Chapter 14 – Monster Stampede.

Mix, guards and guards capitan have all returned to the outpost as town mayor ordered.

"Good, you all here. Let's cut down to the chase. A separate investigation group of guards I send, manage to find the hideout that belongs to the "Lost Wings". There high chance that they are our targets."

("Lost Wings"? Sound bit cringe. Are they some terrorist organization or something? He is probably using their name to make the fake story bit more realistic, since our goal is to subjugate the guard capitan in first place.)

"We are going to launch a full scale assault on them right now, while they still don't know about their hideout location being exposed. All of you will join in the raid on their base." – said mayor.

"Capitan Adren come, we will discuss our plan of operation."

(What's going on? Why the Lost Wings are here? Lucky, I will put the entire blame on them and finish the ritual in time-)

As guard capitan begin approaching the town mayor, an multiple spell circles appeared beneath him and many glowing tree roots appeared, restraining him in place.

"Capitan!" – shouted guard capitan right and left hand man.

The right and left hand tried to help the capitan, but they got surrounded by the guards, blocking their movement completely from all directions.

"What the meaning of this Malenon?!" – shouted guard capitan.

"Well you see, I lied about Lost Wings, but we manage to find the traitor among us."

"So, mind telling me why did you betrayed us all? And no use playing innocent since you been monitored and you were seen doing everything."

"…Heh. HAHAHAHAHA!" – Guard capitan begin laughing.

"You impure fifth! You dare call me a traitor?! You ancestors were one who betrayed glorious elf race, by mixing their bloodline with blood of filthy lesser race like human! You-"

Before guard capitan could finish his sentence, town mayor used a rapier to cut off his clean head off. Moments later the guards would decapitate the right and left hand man as well.

(What?) – Mix stared in silence after witnessing sudden death of guard capitan.

"Wait a second! Why did you killed him?! Didn't you captured him?! We could bring him in for questioning or something, to get any information about why he did that?!"

"Oh, that? Well we wouldn't get anything from the in first place by the look of things and secondly, it's not over yet." – replied mayor.


Suddenly multiple tentacles begin to sprout out from guard capitan and his left and right hand man necks. Moment later they would connect them self and from a sphere, the bodies of three would instantly then flew straight at the sphere.

A unknown being that was once a guard capitan and his men, begin to change shape into of a giant flesh creature, with tentacles instead of legs and 3 giant eyes in its cheast.

"Oh, so that you meant by 'It's not over yet'."

"I will cleanse this world from impure ones like you!" – shouted the monsters.

[[Adren - The False Symbol Of Purity – Level 70 - Unique Boss Monster]]

(Oh, look I know I wanted a proper fight and all but this is unfair no matter how you look at it right now, this is a god dammed beginner players area, why the heck game developers throwed a level 70 right now?!)

A creature that was once guard capitan released a loud roar and movements later, many different roars could be heard echoing from distance.

(Oh, well that can't be good.)

"Master Malenon! An army of monsters are approaching the town at rapid rate." – one of the maid suddenly appeared from thin air, right beside the mayor side.

"So, that was your plan huh? Gather an army of monsters and launch an invasion on the town and kill everyone in it? Too bad you are going to die." – said mayor to the monsters.

"You are going to die here! You fifth!"

((Hey, can you hear me?))


Mix heard the voice of the mayor inside of her head.

((It's telepathy if you are wondering. I will be plain honest right now. We can't defend the town and fight this bastard at same time, he is probably not going to let us go in first place if we try to make run for it. So listen carefully….))

((…Got it?))


"Die you fifth!"

The giant creature launched its first at the mayor, the mayor dodge the attack but the shock from it caused entire area to be filled with dust in mere moment.

From the dust Mix emergent, heading straight towards outpost main gate while caring a flag.

"?!" – the creature recognized the flag that Mix was caring.

"Where you get that!?"

As soon as creature tried attacking the Mix it's hand got cutted off by the mayor.

"Sorry, but you are dealing with us for now."

Mix managed to successfully escape the outpost and begined heading straight back to the town.

((I won't be betting around the bush, as of right now you are completely useless and you will only get in the way if you stay and try to help us fighting him. So don't even bother trying to help us, instead I have mission for you.))

((The 2 items that I will give you are the horn and the flag. While going back to the town, carry the flag, it will give you the buff and it will signal the guards in the town about the incoming danger.))

[You have equipped: Flag Of Old Revolution.]

[You have been affected by: Flag Of Old Revolution, all of your stats been increased by 100%]

(It won't take long for me to arrive to the city thanks to the buffs, but the problem are those bastards!)

[Forest Toad – Level 30]

[Forest Grasshopper – Level 28]

(Those are monsters that were appearing in the area around the outpost, the monsters that I was hunting. They are blocking the way, I should get rid of them.)

(No, I can see monster wave from here, these bastards are trying to stall me as much as possible. By the look of things enemy realized mayor plan.)

(It takes around 30 minutes to travel between outpost and the town, but with buff from the flag it will take around 15 minutes to get there. The monster way more far away that I'm, meaning it will take them way more time for them to get to the town, but that doesn't mean I should relax.)

("Oh I have a buff right now, so it won't take long to defeat them." I god dammed written the overconfident characters in my novels making that kind of stupid mistake, do you really think I will do that kind of stupid mistake?! Even with buffs it may take out a lot of time to take out all of them, better to avoid the combat as much as possible and only focus on running.)

The toad launched its long tongue at the Mix but mix dodge attack by jumping over it. She then landed on the toad head and moment later she would jump again, using the toad head as platform. Mix traveled above the army of monsters by jumping over and over, using the head of the toad monsters as platforms, while cutting down any Forest Grasshoppers that tried attacking her.

(…I kind of wish that there would be a turtle monsters here that I could stomp on and use it shell as weapon.)

(Anyway, I have bit better view now, but what the hell. How many monsters are there in first place? The number of monsters I encounter in here was getting drastically reduced over time, during the time of investigation. By any chance, the reason why I couldn't find any monsters was because they were being prepared for this monster stamped?)

Sometime later.

(Finally! The town is within the reach.)

Mix begined waving flag around while running nonstop to the town gate.

"Hm?" – One of the guards standing on the wall noticed Mix from afar.

"What's up?' – the second guard asked the first one what it's going one.

"There is somebody running straight at us while waving a flag, I can't clearly see what flag it is though from here."

"Wait a moment, is that?" – one of the guard took out the binoculars.

"…Raise alarms."



Sounds of bells ringing could be heard coming from the town.

(Good they noticed!)

Shortly after Mix manage to arrive to the town gate, where she was confronted by 2 guards that noticed her before.

"What is emergency?"

"Army of monsters are planning to destroy entire town and everybody in it. The guard capitan is a traitor and mayor and some guards are currently busy with dealing with him."

"F*ck. I told you he will betray is!"

"Mayor ordered all guards and all wanders to prepare for battle."

"Got it."

The guard splitted up to inform everybody else, while Mix begined heading towards town center where players first logged on.

((There is a statue in middle of the town and it's holding a flag. Take out that flag from its hand and put the flag I gave you.))

"Hey what going? Is there event going on or something?" – there was some players near the statue, wondering what is going on.

(Found the statue!)

Mix jumped on the statue of the knight and begined climbing it. After climbing on the hand that was holding a flag, she then quickly swapped flags.

"Hey, what is she doing?"

[The Flag Of Old Revolution have been placed!]

[All friendly beings inside and near Green Town, below level 55 will receive a buff that grants +50% to all stats.]

((As soon as you replace the flag, use the horn I gave you.))

[You have used: Horn Of Old Revolution.]

[All friendly beings near and inside Green Town, below level 55 will receive a buff that grants +50% to all stats.]

"What's going on? Who the heck is she? And why we received a buff-

[[Sudden Quest!]]

[[Green Town – Monster Stampede]]

[[This quest will be automatically accepted the moment you receive it.]]

[[The army of monsters are currently marching at the Green Town, in attempt of destroying it!]]

[[Fight off the army of monsters and destroy them all! If you fail then the Green Town will be gone forever.]]

[[This is quest with contribution rate and ranking.]]

[[The more you contribute to the quest the better rewards you receive, if the quest is completed.]]

[[This is competition quest, others players will receive the same quest as well. The higher your contribution in the quest is, the higher your rank is. The rank you receive on the end of the quest may influences your rewards, if the quest is completed.]]

[Failure Condition: The destruction rate of town reaching 75% or if the town is taken over completely by the invaders.]]

[[If the quest is failed, the Green Town will be permanently destroyed.]]

"I just received a quest."

"Me too."

"Wait, permanent destruction of the town?! The heck is that?!"

"Rewards for those who contributed the most?"

Some were confused, some were scared and some were excited. The chaos begin to spread between players one by one, after they reading quest description.

(The guards are coming here. They are trying to calm the people down and explain everything, I guess I'm no longer needed here.)

(Well then, let's visit old friend in meantime.)

Blacksmith shop.

"Young lady? What going on outside? The alarm is ringing nonstop."

"Army of monsters approaching here and battle will soon take place."

"Bloody hell."

"Oh, right miss. I just finished your order. Did the reason you came here was to see if it's done?"

"Yea, need some better gear if I want fight properly."

[You have equipped: [Mouth Of Savage Crocodile], [Swamp Forest Lurker Pants], [Savage Crocodile Claws], [Swamp Forest Crocodile Belt], [Crocodile Slayer Shoulder pads], [Swamp Forest Crossbow]. ]

"Have fun hunting."

"Oh yes I will."