to level up.)

Slaughtering monsters nonstop, to see if culprit would react – FAILURE.

Trying to find any leads or something specials, just anything that will help me find the culprit from hunting monsters, item drop from monsters – FAILURE.

A sound of bell ringing could be heard from afar.

(They found another body huh? They give me a bell and told me ring it the moment I found the charcoaled bodies of monsters. This is second corpse that appeared after I got here, making the total of charcoaled bodies 20.)

(I marked each spot on the map where bodies were found and tried connecting each spot with line, I tried making different shapes like circles, squares and others shapes and then tried putting those shapes at top of the each marked spot, but none of them fit. It would be useful if I had any data or information about how demonic circles, rituals and stuff like that looked, I tried asking the guards as well, but they too never seen one saw demonic being in person and know as much as I do.)

"Ahhh…. This will be way bigger pain in the ass that I originally though."

This is second day and still no progress. On top of that there is now a problem, players are catching up to me in leveling and the bosses were finally discovered by players.

The information about bosses was posted on game forums, to make things worse the bonuses for early kills were discovered as well

(I already tried multiple methods and tried to gather information from guards and town folk, I even asked mayor some info but he too couldn't help. Nothing is fitting into a proper picture or anything. Am I supposed to fail this quest in first place or something?)

"…Better return back to the outpost and hear where they found the corpse."

Mix called all of her tamed creature back to the book and returned back to the outpost.

"So, how it went Mix?" – asked the one of the guards as soon Mix returned.

"Didn't work, killing monsters nonstop to make culprit show them self wasn't good approached by the look of things."

The guy next to me is called Alrd and he is half-elf that is part of town guard. He is the same person that showed around the post as well. He is a nice person and very friendly, even though we only meet recently, we quickly get to known each other well.

"Heard the bells, so where was it found this time?"

"South-East from here, capitan found it."

(We still don't know what is the end goal of the culprit and what is the real deal with the charcoaled bodies.)

(Good dammed! We have so many people here and yet still no progress. It wouldn't surprise me at this point if there is mastermind among us and we are just going in circles like idiots!)

"…" – Mix suddenly realized something.

(….Wait, among us? I never checked the guards or anything. Don't f*king tell me that I've been running and looking everywhere like an idiot for nothing. Now that think about it, wasn't the guard capitan as well as his left and right hand man that found most corpse in first place?)

"Hey Alrd, can I ask you a favor."


"This may sound suspicious and weird, but could you ask some of the guard that you completely trust and monitor guard capitan and his left and right hand man movements?"


Mix made a hand gesture, telling Alrd to get closer.

"They is a chance that there is a traitor among us and I suspect the capitan and his man to be culprits." – Mix whispered to the Alrd ear.

"Are you sure about that? This is heavy accusation. Do you have any evidence?" – Alrd whispered back.

"No, that's why I'm asking you for your cooperation, we need monitor him and his men and see if they are indeed traitors."

"I know that he is your capitan and everything and I, the total stranger am asking to doubt him and all. But if there really is a traitor among the guards, we won't get anywhere if won't do something and you probably already realized that."

"…Alright, if anything the capitan has been acting suspicious lately, before the incident even started. For some reason he don't want anybody to patrol around his area and he was the one who found most corpse. I know few guards who I can trust with my life, but it's better to inform the mayor as well about the possibility with capitan being traitor. Go right now to the mayor, I will cover for you if anybody asks where you went."

(So the guard noticed capitan acting suspicious as well and he was already acting weird before I got here. Well if you really look at it: Extremely hostile for no real reason, very arrogant attitude towards me and guards besides his left and right hand mans and I just found out he was acting suspicious before everything happened, I won't be surprised if he really is a bad guy.)

I headed back to the town and spoke to the mayor about the current matter.

"God dammed, here as well?"


(That is not the reaction I was expecting? If anything he seem like he expected that?)

The half-elf stayed silence for few second before snaping his finger 3 times in row. Moments later a group of 6 maids suddenly entered the room.

"Did you called us master?" – said one of the maids that suddenly appeared.

"Go spy on Adren and his left and right hand man."

"As you wish."

The maid instantly disappeared into a thin air, as soon as their replied to the town mayor.

"…Are they bodyguard, assassin, spy maids?" – asked Mix.


"Can I borrow one?"

"No, why ask?"

"They looked cool and badass."

"Damme right."

"…" – Both of them stared at each other in silence.

"So, did you knew that would happened?"

"About capitan betray? I will explain it to you after all of this is over, for now return back to your post and work normally, pretend like you know nothing for now."

"Okay?" – (There is definity something going on behind the scenes.)

I left the mansion and returned back to the patrol duty, while the assassin maid were observing guard capitan and his man movements.

Few hours later.

"Weird, there is definity way less monsters that before. Do they have long respawn time or something? I barely manage to get any EXP to level-"

"Good evening." – one of the maid suddenly appeared out of thin air behind the Mix and greeted her.

"F*CK ME! I ALMOST HAD HEARTH ATTACK!" – screamed Mix while clenching her cheast.

"Miss Mix, it seems your theory about the traitor seem to be correct. The guard capitan and his men were indeed culprits, we have witness their action and we will report it to the mayor, please wait for further instruction."

The maid disappeared into thin air once again.

"…Wow, they already catch him in act? Huh, I thought that would take bit longer or be more challenging."

"So all I had to do was to mention traitor and that's all? Huh, I thought it would be more climactic or something."

"…I'm not supposed to leave this place and there are no monsters to hunt anymore. I can't log out since there is possibility of maid appearing while I'm logged off. So I have to wait, just doing nothing, I guess?

Sometime later.

"I returned." – the maid appeared out of thin air again."


"Mayor had ordered all guards that are currently part of investigation back to the outpost, including capitan and you as well. The mayor had prepared the trap for the traitors, so be prepared to fight as soon as begins."

Maid disappeared into thin air again.

"Huh, finally some action? Welp, maybe I will get a proper fight this time.'