Chapter 18 – Savage Moon City.

"Let's see, is this thing here as well?"

Mix begined looking around and stopped after noticing the giant wooden board.

(There is information board here as well, it's way bigger in size and there way more things written on it.)

Mix begined reading the board.

(…There are multiple equipment shops here and alchemy shops. Is equipment shop different from blacksmith shop?)

(Auction house is here as well, is there anything else worth noting?)


(Skill shop? Since it has "skill" in its name, does it mean it sells skill books by any chance?! The mayor told me that there are some shops that sell them, I will have to go there myself.)

(There is also blacksmith facility, alchemy facility and some other types of facilities. It's only written where it's located and how to get to it, there is nothing about what is their purpose. Well the same thing was with the board from Green Town, there wasn't an problem back then since the name were quiet obvious and everybody could guess what they were selling alchemy shop, blacksmith shop and training grounds.)

(There is way more stuff here that in the Green Town, I guess I will have to visit a few of them.)

(The blacksmith facility isn't located that far from where I'm right now, I will go and check what it's about, maybe it's something important.)

Mix left the crowd of people and begined walking towards the direction where blacksmith facility is located. As Mix begined walking down the road she saw multiple people staring at her.

(Most of the people I see right now are elves. Well previously almost all people were humans in Green Town.)

"Good morning." – said Mix while smiling.

"Ah, good morning." – some elves replied to the Mix greetings.

(They don't seems to be an a-holes unlike that guard capitan, communicating with them won't be problem then.)

Mix stopped walking after noticing the building made out of bricks with the sing "Blacksmith Facility".

(It's first building made out of bricks I see since I got here and unlike other buildings that are on the trees, this one is one the ground. It's quiet big building as well.)

"Well, no use standing around."

Mix approached the building and opened a door.

"Excuse me." – said Mix while opening the door.

As Mix entered the building, she saw many furnaces, anvils and other blacksmith equipment everywhere, but nobody was using or working with them.

"Good evening miss, is it your first time here?" – the half-elf girl suddenly approached Mix with cheerful look.

"Well yes. What exactly is this place? Is it like blacksmith shop that sells weapon?"

"No, this place don't sell any weapons. This is place is known as Blacksmith Facility also known as "Public Blacksmith Center". In this place you can rent an blacksmith workshop spot. Each spot is equipped with all necessary equipment for item crafting. You can also rent or buy here some blacksmith tools."

"We are also offering the teaching lesson that can help you acquire [Blacksmith] occupation."

(Huh, so that what old man blacksmith said about not worrying about finding workshop to work with. I was quiet worried about not having workshop to work with, because without it I wouldn't be able to train blacksmithing or craft any items.)

"Here are rent prices of the spot and some equipment. And here are full prices of the equipment if you wish to buy any." – said the young girl while pointing to the two different boards wooden boards hanging on the wall behind her.

(The rent for the equipment is quiet cheap and about the basic equipment, I got them from old blacksmith. I made trade with him using some materials I got from the monster stamped, I even gave him some materials from boss monsters as well and it was worth it.)

[Advance Newbie Blacksmith Tools Set] – [Rare]

(They are bit better that normal ones and have way more durability, meaning there shouldn't be problem with using them for long time.)

"Is this place open for 24 hours?"

"Yes indeed."

"Well then, I will come back later." – said Mix while exiting the building.

(I can kind of guess that alchemy facility and other facilities are about the same thing.)

After leaving the blacksmith facility I went and visited second place on my list the [Equipment Shop]

That place was pretty much the same as the blacksmith shop where you can buy equipment type items just like in blacksmith shop but with some mayor differences.

-You can't order costume made equipment.

-You can't ask them to teach you blacksmithing.

I get the second part since there is Blacksmith Facility where you can train but the first part is quiet the downer, I was hopping on to order the costume made axe and two handed crossbow.

Speaking of crossbow and axe.

[You have bought: [One Handed Iron Mace], [One Handed Iron Axe], [Two Handed Big Crossbow]

I needed new two handed crossbow and new close range combat. Unfortunately the cleaver stats are no longer useful for me as of right now. I really liked that cleaver.

The new weapons I bought for close range combat were pair of one handed axes, honestly I bought them not only because I liked axes more, but for more specify reason.

[Sword Mastery] and [Crossbow Mastery] are skills that revolves around specific weapon and can only grow if you use the weapon related to them. Honestly knowing how to use many different weapons is good and all but there is problem, if you do that the leveling up of each weapon mastery will slow down signify, so it's better to focus on small amount of weapons.

Since I should only focus on small amount of weapons, I should use the weapons I like using then like axes. I will try from now on focus only on axe and crossbow, I don't really know if I will try using any different weapon in future but I should keep it as simple as possible.

By the way, the reason why I bough 2 one handed axes was because I wanted to test out fighting using two weapons at the same time, I really want to see how well I can manage using that kind of fighting style.

Anyway, I bough the new two handed type crossbow as well. Why I bought it? I did a little experiment before and wanted to test out the difference between the two handed and one handed model and here are some results:

Two handed:

-Deal more damage.

-Possess higher piercing power.

-Can fly for longer distance – Longer attack range.

One handed:

-Can be reloaded way faster.

-Can be carried in one hand, allowing my other hand to hold something else but I still need to use second hand to reload.

Thanks to that I was able to make this type of play style:

-Two handed crossbow – Long range.

-One handed crossbow – Mid range.

-One handed axe – Close range.

-One handed axe and one handed crossbow – Hybrid.

(I manage to improve myself when it comes to crossbow and now and now, I can fight at different type of ranges. Well I still have lot to learn, it's not like I'm genius or anything, I'm trying to learn nonstop how to use crossbows and other weapons using real combat. But it's really not that bad having to learn, having using weapons instead of reading the articles about them give me bit more insights and even more inspiration for my work, well I still have to learn how to use them properly.)

"We currently have some solid party if we include me and every monster under my command, but it's not perfect. It would be ideal if I found any support type monster and tame it, more specify monster that can heal other. Potions aren't free and I need to buy better ones whenever I level up a lot, meaning I will be forced to spent even more money."

Mix was standing in front of the building with the sign on top of the door saying [Skill Book Shop].

(That's is the last location on my list, "The Skill Shop". There high chance this is the place where I can buy the skill books!)

"Let's go."

Mix opened the door and entered the shop.

"Welcome." – said the middle aged man behind the desk.

Mix looked around the store and saw an bookshelf with skill book inside of it.

"Excuse me, are those for sale."

"Yes, they are."

(Bingo! This is the place the mayor mentioned.)

(Oh? There are prices tags. Let's see….Oh….Oh f*ck.)

[Skill Book – Rarity Rank: Common]

[Price: 300 Gold Coins] – [The cheapest one]

[Money: 72 Gold coins 29 Silver Coins]

(That's cost sh*t tons of money for even the cheapest ones, some of the [Common] skill books even costs 450 gold. I used 2 skills books already, one was Rare rank and other was Epic rank. Jesus Christ, to think mayor would give something as valuable as that as quest rewards, how much did that skill book costed in first place.)

"Hm? Excuse me. Do you sell any Epic rank skill book?"

"Sorry, but no. Even if I got one it would probably be sold instantly before you could bought it, so no use complaining if you are wondering."

(Honestly, I'm more worried how much does Epic rank book cost. How much would I earn if I didn't use it but sell it instead? I only see Common and Rare rarity rank here, but they still cost a lot. Should I save up money from now on?)

Mix left the shop shortly after and headed off towards north, leaving the city in the process.

[Akru'n Frog-Man Warrior – Level 30]

The green colored Frog-Man using the sword was facing against the Mix and she was using one handed axe and mace.

The frog creature tried slashing the Mix with its sword, but Mix striked the creature sword with her axe, pushing away the sword and making the creature lose balance, she then used her other axe she was holding with other hand and slashed the creature throat, giving it fatal wound and making it die moment later.

"Using two one handed melee weapons at the same time is quiet nice, but it will require some time for me to adjust to it. I quiet like this fighting style too."

(Anyway, those Frog-Mans are different that Frog-Mans I encounter before, besides them being green instead of blue. They fight notable better and their equipment look way better equipment, the Frog-Mans from swamp forest were wearing armor made out of wood but those Frog-Man instead have armor made out of bronze.)

"You can clearly feel that difficulty changed and that's good."

(I had way too easy time fighting monster at some point and because of that fighting became bit boring. Well the previous location was location for the beginner in the first place, so it's just straight up stupid to complain.)

(So far I only encountered small groups or lonely ones instead, I walked quiet distance from the city as well, so it should be mater of time before I start-)

Suddenly sound of rustling leaves could be heard coming from multiple direction.

(Speak of the devil.)

"Well then, please don't disappoint me Mrs. Frog-Mans."

The group of Frog-Man surrounded the Mix from all direction.