Chapter 18 EXTRA

[ Mix ]

[ Race: Human ]

[ Gender: Female ]

[ Level: 36 ]

[ Classes: [Tamer], [Manifestor]. ]

[ Occupation Classes: [Woodworker- Beginner] [Blacksmith – Beginner]. ]

[ HP: 1070/1070 ] [ MP: 1280/1280 ] [ SP: 950/950 ]

[ Main Stats ]

[ Physical Defense: 74(+41) ] [ Magic Defense: 74(+54) ] [ Strength:77(+49) ] [Agility: 64(+10) ] [ Intelligent: 62(+33) ] [ Health: 100(+7) ] [ Magic: 95(+33) ] [ Constitution: 95(+) ]

[ Bonus stats ]

[ Taming Mastery: 182(+25) ] – [ Remanning Points: 113/207 ]

[ Free stat points: 36 ] (6 points from leveling up) (30 points from boss achievements (10x3)

{{ 26 points were put into [ Taming Master ] and 10 more points were put into [Health] }}

[ Skills:

[ [Tamer] Skills: [Tame] [Tamer Book] [Tamer Command: Attack](LVL5) [Taming Art: First Aid](LVL5) [The Way Of The Tamer-Beginner](LVL4) ]

[ [Manifestor] Skill: [Summon: Grey Chess Pawn](LVL6) [Summon: Grey Chess Rock](LVL3) [The Way Of The Manifestor-Beginner](LVL4). ]

[ Other skills: [Crossbow Mastery – Rank F](LVL3) [Sword Mastery – Rank F](Level 2). ]

[ Skill Book Skill: [Summon Lesser Water Frog](LVL2). [Bhu'n Frog-Man Taming Arts](LVL1). ]

[Title(s): [The One Who Dealt With The Frog Problem(Special). ]

[Bhu'n Frog-Man Taming Arts] – [NEW SKILL]

[Skill level: 1] – [Progress Rate: 00%]

[Skill type: Passive]

[This passive skill possess 3 effects.]

[First effect. Increases the odds of successfully taming creature that is either: amphibian, reptile or insect type creatures by X% (X = Current skill level)(X = 1)]

[Second effect. Decrees the cost of [Taming Mastery] points used for: amphibian, reptile and insect type creatures tamed creatures by Y% (Y = Current skill level)(Y = 1). The reduced cost is then rounded up after it's reduced, example: cost 26 – 10% = 23,4 -> The current cost is 23.]

[Third effect. Each creature under your control will receive Z% Negative Status Resistance (Z= Current skill level multiplied by 0,5)(Z = 1 x 0,5 = 0,5).]

[This skill will receive progression rate whenever: You tame amphibian, insect or reptile type monster. Whenever the tamed creature you control that is amphibian, insect or reptile fights or/and defeats an opponent. Whenever you manage to evolve your tamed creature that is amphibian, insect or reptile.]

{{Negative Statues Resistance total can't cannot be greater than 50%, however there are some skills that are able to grant more that 50% of resistance.

For example: Skill provides you 65% resistance while you have 50% from your items. You will end up with 65% resistance (65% + 50% = 65%). The Negative Status Resistance can't stack if you have 50% status resistance (48% + 21% = 50%, can't exceed more than 50%).}}

[Ring Of The Young Tamer]

[Item type: Equipment.]

[Equipment type: Ring.]

[Rarity: Rare]

[Effect when worn:

-Increase the [Taming Mastery] stat by 25 points

-Increase the odds of successfully taming target by 5%.]

[Item Restriction:

-User need to be at least level 25.

-Use need to possess [Tamer] class or one of its forms]

[Durability: 350/350]

[Weight: 30]

(Ollie and Min didn't increased that much for 2 reason: They ended up taking too much damage and were forced back to the book because of that. The EXP rewards from quest was only given to Mix.

[ Min ]

[ Race: Killer Rabbit ]

[ Gender: Female ]

[ Level: 32 ]

[ HP: 610/610 ] [ MP: 380/380 ] [ SP: 520/520 ]

[ Main stats ]

[ Physical Defense: 46 ] [ Magic Defense: 46 ] [ Strength: 46 ] [ Agility: 57 ] [ Intelligent: 42 ] [ Health: 65 ] [ Magic: 42 ] [Constitution: 56 ]

[ Free stat points: 4] {{All 4 points were put into [ Agility ]

[Skills: [Headbutt Attack](Level 5 -> 6) [Agility Strike](LVL 2 ->3).]

[Taming Mastery Cost: 42]

[ Ollie ]

[ Race: Bloodthirsty Swamp Forest Crocodile ]

[ Gender: Female ]

[ Level: 33 ]

[ HP: 1090/1090 ] [ MP: 390/390] [ SP: 510/510 ]

[ Main attributes]

[ Physical Defense: 56 ] [Magic Defense: 46 ] [ Strength: 60 ] [Agility: 45 ] [ Intelligent: 39 ] [ Health: 109 ] [ Magic: 39 ] [ Constitution: 51 ]

[Free Stat Points: 4] {{ 2 points were put in [ Psychical Defense ] and [ Magic Defense ].

[ Skills: [Predator Challenge](LVL2) [Bloodthirsty Roar](LVL2). ]

[ Taming Mastery Cost: 53 (Cost reduction: 1%. Current cost: 52) ]