Chapter 25 – Mine Shaft.

"Weird, I already walked a bit and slew some Frog-Mans already, but there was no messenge window yet. Is this place not the dungeon by any chance?"

"Well that sucks if that is the case, but it still worth exploring since the boss monster was guarding the entrance itself, meaning there should be something special here?"

(So far, the monsters I encounter here were levels 48-50 and most of them miners who were total pushovers. Well I got the bronze ores from them, so can't complaining too much.)

Mix walked deeper and deeper into unknown area, until she reached end of that path that lead straight to the open area.

(Underground mining operation huh? Quiet big at that.) – Though Mix while taking out Old Spyglass.

(There are tons of paths where Frog-Mans go in and out with materials. There are miners everywhere, but also tons of normal Frog-Mans, the security is much tighter that area before.)

(Each cart with bronze ore goes into that single path way with giant barrier, the Frog-Mans and the carts are just walking straight through it.)

(I don't see any special monsters or boss monster here. I guess I can go a bit wild now.)

Mix, Grey Chess Rocks and the water frog begined the battle by firing projectiles from above at the Frog-Mans, hitting them successfully and revealing their position in process.

The enemies begined rushing towards. Frog-Mans warrior and miners get to the Mix by taking stairs, but their path was completely blocked by Grey Chess Knight.

The Frog-Man mages tried casting spells, but one by one each one of them were instant killed by headshot from the Mix.

(The most dangerous are mages. It takes time for them to cast any spells, so calm down and aim for the kill, but don't take too long.)

While knight was blocking the path, rocks were shooting at the archers non stop and Mix was eliminating all enemy mages one by one.

(That is the last mage. Knight is barely holding on, it's time to help him out.)

Mix jumped from above, behind the enemy line of enemy and begined attacking them from behind, killing them one by one while knocking down the others from the stairs.

[Level Up! You became level 51]

(Oh right, I'm alone now without tamed monsters, I get more EXP now. I kind of forgot that fact.)

"Most of the remaining enemies are warriors and miners, the archers and mages were dealt with. So just finish off those bastards, it won't take long."

Just as Mix said, the rest of the enemies were quickly dealt with, clearing the area from all enemies.

(The battle was extremely easy since we had high ground and we quickly dealt with long range enemies before they could do anything.)

(Min and others still didn't recovered, it will probably take long time before I can resummon any of them.)

"Now then, what's the deal with this barrier."

Mix picked up the random rock from the ground and throwed it at the barrier, the rock needed up bouncing off the barrier.

"Rock attack it."

Grey Chess Rock shot at the barrier, but it ended up not yielding any results.

"Knight, try walking through it."

The knight fallowed the order and attempted to pass though the barrier, but unfortunately this attempt was unsuccessful as well.

(Impossible to pass by the look of things. Normally in game those kind of scenarios are when you encounter a door that cannot be open until you defeat enemy and take their key or destroy something. Should I be looking for something like that by any case?)

(There are 3 different paths, each leading in different direction and one the barrier there are three big circles, it's pretty obvious they are somehow related. You can pretty much tell that you have to explore each one of those paths.)

"Anyway, I wasn't expecting for this to drop from the mob monster."

[Skill Book: Wind Attribute Booster - Weak] – [Common]

"A skill book that grants passive skill that increases slight wind attribute skills and damage. It dropped from the mage. It's useless for me, but at least I found out that mobs can drop skill books as well."

(Anyway, what is the drop rate for those from mobs? I killed more hundred of those Frog-Mans and I only manage to get one.)