Chapter 23 – Mining Site.

[[You have been teleported to the dungeon entrance.]]

"And I'm back. Others got teleported with me." – said Mix after arriving back at the dungeon entrance, back in the forest.

"[Status Open]."

Status winddown opened in front of the Mix.

(I have right now 79 free stat points. How should I distribute them? I can't pull all point [Taming Mastery] right now.)

(Let's put some of the stats points into [Strength], [Agility], [Health] and into [Constitution]. I kind of need to increase them a bit as of right now to help me in fighting. I will put the rest into [Taming Mastery].)

[[Free stat points: 0]

"This should do it for now. Anyway I have to wait 4 hours for the dungeon to respawn."

(The items I got from the dungeon are: dagger, artifact, tree trunk, the elf skull and fragment of something.)

[Cursed Elf Skull]

[An skull that once belonged to elf from ancient time. The skull itself is filled up with many cursed and necrotic energy to the point of almost breaking apart.]

[Corpse Eating Tree Trunk]

[The trunk harvested from the Corpse Eating Tree. The truck itself is filled with many cursed and necrotic energy. It also gives smell of rotten flesh.]

[Fragment Of The Necrotic Energy – Lesser – Small]

[A magic stone filled with necrotic energy.]

([Fragment Of The Necrotic Energy – Lesser – Small] is a drops I got from killing the zombies alongside some gold coins.)

"But how do I use them? Are they crafting materials or something? The old man blacksmith said that there are crafting methods that uses stuff that contains different type of energies as one of the materials. Maybe the blacksmith facility will know something."

"Anyway, we level up a bit so and we got used to fighting against tougher opponents a bit, so we should head towards higher level areas now."

Sometime later.

[[You have slain: Akru'n Frog-Man Paladin – Level 46.]

[You have become level 47.]

[Level of some of your skills had increased.]

(I started to only encounter Frog-Mans again. The Walking Tree territory was smaller than I originally though, they only appeared near the dungeon.)

(The higher level monster are appearing here and I encounter the 3 Frog-Man Paladin here. I got the pendants, potions and halberds from them. The halberds seems pretty nice but its two handed, I will probably put it on auction for sale.)

"But why we encounter 2 of them? If we count the one from before it makes 3 in total. Is it because it is higher level area? Or is it because the size of territory? Or maybe it is influenced by the number of normal monster in area?"

"Maybe I will find out something if I look for information about other people who left the beginner town, other that Green Town. It would be nice if somebody find out how it works."

"But anyway, how big is the Frog-Man territory? I already marked a lot of space as their territory and it just keeps increasing. Well at least higher level Frog-Man appear now, but literally nothing else, they are just higher level version of the previous encountered ones."

"[Open Statues]."

[In Game Time: 14:04] – There is an in game and real world time clock that shows time in status.

(Only half an hour passed after I left the dungeon, huh? I'm level 47 right now, will going back to the dungeon will give me any benefits?)

(Hmm…. It maybe won't give me much EXP but it may give me some good stuff so it maybe still worth it? I still have to find out how useful are the stuff I got from the dungeon. Maybe I will even manage to find another dungeon that will offer more interesting stuff?)

"Or maybe….Stop." – Mix stopped and order her group to stop as well.

The reason why Mix stopped was because she noticed something.

(There are noticeable less trees in that direction and I see some boulders there. I did not a single boulder since I got here.)

"No matter how you look at it, something is there. Let's go."

Mix party headed towards the direction where Mix spotted boulders. As soon as Mix party got there, they saw more boulders in distance, they decided to head towards the direction where more boulders could be seen.

As Mix group begined walking down their chosen path, the scenery around them changed. The number of trees dwindle and the number of the rocks would increase. While traveling, Mix group would keep encountering and defending the Frog-Mans.

[You have slain: Akru'n Frog-Man Warrior – Level 45]

"Weird, I thought I would encounter different monster here since area clearly change, but Frog-Mans are keep appearing."

(On top all of that, we already left the forest. Normally when scenario changes, I would end up finding boss soon after, that is what usually happened in swamp forest.)

"Well better mark this spot on the map for-"

Before Mix could finish her sentence, she ended up walking stepping over the cliff and flipping over.


Mix begined roll down the hill.






Mix stopped rolling down few seconds after and landed flat on the ground.

"F*ck me, again? Really? Maybe I shouldn't be walking while using the map."

"On top all of that, there was no grass or dirt this time but only rocks and other stuff. It hurts way more than it did last time."

Mix opened her inventory.

"F*ck. It even took some of my armor durability as well. Great." – said Mix while getting up.

While Mix was getting up, she saw a spear coming straight at her in corner of her eyes. She dodge the spear that was aimed at hear head by quickly pulling her head backwards. She quickly got up and used axe she was holding in one of her hands and slashed the Frog-Man necks that attacked her, mortally wounding it.

She then noticed archer and mage Frog-Man behind the spear man that just fallen on his knees. The archer tried pulling his bow string but before he could do that Mix shot it in the head using the one handed crossbow. She then rushed straight at the mage while it was still preparing the spell and decapitated it.

After finish off the mage, she jumped towards the dying spearman and stopped its head, finishing it off.


(F*CK ME THAT SCARED ME!) – though Mix while sweating like crazy.

(If I reacted any slower, I would get instant killer by having spear pierce though my face.

(Anyway, what is this place?)

Mix begined looking around and she then saw that the area itself is an mining site, with many Frog-Mans working around.

(Now let see.) – Mix took out an item from her inventory.

[Old Spy Glass] – [Common]

(There are normal Frog-Mans and there are some Frog-Mans workers who are mining stuff. Those guys mining stuff are not wearing any armor or anything besides pickaxes, I don't think they are dangerous. There is also not many of them here, even though this place is quiet big.)

(The area itself seems to have many paths, but all of them connect to the center and there are two things there.)

A mineshaft entrance and giant Frog-Man wearing heavy armor.

[Akru'n Frog-Man Mining Site Guard – Level 47 – Boss Monster]

(A boss monster. Finally seeing one and he seems to be guarding the entrance to the mineshaft. Is that by any chance entrance to the dungeon? Lucky, I found it way earlier that I expected.)

While Mix was looking around using spy glass, she noticed rocks rumbling behind her. She quickly took out her weapons and turned around, only to see nothing. She then looked up wards and see her tamed creatures above the cliff.

"Oh right, is there any way for you to get safely down there?"

(I see one, but it's all the way on the other side of the site.)

"Wait, I can just call you back in and resummon you. [Return: Min, Ollie, Rlr, Lrl]

Mix called each of her tamed creature back to the book and moment later she would resummon them.

"Now, let's see what this place have to offer."

As nearby by group of guards were passing by, Mix together with her summons and tamed creatures, revealed themselves and instantly killed the passing guards.

"Come to mama!"

Mix monster begined slaying Frog-Mans one by one, while the Mix herself jumped of the cliff, to the group of Frog-Man miners.

"Now then, let's see what you got."

Mix rushed straight at the miners and used her axe to slash the first Frog-Man miner.

[You have slain: Akru'n Frog-Man Miner – Level 46]


(I slashed it chest, I didn't hit any vital points or anything, I also didn't went all out because I wanted to judge their stats, but it got one shotted? Okay???)

The other Miners tried attacking Mix, but they got instantly killed in mere seconds.

"So it wasn't only one that but all of them are that weak? Grey Pawns shouldn't have problem dealing with them if all of them are that weak."

(Other don't seems to have any trouble with dealing with Frog-Mans, it shouldn't be that hard to clear the camp.)

"Well, free food."

20 minutes later.

[You have slain: Akru'n Frog-Man Warrior – Level 48]

[You have leveled up! You became level 48!]

[Mix, Ollie, Rlr and Lrl had leveled up!]

Mix together with her monster, cleared the entire camp of monster.

[The effect of the [Old Restoration Art] had ended.]

(Huh. Well that was quiet easy. We didn't suffer any loses or anything and thanks to the regeneration affect we are in perfect shape right now.)

(The Frog-Mans miners, they are extremely easy to kill and all, but there is a problem with them. They give half of the EXP worth of the regular Frog-Man, meaning they are not good for farming EXP, if I killed same amount of normal Frog-Man we would probably level up one more time.)

(HOWEVER! Those bastards dropped this!)

[Bronze Ore] – [Common] x 76

"Those bastards, drops ores! I also got from the he Walking Trees item drop [Walking Tree Wood]. I have now basic materials to try making some stuff!"

"…After I finish making my first proper nail first."

(Anyway, the only left is this guy.)

[Akru'n Frog-Man Mining Site Guard – Level 47 – Boss Monster]

(Other Frog-Mans from the camp traveled towards our location when we were fighting against Frog-Mans, but that guy completely ignored us and stayed near the mineshaft entrance. Well it made dealing with Frog-Mans much easier.)

"But it at least confirm that there is something important there, more important that lifes of your comrades. Let's go."

Mix together with all of her monster begined sliding down the hill until they reached the bottom of the mining site and coming face to face with the boss monster.

The 4 meters tall giant Frog-Man covered in heavy bronze armor, caring an two swords was standing in front of them.

As soon as boss monster noticed Mix and her group, it leaped towards and moment later it was right above them. Mix and her monster scattered before boss monster landed on the ground, dodging the boss monster first attack.

(Leap attack huh? He got from the center of area to the outer part in just a moment.)

"Now that think about it, you are first frog that I encounter that you know, "JUMPED". It's quiet weird why no other frog or toad JUMPED or something so far." – said Mix with confused look on her face.

"Ollie tank him using skills. Rlr and Lrl use [Nature Fang] to lock its left feet in place. Min hit him all out in his right knee!" – said Mix, giving commands to her tamed monster while her self changing her weapon to two handed crossbow.

Ollie used its taunt skill to make the boss monster focus its entire attention at her. The boss monster tried slashing Ollie, but as soon as it tried that, the tree roots appeared and pierced its foot while Min used combination of [Headbutt Attack] and [Agility Strike] to hit the creature right knee.

The combo attack made the creature lost its balance and made the creature fall on its back. The monster tried getting back up but as soon as it raised its head, an crossbow bolt flew straight at it, flying though the eye holes in helmet and pierced right though the creature eye.

"Aahaw!!" – The creature screamed in pain.

The monster pierced the ground with both of its sword and used them as support to quickly get up on its feet, it then lifted its left foot, setting it's free from the roots that pierced it feet.

[Akru'n Frog-Man Mining Site Guard – Level 47 – Boss Monster] – [HP:74%]

(It lost good amount of HP in short amount of time and we manage to damage some parts of its body successfully.)

"Now you look properly pissed, will you be now more challenging?"

The pawns and other monsters were attacking the giant Frog-Man from different direction while Mix as well as Water Frog and Rock were firing at the creature nonstop.

(Huh, his HP is dropping like crazy, I thought he was the tank type since he is wearing full armor and all. Not even 5 minutes passed yet or anything but he is already down to 40%.)

While barrage of the attacks were continuously hitting the boss monster, it suddenly roared, knocking back ever monster, summon and Mix herself away from the boss monster.

[Akru'n Frog-Man Mining Site Guard – Level 47 – Boss Monster] – [HP:30%]

[Akru'n Frog-Man Mining Site Guard is furious!]

[Akru'n Frog-Man Mining Site Guard has entered berserker state!]

"Oh, well that seems interesting."

Many cracks appeared on the Frog-Man armor and moment later the armor itself would break apart, revealing the bare body of the monster, moment later the muscles of the creatures would to grow at rapid rate until the entire body of the creature would become over muscular.

(His appearance change completely. So far boss monster I fought did something like special move or something whenever their HP fallen below specific precent, but they never went berserk, this is first time this happened.)

"On top all of that, your eye recovered and you no longer have problem with your legs, but you didn't restored any HP or anything, this is annoying."

The giant Frog-Man raised both of it swords above its head before slashing the space in front of it, this create an blade pillar that flew straight towards Mix.

Mix, Min and some Pawns that were in line of the attack tried dodging the attack, Mix and Min were successful but Pawns unfortunately got instant killed.

[Grey Chess Pawn has been killed.]

[Grey Chess Pawn has been killed.]

[Grey Chess Pawn has been killed.]

"….Okay, not gone lie, it was cool like hell!" -said Mix with excited look.

(It was like those flying slashes thing from comics and stuff! It was cool seeing them in comics and in animations, but seeing up close is f*king cool!) – though Mix while letting out her inner otaku.

"Anyway, Pawns got one shotted huh? Getting hit by that is bad idea."

"Finish him off before he shoot another one of those! He has only 30% HP remaining!" – Shouted Mix, ordering her monster to resume attacking.

Mix quickly loaded new bolt and shoot it at the monster, hitting it but dealing much less damage that before.

"How the hell you took less damage? You are literally just took less damage that when you were wearing armor, how does that make sense?"

(This bastard defense got 2, no, 3 times of its original defense. This will be annoying.)

[Akru'n Frog-Man Mining Site Guard – Level 47 – Boss Monster] – [HP:28%]

[Akru'n Frog-Man Mining Site Guard – Level 47 – Boss Monster] – [HP:27%]

Like ants, Mix monsters were attacking left and right the giant monster, while the boss monster itself was trying to squash the annoyance like an elephant.

[Grey Chess Pawn has been killed.]

(Not only that bastards defense increased but its attack as well, I'm running out of summons and others only have around half of HP remaining. Bastard is way harder to beat that before for crying out loud, well he was complete weakling before he went berserk.)

[Grey Chess Pawn has been killed.]

"Could you please stop killing my pawns and just die yourself if you mind?" – Said Mix while trying to shoot Frog-Man in the eye, forcing it to defend its face with the sword.

More and more attacks begined to land until-

[Akru'n Frog-Man Mining Site Guard – Level 47 – Boss Monster] – [HP:15%]

The giant Frog-Man released loud roar and moment later wind begined gathering around its blades.

(Oh. I don't like the sound of that. Is going to power up again?!)

The giant Frog-Man extended both of its hands and begined spinning, with each spin becoming faster and gathering more wind. Mix realized that the Frog-Man was trying to do something dangerous and tried ordering her monster to run away.

"Everyone get-"

Before Mix could end her sentence, the giant Frog-Man begined spinning at rapid rate, creating the tornado of wind and blades.

All the remaining pawns that were close to the boss monster, as well as Rlr, Lrl, Min as well as Ollie were catched up in the attack, ended up being lifted by tornado and inflicting massive amount of damage.

Moment later the tornado would stop, dropping the pawns remains and bodies of the Lrl, Rlr, Min and Ollie on the ground.

[Tamed Creature: Rlr has been slain!]

[Tamed Creature: Lrl has been slain!]

[Tamed Creature: Ollie has been slain!]

[Tamed Creature: Min has been slain!]

[Your tamed creature(s) will be forcefully de-summoned and will be unable to be summoned again until the creature(s) fully recovers.]

[Because of the creature(s) was forcefully returned because of the death, the points won't return immediately but over time instead.]

All slain tamed creatures bodies suddenly turned showed same effect like taming would play out, with square pattern appearing and turning creatures into a light before flying straight to the Mix book.

"Well sh*t!"

(Ollie, Rlr, Min and Lrl, all of them got instantly killed by that attack, together will all remaining pawns!)

(Not good, not good at all. Only I, Rock and Water Frog are left, but their time will soon run out.)

(Ohhhh….I'm so f*king dead right now.)

The giant Frog-Man released third time loud roar.

"Oh f*ck."

While Mix prepared herself to fight again, she saw the body the Frog-Man change again, but this time the muscles of the monster begin to grow smaller and smaller across its entire body, until the muscular body of the creature turned into frail and skinny body with barely anything besides the creature bones and skin remaining.

"…By any chance, did you run out of gas?" – said Mix to the boss monster who could no longer lifts its own weapons anymore.

Mix shoot her crossbow and the bolt easily pierced though the creature chest.

[Akru'n Frog-Man Mining Site Guard – Level 47 – Boss Monster] – [HP:11%]

(He lost 4% of his HP from this?! Well it kind of make sense, he was literally went full unfair when he went into that berserker mode and he one shotted all of my monster with that big attack. I guess I was supposed to focus on surviving instead of attacking or was it because his HP got reduced to 15%? Either way I'm pissed.)

"Kill that bastard or he may recover!" – Mix ordered the Rock and the Water Frog to finish off the weaken enemy.

The boss monster was powerless and helpless state to the point where it couldn't even dodge or block any attack, in turn taking on each and every attack until the boss monster finally fallen.

[[You have slain: Akru'n Frog-Man Mining Site Guard – Level 47 – Boss Monster!]]

[[You have manage to solo slain the boss monster! You will receive additional rewards and additional EXP.]

[[Level Up! You became level 49!]]

[[Level Up! You became level 50!]]

[[You have earned achievement: Akru'n Frog-Man Mining Site Guard (1 Place) – [Rarity Rank: Epic]]

[[You have received 10 free stat points from achievement!]]

[One of who slays boss monsters alone! - Tier 3 (3 place)]

[Rarity Rank: Rare]

[You have slain all 10 different boss type monster by yourself without of the help of any player.]

[You are the 3th person to ever earn this achievement. Additional rewards shall be distributed. The rank of the achievement increased (Common -> Rare).]


-Your fame will be increased though the world by a bit.

-You have received +10 free stat points

[Additional Reward]

-You had received additional worldwide fame.

-You have received additional + 6 free stat points.

[One of who slain the monster boss! - Tier 2 (10 place)]

[Rarity Rank: Rare]

[You have successfully manage to hunt down and kill 10 different boss type monsters.]

[You are the 9th person to ever earn this achievement. Additional rewards shall be distributed.]


-Your fame will be increased though the world by a bit.

-You have received +10 free stat points.

[Additional Reward]

-You had received additional worldwide fame.

-You have received additional + 5 free stat points.

"It's finally over!"

(I was not expecting that at all. I was expecting some monster having transformation and stuff since this often appear in different games, but I wasn't expecting for all my monster to get instantly one shotted in just mere seconds.)

"F*ck me. We won but we got completely destroyed as well. Now what?"

"This is first time ever any of my tamed monster died. I don't bloody known how long it takes for one to recover. Minutes? Hours? Day? I don't know that's for sure."

(By the look of things I received all the EXP and nobody else did. So the tamed creature won't receive EXP if it dies.)

"Haaa….Maybe at least that bastard dropped something interesting."

While Mix begined approaching the monster corpse to loot it, an system widow appeared in front of her, but different one. This window had elegant golden frame, this in turn quickly got Mix attention and made her stop in her tracks.

[[You have reached level 50! The conditions for the class advancement has been meet for the [Tamer] to class advance!]]

[[You have reached level 50! The conditions for the class advancement has been meet for the [Manifestor] to class advance!]]

"Class advancement?"