Chapter 16 – Free Time.

With the arrival of the mayor and remaining guards the battle ended after 15 minutes. Unfortunately I only manage to kill one Wind Thrower Monkey after mayor arrived, making the number of bosses I defeated during the battle 4. 3 boss monsters were killed by mayor while remaining 2 were killed by players.

I manage to level up to the level 34 at the end at least and [Crossbow Mastery – Rank F] reached level 3 and [Sword Mastery – Rank F] reached level 2, by the look of things killing higher level monster makes this type of skill (weapon type skill) progressions rate go way fasters.

Well, even though I didn't manage to harder all the boss monsters to myself, I did ended up getting archives 3 achievement in total that gave me 30 free stat points, so it's not like I came out empty handed.

[You have successfully manage to defend the Green Town and drive off the invaders!]

[You have completed quest: [Green Town – Monster Stampede]. ]

[Quest contribution rate.]

[1 Place – Mix]

[2 Place – Will]

[3 Place – Drew]

[4 Place….

I manage get the first place in competition quest.

Honestly speaking I'm glad and everything but there are two problems.

-The rankings were made public and everybody know who is what rank.

-Somebody recorded the entire event.

By the look of things somebody recorded the entire monster stamped and posted it online by the player named [Wind]. The videos shows how people fought against the monster at first, but later on the entire focus was shifted to one player and that was me. The video recorded me rampaging and killing monster left and right, leaving the trail of bodies, as well as me massacreting the boss type monsters with easy. People put two and two together and realized that the player in video was [Mix], me.

Now some people harassing me with the friend request over and over again and some people are just stalking me for some reason, apparently some people on community think I know some sort of method to get strong and that is probably the reason why they are doing.

I honestly want to kill them all because of how annoying this is, but there was a problem.

[[Newbie Player Protection]]

[[As long as you don't leave the beginner city territory and area around it, you won't lose EXP or item when you die.]]

[[The death penalty respawn time was extremely shorten.]]

[[Any players vs players actions are forbitten, unless a duel between players is arranged.]]

[[All of this will disappear once you leave the beginner area.]]

This god dammed messenge popped up as soon as I wanted to threaten the annoying stalkers with my cleaver.

I literally can't do anything to them and I even tried asking for some duels, but they all refused because they knew they couldn't win. And so I had no way of dealing with annoying friends wannabes and stalkers that were not giving me of break for hours.

It will take some before the access outside the newbie area will available and there are no monsters above level 30.

So I decided to learn occupation classes. Specifically [Woodworker] and [Blacksmith].

Why? Simply put, I need to learn how to make items myself.

This way more serious that it may seems. The shops only offer mass produced goods and they are really not perfect. The only good way to get items is to either: Drop them from monster, costume made equipment or quest rewards.

The rewards from the drops are random, you may end up getting good item but for you it may end up being completely useless for you. The quests are also no go, you never know when you will receive one and also if you have 100% of receiving an item from the quest. The letter quest I completed for example only game me gold and EXP as rewards.

The only reason option is costume made equipment, but there is a problem. Apparently majority of the weapon selling shops, do not have a costume made option, that means a player need to craft the item.

If you don't have a proper equipment for your level, it will obviously bites you hard. Because of that I decided to learn [Blacksmith] and [Woodworker]. I also wanted to learn [Miner] occupation, but there is no place to mine ores anywhere here, meaning I could not learn it even if wanted to.

[Woodworker] is the occupation class that focus on dealing with woods. Cutting down wood, carving out wood and other stuff. This occupation will be useful for me for blacksmithing, specifically when I would create a things like crossbow or crossbow bolts.

Honestly, it was quiet easy, it didn't took me long to acquire the [Woodworker], but the [Blacksmith], uff. It was way harder that I though!

Blacksmithing in this worlds is similar to the real blacksmithing but bit different in some ways, for example the blacksmithing process was way faster that in real life, I watched old man blacksmithing working and there are many different types of blacksmithing methods in this world.

I needed to learn tons of stuff from basic and there was way more that I though it would be, because of that it took me hours learning blacksmithing.

Old blacksmith told me that there are many methods and types of blacksmithing like: using magic, using special hammer with elements, carving symbols that can contain power, fusing together different items together and many more, he only though me a basics and it too took the hell lot time just to learn [Blacksmith – Beginner] as well. Honestly speaking I'm kind of excited to see different type blacksmithing using magic and maybe using ores from novels and games like mithril or orichalcum, the possibilities were endless and I'm quite excited.

The first item that I manage I created were nails. Yes, nails and I manage to fuck this up somehow. The blacksmith told me that I sucked and should try and make an proper nail before I attempt making any items. I didn't had any rights to complain after somehow screwing something like nails.

Pretty much, I speeded the entire day in game learning and everything, I needed to put lot of efforts to learn each basics like hammering, smelting and other stuff.

Anyway let's change the subject to the more important matter at hand and focus on game community forum.

Green Town, Red Town, Black Town and White Town had a massive change.

In each town an quest was issued that involved all players in each one of this town.

The players at Red Town had an quest to deal with bandit camp, while the Black Town and White Town had a quest that involved destroying dungeon and finally the Green Town had monster invasion quest.

Why is that being mention? Because in each one of this town you are now able to travel to the new location, once you hit level 25.

[[The main quest related to the Green Town have been cleared! After 24 hours of real time passed, players will be able to leave the beginner area and travel outside of Green Town territory.]]

[[To leave the city need to reach at least level 25. After reaching level 25 please proceed to the town center.]]

The Red, Black and White Town players received similar messenge and it was all later posted on games forums by the players. By the look of things each quest were contribution and competition types.

Players realized that each beginner town had similar quest that needed to be completed, before any players could leave their respective beginner area. Now high level players(Players around 25-30 level) are looking nonstop for these quest so they too can leave their respected area as fast as possible and get rewards from contribution.

Next day.

(I finished all of my work earlier today and bit more, so I can have bit more free time today since today I'm going to leave the town. Anyway, is there any good or interesting info on game community.)


"Information about bosses and first kill bonus was revealed to the public by the popular game streamer who was recorded everything and now everybody know about the stat rewards and first kill bonus as well that you get when you kill the boss monsters, that makes things now bit problematic for me. Probably hunting boss monsters will be way harder now since I will have to compete with others players now."

(Anyway you can record in this game in the first place? I didn't know that was possible. How the heck is it done?)

"Never mind that for now."

(Most discussions are about the town quest and boss monsters.)


[Search: Skill book.]

[No results]

(So the existence of the skill books wasn't discovered yet and made public.)

"Or there are already people who already know about their existence like me and want to keep this information a secret. I'm not planning to reveal the information about the skill book either."

(I wasn't able to acquire any skill book or find any clues where to find them. I don't know if it's has very low drop rate or I have to defeat the Unique type boss monsters to get it, either way I have no way to confirm it or any leads where to get them, besides the Frog-Man mage I killed.)

(2 more real life hours, before the travel outside the beginner town territory will be finally possible.)

(It's around 6 hours in game world. I should go and collect my rewards from the mayor, I couldn't do it before because I was too busy with learning the occupation classes.)

"And there is a problem with that flesh creature that guard capitan turned into. I doubt it was the last time I see them."

At first, I thought the game would be all about fighting but I was completely wrong.

-Occupation classes.

-Learning how to fight.

-Information gathering.

-Connections with the NPCs and maybe even players.

-Materials gathering.

-Earning in game money.

-Acquiring new skills and learning how to use them.

I will probably end up encountering other important factors as time go by.

"Honestly it seems like a pain in the ass and all, but for some reason I like it."

(Games are something that people use to escape from reality, but in that world is like reality as well.)

(The people of that world are able to express their emotions, you can talk to them and you can bond with them. There are not some game NPC that have already dialog options A, B, or C. These people feel real.)

"Well, let's log in and meet up with the mayor."

[[You had successful log in.]]

[[Welcome back player [Mix].]]

"So, you are finally here. What took you so long? Others already received their rewards besides you."

"Sorry, was a bit busses with learning blacksmithing and butchering."

[[You have completed quest: Unknown incident.]]

[[Your favorability with: People of the Green Town had increased.]]

[[Your favorability with: Malenon Danwen had increased.]]

[[You have completed quest: Green Town – Monster Stampede.]]

[[Your favorability with: Malenon Danwen had increased.]]

[[Your favorability with: People of the Green Town had increased.]]

[[You had leveled up!]]

[[Some of your skills had leveled up!]]

[[You had leveled up!]]

[[Level 36]]

[[The people of the Green Town are grateful for your heroic deeds!]]

[[Your reputation in Green Town had increased by 1000 points.]]

[[The people of the Green Moon kingdom noticed your heroic deeds!]]

[[Your reputation in Green Moon Kingdom had increased by 1000 points.]]

(Reputation? What is that?)

"So, what would you like?" – asked mayor Mix the moment she tried opening her status window.


"I'm asking what rewards would you like for your accomplishments."

"Wait, I get to choose the reward?"

"Well yea. You did everything I asked you to and you were the most active person during monster invasion. If I don't reward you properly then I maybe end up having dealing backlash from public, I have to uphold my public image you know."

The mayor got up from his chair and begined walking towards the door.

"Fallow me."

Mix fallowed the mayor though the mansion, until both of them arrived at guarded door. The guards stationing there opened the door, revealing the staircase that is leading towards the basement. Mix fallowed the mayor as they begined heading deeper and deeper.)

(Is it common for basement of noble man mansion to have that many stairs? I feel like 5 minutes had already passed since I begined since I got here and we still didn't arrived at the end.)

"We here."

Mayor and Mix finally arrived at their destination, where a giant silver door was standing on front of them.

(There are tons of magic circle looking things everywhere on the walls, the celling, the floor and on the door themselves. I can kind of guess they are some sort of barrier or defensive measures to protect whatever is behind that door.)

Mayor approached the giant door and extended his hand, he then put in hand flat on the keyhole. Moment later a mechanical sounds could be heard coming from inside of the door and the door itself would begin opening moment later.

(He wasn't holding anything when he opened the door, is it like finger print scanner or just magic stuff?)

As soon as door fully opened, an long corridor was revealed that had entire left and right side of it flooded with coins.

"Did you bring the other people that contributed the most during monsters invasion?"

"No, but I didn't rip the off if you are wondering, they were given proper rewards for their deeds."

"This room contains the most important treasures, weapons and other things that I possess. Pick whatever you like, but rember there are some things I can't give you like the flag or horn I borrowed you."

(Speaking about those, there are right here in this room. I gave them back to the mayor after battle ended. Well of bloody course he wouldn't give me them, it would break the entire game balance if I had 100% to all stats nonstop.)

(Is there anything interesting here anyway?)

[Water Seeker Bow]

[Cape Of The Tree Maker]

[Tree Great Sword]

"Say, I'm only allowed to pick one?" – (They all have great stats and it's hard to make a good choice.)


"Is there an axe or crossbow weapon here?"

"No, I don't think so."

(Well that sucks.)

"Is there anything else besides the weapons. Any recommendation?"

"…Hm…. What is are your classes?"

"[Tamer] and [Manifestor]."

"Maybe a skill book then?"


(He have a skill book in his possession?! I couldn't find anything about skill book after I got my first one and he is offering me one right now? Does he know where to find them as well?)

"Excuse me, but what exactly are skill books?"

(I need any information about the skill books and how to get them myself.)

"Skill books are something that is extremely rare to come by. Using them will grant a person a power stored in them permanently."

"Skill books can sometimes reject you if you don't meet their criteria, for example you are too weak, your level is too low or you don't have proper class, things like this."

"Question, where would I find the skill books if I decided the look for them myself?"

(The most important question.)

"Well getting them is quiet the hard part. Sometimes monsters drop have them, the higher and more powerful monsters have higher chance of having them. There are also places like dungeons that have a chance rewarding you with skill book."

"Some shops sometimes sell them as well and they sometimes appear on auctions."

(Dungeon, powerful monsters or auction, now I know where to look for them in future. Maybe some people will offer them as rewards as well in future like mayor right now.)

"So do you want it? The skill book as reward?"

"Oh yes."

Mix fallowed the mayor as he lead the way towards the bookshelf located next to the wall. The mayor begined taking out the stone tablets and thick book one by one from the bookshelf.

"Here, those are skill books that you should be able to use."

[Skill Book: Summon Lesser Water Frog ] – [Rare]

[Skill Book: Create Tree Footman] – [Rare]

[Skill Book: Summon Nature Root] – [Epic]

[Skill Book: Bhu'n Frog-Man Taming Arts] – [Epic]

(I already have [Lesser Water Frog] so no point in choosing it. What about the other 3?)

Mix picked up the thick book that contain [Summon Nature Root] skill.

(Let's check what does those skills do in the first place.)

(Hmm…It's quiet tempting since I don't have any proper offensive and defensive skills as of right now, but let's check the other 2 before deciding. )

Mix picked up the stone tables laying on the table in front of her that contained skills.

(This one is about summoning multiple humanoid tree monsters and the others one is a passives that have 3 different effects.)

"Ahhh….This is very annoying." – (I can't bloody decide. I don't know which one is the best for me, maybe the [Summon Nature Root]?)

"Can't decide? Want an recommendation?"

"Yes please."

"[Bhu'n Frog-Man Taming Arts]. Since you are [Tamer] and [Manifestor] an class combination that focuses on numbers, it would be better if you picked that. I don't recommend the [Summon Nature Root] because it could end up getting in the way of your tamed creatures and other monster, if you had a job like an [Warrior], [Mage] or similar type of class instead of [Tamer] or [Manifestor], I would then recommended instead [Summon Nature Root]."

(Hmm…It's better to trust his judgment since he seems to know thing or two about the [Tamer] and [Manifestor] class.)

"Well then, I will take this then."

[[You had learned a skill [Bhu'n Frog-Man Taming Arts].]]

"Here, take those as well. It's your rewards from the personal quest I gave you before. And some gold coins on top of all that."

[You had received: [Ring Of The Young Tamer]. ] – [Rare]

[You received 50 golden coins.]

[Ring Of The Young Tamer]

[Item type: Equipment.]

[Equipment type: Ring.]

[Rarity: Rare]

[Effect when worn:

-Increase the [Taming Mastery] stat by 25 points]

[Item Restriction:

-User need to be at least level 25.

-Use need to possess [Tamer] class or one of its forms]

[Durability: 350/350]

[Weight: 30]

(This ring increases [Taming Mastery] stat?! This is first time I see item that increases [Taming Mastery] stat, the blacksmith wasn't selling any or I couldn't find anything on forums about items that increases [Taming Mastery].)


"No problem, I don't have any [Tamer] working for me in the first place so the ring is completely useless garbage to me and my man."

(Oh, well only the [Tamer] possess the [Taming Mastery] stat in the first place, makes sense calling it useless garbage if you are not the [Tamer].)

"Well then, there is only one thing remaining, isn't there? You wanted to know what was the deal with the guard capitan betray and that creature you saw that he turned into. It will take some time so listen carefully."