Chapter 24 – Class Advancement [Tamer] / [Manifestor].

{{Note from author: There was changes in some chapter. The biggest changes were in fallowing chapters: 16/22. I'm sorry for any form of confusion in information you had encounter before. Some details has been changed in those chapter. I'm very sorry for my mistakes and thank you for keep reading my work.}}

[[You have meet conditions for the class advancement!]]

[[Please chose new form for the [Tamer] Class:

-[Tamer Expert] – [Common]

Class that focuses on improving your basics taming arts to the further level as well as increases your already existing abilities to new level.

[[Please chose new form for the [Manifestor] Class:

-[Manifestor Expert] – [Common]

An advanced version of the class [Manifestor] class

[[WARINING! Once class have been advanced, the changes can't be undone so please pick carefully before picking any new forms. You can check the changes that will be applied for each choices.]]

"Oh…." – said Mix while looking with shock.

"So after hitting level 50 I can finally class advance, but I only have one options for each class, why is that? Since it says chose new form, does that mean that normally you have multiple options by any chance. There was similar case when Min evolved. It said that there was only one evolution path available, I think this is the same case."

"Well, since there is only option for each one, there is no use thinking about choosing or anything."

The golden light begined to be emitted out of Mix.

[[Your class [Tamer] had advanced into new form! Your [Tamer] class has become [Advance Tamer]!]]

[[Your class [Manifestor] had advanced into new form! Your [Manifestor] class has become [for [Manifestor Expert]!]]

[[You have learned new skill(s):[Summon: Grey Chess Knight] [Manifest Barrier] [ [Taming Arts: Defense] [Tamer Guts]

[[Your skill: [Taming Art: First Aid] – [Level 10] has become: [Taming Art: Heal] – [Level 1].]]

[[Your skill: [Taming Art: Attack] – [Level 10] has become: [Taming Art: Assault] – [Level 1].]]

[[Level of some of your skills has been increased!]]

[[Your growth has been rate per level had been modified. Reason: Class change from [Manifestor] to [Manifestor Expert]. Class change from [Tamer] to [Advance Tamer]. Reaching Level 50.]]


[Health] 1 -> 1.1

[Magic] 1 -> 1.4

[Constitution] 1 -> 1.1

[Taming Mastery] 1 -> 1.3

[[Thanks to reaching level 50, you will now receive 2 free stat points instead of 1 from now on.]]

[[Some change will be applied to your status, reason: change of growth.

+ 5 [Health]

+ 5 [Constitution]

+ 20 [Magic]

+ 15 [Taming Mastery].

[The number of the skill books you can use has been increased by 2!] [Current limit of skill books: 6]

{{Full information about new Mix stat will be Chapter 24 EXTRA.}}

"Let's see what changed…..Few new skills, new summon and the number of the summons I can use increased thanks to skill level increasing. Interesting."

"Some of my old skills that had level 10, had become new skills. Expect the Pawn. The Pawn skill is level 10, but it didn't evolve."

[Summon: Grey Chess Rock]

[Summon: Grey Chess Knight]

The already before seen Chess Rock was summoned, along side new heavy armor wearing monster, with long sword and great shield, wearing the helmet in shape of the horse.

(The knight stats are heavily focused on defense and it has taunt skill, but it has low [Agility].)

(Current my max amount of pawns I can summon is 8, 2 rocks, 1 knight and 1 water frog. Giving me total of 12 summoned monsters. Pawns are quiet weak and does not possess anything special, pretty much they don't have much value, the only up is that I can summon multiple of those. Rock and the water frog on the other hand are quiet useful because of their range attack. And as for the Knight, I already saw how useful TAUNT effect is in the fight, I think I will find use for him.)

"Now….What should I do?"

[Tamed monster require 3 hours of rest to recover after dying once, if the creature is killed again in the spawn of the 12 hours after reviving, the creature will end up requiring 12 hour to respawn.]

(Honestly I wanted to return to the city right after looting boss monster, but change of plan. With the addition of the one more Rock and the Knight, it changes things.)

(I know it will be probably way harder now that I can't temporarily use tamed monsters, but there is fun in risk sometimes.)

"Anyway, it's better to explore it now, since walking here and back to the city will take some time and I will have to deal with monsters all over again, meaning pain in the ass."

"So let's go."

Mix entered the mineshaft.