Chapter 15 - Monster Stamped – Battle.

Mix and many other players were awaiting the army of the monsters. Some players were on the walls while others were in front of the gate.

(The order made equipment that I order were made in time and I even manage to get epic rank items as well, but I ended up using all of materials and money I gathered so far. I'm broke now right now, I sold all of my looted items to cover the cost a bit and now I only have 19 silver coins. I really need to get [ Blacksmith ] class ASAP if I want to make any costume made stuff for myself or I will end up being broken every time I need new equipment.)

Mix begined looking around and noticed many people staring at her.

"Hey, isn't she the girl who did the thing with the flag?"

"Ye, it's her. Look at her armor, what rarity does it have?"

(Many people saw me putting the flag and using the horn and now I have armor that no other player have, it's make lot of people notice me because of that.)

(…It's not like I don't like attention or anything, but this is very annoying. Is there any way to hide my identity in future or something?) – though Mix with very annoyed look on her face.

[[A player has send you a friend request.]]

[[A player has send you a friend request.]]

[[A player has send you a friend request.]]

(And now they are sending me a friend request nonstop, great.)

A sound horn could be heard, signaling everybody that monsters will soon arrive.

"They coming!" – One of the guards standing on the wall shouted.

"Hey, isn't that too many?"

"Calm down, it's not like they gave us the quest that is impossible to beat, right?" – said one of the players with very nervous voice.

"Just kill as many as you can! Remember we have buffs on our side!"

[Stats of all allies have been increased by 100%. The tamed and summoned creatures will share this effect.]

[The damage dealt by basic attacks have been increased by 100%. The tamed and summoned creatures will share this effect.]

Honestly speaking, the chance of winning are unknow. It's true that players have their stats increased by 100%, meaning weaker players (Around level 17-20) are now able to fight against monsters that have higher level than them and higher level player are now able to easily overpower them (Around level 24-26), but there some problems.

The first problem is that I can't tell what level are currently players, meaning I don't really know how many high level player are here.

The second problem is enemy number. I can't tell what that is a difference in numbers, but there are definity way more than us. It safe to assume that the total number of monsters is way bigger that total number of guards and player combined.

[Forest Toad – Level 30]

[Forest Grasshopper – Level 28]

[Forest Monkey – Level 26]

Forest Toad has lot of HP and it can use it's tongue like cannon, however it can only attack in straight line and its movement speed is very slow. You just have to step left or right to dodge the attack and then counter attack it.

Forest Grasshopper is fast and deal high damage, but it has paper defense and low hp. After it's lands on the ground, it leaves 1.5 second opening and you can use it to easily kill it.

Forest Monkey is all-rounder, it isn't that strong but it's able to use wind element skill that throw ball made out of air that deal magic damage. It can't use range attack many times, around 4-5 times, depends on the level. All you have to do is to watch out for range attacks and you can easily defeat it.

The players were informed by the guards about those monsters weak and strong points beforehand. I already knew them since I already fought them when I was still investigating.

"Aim the cannons!" – shouted one of the guards.


The barrage of cannon balls begin flying straight at the army of monsters, hitting and killing many monsters with each single shot.

(They manage to take out many monsters with that barrage, but not enough.)

The horde of monsters run over the corpse of their fallen brethrens while being shot at by the cannons and by long range attack from players that were standing on top of the wall.

The army of monsters manage to breakthrough the barrage and begined closing in more and more towards the players near the gate.

(The guards can't fire the cannon near the wall because they will do a friendly fire or could end up damaging the wall. It our turn by the look of things.)

Moment later an all-out brawl between players and monsters would finally begin.

[You have slew: Forest Monkey – Level 26.]

[You have slew: Forest Monkey – Level 29.]

[You have slew: Forest Monkey – Level 25.]

Mix cut down multiple monsters down with the single slash, over and over again.

(With new equipment and buffs, I'm one shotting multiple monsters with single slash. You could say "Cutting butter with hot knife".)

(Well then, now I know I can easily handle monsters right now, let's go-) – "YOLO!"

Mix jumped straight into horde of monsters and slaughter mercilessly any monster that came across her, while going straight forward nonstop, until she got completely surrounded and her path of escape was completely closed off by monsters.

"Oh no, I'm surrounded! Whatever poor me shall do?"

[Min have been called.]

[Ollie have been called.]

[4 Grey Chess Pawn have been summoned.]

[Grey Chess Rock have been summoned.]

[Lesser Water Frog have been summoned.]

[Your summoned and tamed creature are effected by buff. The summoned and tamed creature stats have been increased by 100%!]

"Oh right! I can just butcher all of you!"

(I don't have to worry about other players getting in my way right now, but I can't go too far away from the wall or I will end up getting by friend fire by cannons.)

The Mix and her squad were killing all the monsters left and right, making them end up with monster corpses surrounding them all sides

[Level up! 30 -> 31]

(I'm receiving massive amount of EXP nonstop, I will probably level few more times during the battle.)

"Come at me my free contribution points!"

1 hour later.

[Mix Level 33]

"I think that was very bad idea."

[You had recovered HP.]

[You had recovered SP]

(F*ck me. How long will this battle last for?! I never fought for more than 15 minutes and whenever I took part in long battle, I always made a short break, but now it's impossible.) – though Mix while drinking potions left and right.

(It's draining me mentally more that physically. I'm literally never fought for that long nonstop. I've stacked up corpses of monsters, making a little walls from them so I can take at least breath and drink some potions, but whenever I try to do that...)

A monkey monster climbed over the wall of corpse and tried attacking the Mix from above, but she just shot it in the head with her crossbow.

(Another god dammed problem is my ammunition and weapon durability. The clever already lost 75% of its durability even though I had blacksmith restore it to 100% beforehand, maybe I should bought a spare weapon.)

(The problem with ammunition is that I already run out of the normal crossbow bolts and now I'm using the special made ones from crocodiles tooths, I really don't want to waste them since they costed a lot.)

(Min and Ollie are currently in the book, I put them back before they died and now, they are recovering for a bit by bit, I will have to wait for them to recover at least 50% of their HP before I resummon them. The summons are currently on cooldown as well and I can resummon all of them in next 5 minutes.)

Suddenly a multiple loud roars could be heard from afar.

"Oh, what now?"

Mix climbed over the wall of corpses, to see what was going on and saw was multiple figures from afar, surrounded by groups of monsters.

[Wind Thrower Monkey – Level 29 – Boss Monster] x 3

[Old Forest Toad – Level 30 – Boss Monster] x 3

[Free Forest Grasshopper – Level 28 - Boss Monster]x 3

(Boss monsters?! Why are they appearing now?)

(Are they by any chance the finally wave? On top of that those are boss monsters.)

(That means killing them will give me first kill bonus! And killing them may even end this whole god dammed thing, if my guess is correct. And on top of that my contribution rate to the competition quest may skyrocket if I deal with them myself.)

"Now I'm motived!"

Mix jumped down from the wall of corpse and begined making her way towards the boss monsters by cutting all the monsters in her path.

[Wind Thrower Monkey – Level 29 – Boss Monster]

"Monkey! You are first!"

The monkey boss monsters extended both of its hand backwards and moment later it throwed multiple ball projectiles made out of air at the Mix.

Mix instead of dodging the barrage of attack, she just rushed through it.

[ Magic Defense: 64(+31)) ] + 100%( from a buff) = Mix current [ Magic Defense ] is 190

"That tickled."

Before monkey monster realized, it was already within Mix cleaver range. The creature tried running away by jumping, but Mix grabbed it's leg and slammed it on the ground.

"No running away mister!"

[ Strength: 74(+49] + 100% = Mix current [ Strength ] is 246.

Mix dragged the monkey to her and then used the cleaver to hit it over and over again, right in the neck until it was completely cutted off.

[You have slain: Wind Thrower Monkey – Level 29 – Boss Monster. You are first person to slay that specific boss monster.]

[You have earned Achievement: Wind Thrower Monkey (1 place) – Rarity Rank: Epic]

[You had gained 10 free skill points from Achievement.]

"1 down, 8 to go."

Mix then headed straight at the Free Forest Grasshopper and killed it in matter of seconds by cuttings it limbs one by one. After that she took down Old Forest Toad down without much effort as well, she killed it by cutting off its tongue and stabbing it in the eyes.

[You have earned Achievement: Free Forest Grasshopper (1 place) – Rarity Rank: Epic]

[You have earned Achievement: Old Forest Toad down (1 place) – Rarity Rank: Epic]

(Thanks to the buff it's not taking much time or effort to kill boss rank monsters, honestly speaking it's totally unfair for them and rewarding for me since I'm getting free stat points as well as some loot from them.)

"Now to kill rest of-"

Suddenly multiple giant glowing tree roots sprouted beneath the monsters and begined crushing and smashing all the monsters near them.

"Wait, aren't those things that mayor used?"


The guards lead by the mayor that were dealing with traitor had finally returned, attacking the enemy from behind.

(Reinforcement huh? Him being means that the traitor was dealt with. I'm surprised that he beaten him even though there was 25 level differences between them. I thought that traitor capitan would beat up and then came here as last boss but with serious injuries so that players can finish him off or something.)

One of the tree roots grabbed one of Old Forest Toad and then squished him, until a sound of it pooping could be heard.

(Did he just made boss monster go *POP*. No, forget that for moment, he is literally slaughtering everything and anything in his path.)

"Wait, I need to kill things too! Don't steal everything for yourself."