Chapter 19 – Difficulty Change.

The Mix was surrounded from all sides by green Frog-Mans.

"Come out guys! Let's have fun."

[Your tamed creatures have been summoned]

[You have summoned a creature under your command – 7 total number of summoned creatures.]

"Min, Ollie, try taking as many as you can alone, but don't overdo it and you lot go wild and don't bother helping me."

(The monster are noticeable stronger and smarter than before, this should as nicely training. This is a good opportunity to develop myself more and get better battle experience and it's also an good opportunity to help develop my fighting style with two weapons.)

Moment later an all-out battle between Mix group and Frog-Mans group would begined. The monster under Mix command attack monsters surrounding her, expect the monsters in front of her.

[Akru'n Frog-Man Warrior – Level 32]

[Akru'n Frog-Man Soldier – Level 31]

[Akru'n Frog-Man Archer – Level 32]

[Akru'n Frog-Man Apprentice Mage – Level 34]

(3 with swords, 3 with spears, 2 with bows and 1 mage. This should do.) – Mix stood in front of small group of Frog-Mans that were not attacked by any of her monsters.

Mix rushed forwards towards her foes with her axes in her hands while her opponents were rushing towards her themselves.

The Frog-Mans with the spear that were at front, launched their spear simultaneous at the Mix, she in response jumped over their attacks, Mix raised her axe in attempt to slash the opponents below her but 2 arrows suddenly flew at her, forcing her to block with her weapons and making her land on the ground.

(They are working somehow together. Before those blue Frog-Mans that attacked at random without any sense of team work, but those green ones somehow works together. The spear ones attack together and archers were waiting for right moment, they are trying not to hit their allies unlike the blue ones.)

Suddenly an ball of wind flew towards the Mix forcing her to block the attack by using both of her weapons as a shield.

"So you use wind instead of water? What next? Am I going to find the red one nest that uses fire or something?"

The sword caring Frog-Mans rushed straight at the Mix and tried slashing her at the same time with vertical slash, Mix in response used her axe and counter attacked each sword with one swing, launching the blades backwards and making the Frog-Mans lose balance. She then used her other axe to cut off their hands off with one strike.

"Even though you are stronger that blue ones, you're fighting style is exactly the same."

(I fought some other Frog-Mans along the way as soon as I entered hunting area, but only a small groups of 2-3 per group or just some lone guy. Unlike the blue ones that launched their attacks at random, they instead have simple pattern of attacks that each one of them repeats over and over again, they all do exactly same thing. Honestly that part made dealing with them bit easier since all you have to do is watch their attack pattern 4-5 times and then you can match the timing and easily find an opening or counter attack.)

(It was only bit dangerous for me at first when I fought the first group since I wasn't expecting them to attack at random like the blue ones, but after I noticed that they repeat they attacks pattern over and over again, the fight became way easier after I observed them a bit. Well even if all they do is repeating the same attack over and over again, they still know how to fight bit better that blue ones.)

The two archers behind spearman were pulling their bow strings while struggling and moment later they would fire their arrow at the Mix, this time instead of blocking the arrows she dodged them. The arrows that Mix dodge, flew and hit the ground, creating a sound of something heavy hitting the ground where arrows landed.

(The main difference between those monsters and monsters from beginner area: Monsters now uses skills. Before only spellcaster type, boss type and rare monster type(Ollie) were only using skills before. However now that they use the skills, they ended up becoming way more dangerous.)

The three Frog-Mans using spears charged at the Mix once again and tried again thrusting her spear at her at the same time, Mix in response leaped over their attack and few straight at them. As soon as enemies got within her reach, they ended up being instantly slaughtered by Mix axes.

"Common. Show me something new at least before I kill you all. Hm?"

A ball of wind was growing and pulsing in front of the frog mage.

"Oh, well that is new. Usually they only know one magic skill. For some reason I have weird feeling of deja vu when I look at it."

The frog mage released the blast of wind straight at the Mix, at first, she thought about blocking the attack to see how strong it is but in last second, she changed her mind and dodge it instead. The attack missed the Mix and hit the tree behind the Mix blowing it up and destroying it completely.

(So that why I had that weird déjà vu feeling, it's very similar as that water cannon attack that the named Frog-Man used, but it's different. It takes noticeable longer to cast and it's wind type attack instead of water, also he didn't shoot it out from his mouth. I got bad feeling as soon as he released the spell and that made me instinctively dodge it before I know it, was it because of memory about when I fought that guy?)


The Frog-Man that released the powerful attack was breathing heavily and was on one of his knees while clenching to his staff.

"So it's trade off huh? It's uses all of your power to release that attack and now you are defenseless huh? Thanks for info."

The two archers started shooting at the Mix but she quickly close the distance and disposed of them and moment later she would finish off the defenseless mage.

(The others are struggling a bit as well, I guess they too need time to adjust to the difficulty change as well, I guess I have to help them this time.)

The fight ended shortly after Mix provided support to both of her tamed monsters.

[Level up! You became level 37!]

[Your tamed creature: Min had leveled up! Min became level 33!]

[Your tamed creature: Ollie had leveled up! Min became level 34!]

(It's not that long since we begined hunting and we already managed to level up. On top of the monsters we encounter so far had level between 29-34. Well we still killed a lot of them but still the leveling up now is definity faster than before, it's surprising that even I leveled up.)

"Anyway we can't use our old methods now by the look of things."

(We can no longer hunt big group of monsters because we would end up suffering heavy damage in the process now over and over again, it wasn't the issue before when I was still in Green Town but now it is. I'm already forced to use potion on myself as well as on Min and Ollie. While I was helping Ollie, I didn't noticed the two mages charge up their shot and got hit by it.)

(I survived but I took some damage even with my high [Magical Defense] around 25% of HP was lost. Before dealing large groups were very easy and we didn't took too much damage but now it's different. Not only those mages but every monster here can deal good amount of damage if you are not careful enough, I got hit few times by the other monsters as well )

[Mix] – [ HP: 616/1080 ]

[Min] - [ HP: 346/620 ]

[Ollie] - [ HP: 523/1100 ]

(Probably the difficulty will get harder and harder as we go on. Well that will make everything bit more challenging and fun.)

"We should only hunt the group that have between 8-14 monsters in it, any more could end up making problems as of right now. [Taming Art: First Aid]." – (This was the last charge.)

"Equipment and stats are not enough. I need new skills, Ollie and Min as well."

"I got some items from the frogs but I don't know how much they will sell for, I need money to buy skill books as fast as possible."

"Hm? Now that I think about it, when two of you are going to evolve? Min evolved twice already and Ollie didn't evolved once."

(Last time Min evolved was at level 20 and she is now level 33. Ollie was tamed at level 22 and she is now level 34. Min got new skill when she evolved, does monsters only receive new skills after they evolved or am missing something important?)

(There is also existence of the skill books that players can use to get skill, can my tamed creatures use those skill books as well or is there an specific item that only they can use that will grant them new skill? I should go and meet the store owner that sells skill books, maybe he will know something.)

"Tch. It would nice if I would manage to get skill book from monster drop. Anyway, I should go back to the-"

Suddenly a sound of explosion could be heard coming from nearby where Mix was located.

"What was that?"

Mix got up and begined rushing towards the direction where the sound of the explosion came from.

As Mix begined closer and closer to the spot where sound of explosion came from and then she begined hearing the clashes of blades. Moment later she would arrive at top off the cliff and see below her group of Frog-Mans and player fighting each other.

"Heal me fast!"

"Dammed! Why they are way harder that group before?!"

[Akru'n Frog-Man Paladin – Level 34]

(5 people and group of Frog-Mans, both sides look seriously injured. I don't see boss monsters anywhere but instead there is that one guy who is wearing a heavy armor and caring halberd, Akru'n Frog-Man Paladin. I didn't encounter that one yet, is he a rare monster? The last rare monster that I encounter was Ollie and so far, I couldn't encounter another one.)

Let's turn back a time a bit.

This happened round the time when I was doing the investigation quest, after my first day was unsuccessful, I ended up logging off. I did my work for. After that I did the usual stuff, write new chapters for my new novel and browse through the game community forum to see if there is anything interesting.

[Post made by: Wind]

[Rare Monsters? A treasure monsters?]

A post posted by the players that had started in White Town. Apparently, he encounter a rare monster while leveling up with his friends.

Some other players left their own comments on that post, saying that they too encounter them and even some people from Green Town had already encountered Bloodthirsty Swamp Forest Crocodiles( Rare monster/Ollie race), some people were catching up to me in terms of leveling up that time, I though level advantage would last way longer.

However there is an interesting thing, most of the comments saying that each of them encounter their respective monster in same areas as other people, people from same town found the same monster in same location.

"The rare monster can only spawn in specific areas."

That is the conclusion that players came up with and honestly, I think I agree with them. It kind of explains why I only encounter rare monsters in swamp forest and didn't manage to encounter any in any other areas even when I looked through the entire areas (The horned rabbit forest and area around the outpost).

The other thing that player had manage to discover was that rare monster themselves do not have set spawn time but instead random one. Sometimes it took for one rare monster to spawn an few hours, sometimes an day and sometimes it took more even more time for one to spawn.

(Apparently slaying rare race of monsters gives you achievement as well and good item drops, I didn't know that part since I never slew one yet. I guess these people want to get their hands on that achievement and the rewards.)

"…Let's observe the situation for now." - Said Mix while taking out notebook from her inventory.

(The only time I observe other players fighting was when I begined, I observed the sword guy fighting Angry Rabbit. I couldn't observe how other people fought during monster stamped since I was quiet busy dealing with monsters, but now it's different. I want to see how other players fight and how different they are from me. I can't check their classes or anything, but I can tell that none of them are [Manifestor] or [Tamer] since I don't see any monsters fighting alongside them.)

(They didn't noticed me so I can just sit back and take some notes.)

"We run out of potions boss!" – said the player with bow.

[Awan – Level 30] [Classes: [Archer] / [Thug] ]

"What about heals?!" – said the man caring an big axe.

[Drew – Level 31]] [Classes: [Soldier] / [Fighter] ]

"I already used all charges of [Simple Aid] and I'm almost out of mana."

[Alfred – Level 30]] [Classes: [Newbie Adventurer] / [Light Priest] ]

"I'm too almost out of MP as well. I already used [Mana Bomb] as well."

[Fryn – Level 31]] [Classes: [Mage Apprentice] / [Dark Priest] ]

"Should we run away?" – said man wearing heavy armor and holding great shield.

[Dryn – Level 30] [Classes: [Soldier] / [Fighter] ]

"Of course bloody not! We are killing this bastard even if some of us will die! We already wasted all of our remaining potions on them, so let's make it at least worth it. Besides they will probably not let us get away and we would end up dying the moment we try to run away. Only their leader and half of his minions are left, so don't f*king get cold feet now." - said Drew.

The sword and spear caring begined charging at the group of players.

"[Defense]!" – shouted both Dryn and Drew


[Skill Level: 5]

[Active Skill]

[Cost: 30 MP]

[Cooldown: 10 Minutes.]

[Temporary increase the user [Physical Defense] and [Magic Defense] by X% (X = current skill level multiplied by 10) (X = 50).]

[The skill lasts for 2 seconds + Y seconds (Y= current skill level multiplied by 0,5) (Y=2,5) (Duration = 4,5 seconds).]

[The user cannot move more than 0,5 meter from the spot where the skill was activated. If user moves too far the skill will forceful deactivated.]

The fierce exchange of blows would between the two players and Frog-Man would begin, with the players taking hit after hit.

(They are getting hit a lot, but they don't seem to bother about it.) – though Mix while observing

"Fryn! Awan! Kill those archers now while we deal with warriors!" – shouted party leader.

As soon as party leader gave the command, both archer and mage turned their gaze towards enemy archers.

"[Mana Ball]!"


[Skill Level: 3]

[Active Skill]

[Cost: 100 MP]

[Cooldown: : 3 minute.]

[Saying out loud skill name will result in skill activation. When skill is activated a ball of mana will begin to form, when it's fully manifested you can then release it in chosen direction, firing it in straight line.]

[The projectile explode on contact and dealing damage. This skill deals magical damage.]

[ X + Y% = The total damage dealt by Mana Ball. (X= User current [Intelligent] stat) (Y= current skill level multiplied by 10)(Y=30).]

[This skill is categorized as: Spell type skill.]

"[Power Shot]!"

[Power Arrow]

[Skill Level: 5]

[Active Skill]

[Cost: 50 MP]

[Cooldown: : 5 minute.]

[Your next basic range attack type attack will have its damage deal increased by X% (X= current skill level multiplied by 10)(X=50) and the projectile speed will increase by 10%.]

[This skill only be used with: Bow type weapon or Crossbow type weapon.]

[Skill Category: Weapon skill]

A ball made out of mana and arrow enchanted with skill, flew straight at the archers, piercing one of them with arrow in the cheast, while the ball of mana ended up hitting the center of group of archer, hitting almost all of them in process. The already injured Frog-Mans that got by the attacks from the players were easily finished off.

"Now is our chance!" – said Drew.

"[Weapon Strike]!"

[Weapon Strike]

[Skill Level: 5]

[Active Skill]

[Cost: 50 MP]

[Cooldown: 5 minute.]

[Empower the attack of your next basic attack that involve weapon. The empowered attack will increase damage deal by X% (X= current skill level multiplied by 10).]

[User can only use this skill while using an weapon or with something that can be used as weapon.]

[Skill Category: Weapon skill]

The man swinged his axe and slashed multiple Frog-Mans. The half of the hit enemies were killed while the others were launched away, heavily injuring them instead of killing them.

(Dammed! I didn't manage to finish all of them!) – "Dryn! Finish them off before they are healed!"

The man caring the shield charged straight at fallen foes, but before he could get to them, the Frog-Mans boss suddenly spitted massive amount of liquid from its mouth, the liquid ended up hitting the injured Frog-Mans and moment later they would get up with most of their wounds gone.

"Dammed! They healed again!" – said the guy with the bow.

"Calm the f*ck down! There is only few of the minions remaining and their boss. That guy has been standing back entire time and was only healing and giving buffs to them and never actually joined the fight, this means that guy is support type and once all of his minions are gone it's easy victory!"

While the Frog-Mans and players were still fighting, above them on the cliff, Mix was staring down on them with the smile of the monster on her face.