Chapter 17 – Story of the Green Moon Kingdom And City.

Long ago the world itself looked way different that before. Many kingdoms, empires and continents that are present right now, did not existed before.

7000 years ago the Green Moon kingdom didn't existed, instead a two different kingdoms existed on this land.

Two different kingdoms, one of kingdom of humans and kingdom of elves. Both of those kingdom despised one another. The kingdom of humans believed in human race supremacy, the kingdom of Bright Moon and the elven kingdom believed in elf race supremacy, the kingdom of Green Fall.

So what happened to both of this kingdoms? Why the Green Moon kingdom history is bound with theirs?

7000 years ago a disaster sticked the entire world called "Age Of The Unknown End".

Nobody know why this happened, what caused it and nobody knew the real origin of the disaster.

The lands them self-crumble and reformed, the old gods were no more, new species of monsters would appear and devoured anything in their path, the seas would disappear then reappear moment later, the sky would split open and cry out.

"End of the world has come" some would say. Some would fall into despair, but some would attempt to save themselves and their people.

Years passed and one by one the kingdoms would be no more, that included the kingdom of Bright Moon and Green Fall. The disaster striked one by one, killing many and brining despair.

"It's over" some would say and they were not wrong. By themselves they would not survive, but if they work together then they maybe survive their upcoming doom.

The people of both countries tries cooperating in order to survive, but not all were so willing to work together. The rulers of the respective countries denied their people demands and instead wanted to wage war against themselves in that dire times, they wanted to destroy their rival at any cost, they didn't care about disaster all they wanted was to known as superior race.

They wanted to die rather that cooperate with the race their despised and so people were left with no choice but to kill their mad kings and nobles in order to survive, but it was worth it.

Years passed and the disasters ended. The completely new world was formed, an new world was born while the old died, new continents were created, new lands were made, nature lived and breathed once again, brining life to the plants and animals. Many kingdoms no longer existed but some manage to survive, among them were the kingdoms of the Bright Moon and the Green Fall that had manage to survive thanks to their cooperation.

After the disaster ended both kingdoms decided to combine and create new kingdom, an kingdom where view of race supremacy didn't existed.

"That is how Green Moon kingdom came to be. All the hate that once existed between the kingdoms were no more and everybody was equal." – said mayor.

"So that is the story of this kingdom, but what was the deal with the guard capitan? He clearly seemed like he believed into elf race supremacy and what the heck did he turned himself into? He clearly did not looked like an elf no matter how you looked at it., he was a giant flesh creature with tons of tentacles."

"Well, it all begin around one year ago."

An group of elves clamming to be pure elf and the rightful rulers of this kingdom appear within, they called themselves "Descendants Of Anlionar". They claimed that they shall purify the kingdom from the lesser races and save it.

At first people though they were just some random fanatics or elves group from an different kingdoms that though they owned the place.

They are still some elves or humans that still think they are superior race and everybody though it was the case with that group and so they were ignored, but nobody really know at that time what would happened in future.

6 mouths passed after their appearance and series of incidents begined to happened, people begin disappearing one by one across entire kingdom. The king was forced to launch an investigation across entire kingdom and catched the Descendants Of Anlionar red handed.

The soldiers attempted to capture them and were successful, but then they transformed into never before seen flesh monsters. Later on the same type of creatures would appear and terrorize the entire country, but that wasn't the worst part.

One of the group of elite soldiers manage to find the laboratory while hunting for the Descendants Of Anlionar. Inside the laboratory they found about the origin of the monsters.

The captured humans and elves were killed and their flesh was muted over and over again with demonic, necrotic and unholy energies, after that they were fused together with the cult members bodies, creating those abominations in process.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait. You say they are all about elf race purity and supremacy, right? They are literally infusing the human flesh and blood to their own body, it's literally opposite of being pure and they are literally becoming monsters at the end that look nothing like an elf in the end. They are straight up hypocrites, based on your explanation."

"Yes, they are indeed hypocrites that all they do is killing anybody, without the care if they either human or elves and then they would use their flesh to create those abomination."

"I…I really don't get it. You said the members of the cult were elves, right? All of them were elves?"

"Yes. And the numbers of those cultists keep increasing."

"Wait, wait, wait. The number of the cultists keep increasing you say? Who would willingly join that kind of hypocrite cult?"

"Let me guess, brainwashing and some people who are stupid enough to willingly join them?"

"Yes, how did you know?"

(Because I'm novel writer. I sometimes write about the mad cults and stuff that wishes to destroy the world. The cult obviously is brainwashing normal elves into joining them while recruiting the stupid people that truly believes in their cause. Their true goal is quiet obvious as well, they wish to destroy the entire kingdom, even an idiot would probably realize that.)

"Question, what does Anlionar mean? Is it the name of one of the elves that were against cooperating with the human kingdom? And what was the name of the human king that was as well against the alliance with elves."

"Yes??? It's the name of the mad elf king Anlionar who wanted to doom their own people and the name of the human king was Alexander. Why do you ask? And why you look extremely disappointed."

"Nothing, just wondering something." – replied Mix with disappointed face.

(Well there is magic in this world and stuff, I won't be surprised if either of those king returned back to life as some sort of mind controlling parasite undead ghost and are trying to destroy both their enemies as well as "The people who betrayed them". It could be elf king trying to "Teach the traitors a lessor" or human king trying to make elves look like complete villain here by pretending to be elven king.)

(For f*ck sake, don't make the plot of the story so obvious or nobody will enjoy reading it.)

(Please let my assumption be wrong and just don't make that kind of stupid story, at least give a proper plot twist or anything that will make all the story more interesting.)

"By the way, the guards and you suspected the guard capitan that he was a traitor. Was he brainwashed or did he joined willingly?"

"Well, he did willingly by the look of things. He was always an narcists who saw himself as one above everybody because he was an elf, that is what he thought of himself. About mouth ago he started to act suspicious and became even more hostile to the other, but we didn't had any evidence that he was indeed traitor. He was noble on top of that so I need to have evidence or eye witness of his crime, if not I couldn't properly lift and finger on him."

"He was already an asshole so nobody was sure if was either being himself or he joined the cult. I can't just say 'Oh you act suspicious, death sentence then!', if I killed him and he wasn't the culprit you could guess what kind of trouble I would get myself into."

(There is good chance there will be others like him. The plot often with those kind of people is to infiltrated the government of the country and try to manipulate it from inside. Please don't make it turn out so cliché.) – though Mix with very disappointed look on her face.

"Anyway, now that problem is gone the traders will now visit this place again and now travel between the town and the city has been restored."

"Are you planning on leaving the town by any chance?"


"Then here, take this."

[[You received: [Recommendation Letter From Malenon Danwen].]]

[[[[You received: [Letter From Malenon Danwen].]]

"I have some friend here and there that can be trusted. The second letter possess the name of those people, look for them if you are in trouble or need an help."

"Oh, thanks." – (I wasn't expecting that. He is giving me more stuff even though it wasn't the quest rewards. Is it because of the favorability stat? It did ended up giving me a quest from him in the end thanks to it, I think that was the case.)

(So the favorability is more important that I originally though huh? Raising it can often bring out nice results by the look of things, rising it won't hurt.)

Shortly after Mix business with mayor was done, she left the manor and waited at the town center with the bunch of the other players.

(5 minutes remaining before the travel restriction will be lifted. There is already tons of people here, no wonder, the monster stamped allowed many people to level up multiple times like me.)

(By the way how do we travel to the next city? Do we walk there from here, do we receive some sort of transport or we just magickly teleports there?)

[[SYSTEM NOTICE: The travel outside the Green Town territory is now possible! People who reached level 25 are now able to leave the Green Town territory.]]

[[CONGRATULATION! You are now able to leave Green Town territory! Movement restriction have been lifted. You can now walk out from the Green Town territory, please head to the town center to teleport to your next destination. The teleportation is one way and to get back to the Green Town you will have to walk back]]

[[Your map has received new data.]]

(Map received new data? Let's see…It's the path between Savage Moon and Green Town. There is also map of the Savage Moon city, well messenge said that we need to walk back if we want to return back to the Green Town.)

[[Do you wish to teleport to the Savage Moon city? This is one way teleport. You will be still be able to return back to the Green Town.]]


(All of my business in the town is done, so there is no more reason for me to stay here.)

[[You will be teleported to the Savage Moon city center.]]

From the Mix body a pixel light begin to appear and seconds later Min entire body turned into a light, then floated into air before disappearing.

[Savage Moon City]

In the city center, many blue light could be seen appearing and moment later an humanoid figure appearing inside of them and then players reemerging from them.

[You had arrived at the Savage Moon city.]

"So this is Savage Moon city huh?"

(Unlike the Green Town that was located on grass plains and had most of its buildings made out of bricks, this entire place is the forest? There is tons of massive tree surrounding me from all directions and I see buildings on them as well, an tree houses and some a. It has a very fantasy appearance.)

(Other players that got here are looking around as well. I got to give it to the developers, this place is beautiful.)

[[SYSTEM NOTICE: The Newbie Protection have been lifted!]]

[[The reduced respawn time has been set on normal.]]

[[The PVP actions are now possible.]]

[[WARNING! Players are now able to attack and kill each other, without of the need of requesting duel!]]

[[Dying from now on will cause player to lose their level!]

[[Dying from now on will cause player to drop one of the item they have in inventory or equipped right. If players drops material type item, the player will drop multiple copies of the same item.]

(PK actions huh, so I have to watch out for other people attacking me. I have experience from fighting humanoid type monsters, but I don't know how useful it will be when it comes to dealing with other human being, those frogs were quiet stupid and easy to predict.)

[[SYSTEM NOTICE: You are now able to create a guild!]]

(Another system notice?)

[[You are now able to form or join an guild. System page [Guild] has been added to your system support.]]

[[To read more details about the how guilds works please open the [Guild] page in your system.]]

(Oh? Let's see.)

(To create guild you need to create your guild banner and have at least 6 members in it to official establish it. The guild size will depends on the number of people in it.)

(Creating guild will allow you to own or create your base. It says here that you can install some special room like blacksmith room or alchemy room. There is no downside or anything, it only bring benefits if you create or join the guild.)

(Well the player are just now finally able to leave the city, so there shouldn't be many guilds right now. Should I create one or join one?)

(I should worry about this later. For now let's the explore area a bit.)