Chapter 26 –Paths.

Mix decided to took one of three available paths, in hopes of finding means of lifting the barrier.

(The progress is quiet smooth right now. The paths are quiet narrow, meaning I don't have to deal with many enemies at the same time.)

"Oh great split path. Let's go left."

Dead end.

"Never mind."

Moment later.

Another split path, this time 3 paths.


"…" – Mix came back, walking out from middle path.

"And I'm back here..."

"Why do I feel it will be extremely annoying?"

Sometime later.



(Honestly, I would lose my mind if it wasn't for the fact that map records everything. But holy freckling hell, how much I walked for? I think I took every single wrong turn possible, based on the map layout.)

(For crying out loud who designed this place?! And there are two more of those stupid paths. If they are the same as this, I will personally-)

While Mix took a right turn, she ended up coming into an open room with a Frog-Man standing in the middle of the room.

[[Akru'n Frog-Man Wind Mage – Level 50 –Boss Monster]]

(…Oh. A boss monster and he seems to be guarding something.)

As soon as boss monster noticed Mix, it immediately tried casting a spell but a crossbow bolt flew straight at the monster. The creature dodged the attack that was aimed at its head and instead got hit in the shoulder.

The creature quickly looked towards the Mix, to see Mix charging straight at it with an axes and mad man smile.

The Frog-Man released the spell and three balls of made out of wind were shoot at the Mix, but Mix didn't stop, she instead observed the attacks and dodged all of the attacks without stopping.

(…Wut?) – Though the Frog-Man as soon as it saw the Mix axe in front of its face.

First strike. Second strike. Third strike. Again and again Mix was attacking the boss monster, not giving it moment to breath.

In desperate attempted, the Frog-Man tried to desperately cast a spell but Mix headbutted it in the head after noticing monster trying to do something.

"Nope. Can't let you mate." – said Mix while smiling like a devil.

The Frog-Man suddenly created massive gust of wind, knocking back Mix away, this gave opportunity for Frog-Man to cast a spell, but –

"Fire." – said Mix.

A rocks and the water frog that didn't engaged in the battle so far, fired many projectiles at the Frog-Man, hitting it and in turn giving opening for Mix. She quickly close the gab and used both of her axes to decapitate the boss monster.

[[You have slain: Akru'n Frog-Man Wind Mage – Level 50 –Boss Monster]]

[[You have earned achievement: Akru'n Frog-Man Wind Mage (1Place).]] – [[Epic]]

[[You received 10 free stat points.]

(The main weakness of mages are lag between the spells, if you attack them before they can cast a spell or attack when they are preparing another spell. The spells seems quiet intimidating at first, but once you get use to seeing them, they seem a bit less dangerous.)

(Honestly, I often test things out with monsters to see their patterns and how tier works, sometimes I use pawn as lab rat for that. Frog-Man apprentice mage, Frog-Man warrior, Frog-Man archer, each have their downs and ups. For example, mages and archers are dangerous from distance, but from close distance they are pretty much screwed, if you don't give them room to breath then it's pretty much over for them.)

[Akru'n Frog-Man Mage Bracelet]

[Item type: Equipment.]

[Equipment type: Bracelet.]

[Rarity: Rare]

[Effect when worn:

-Grants +10 [ Intelligent ], [ Magic ] and to [ Magic Defense ], when worn.

-Increases resistance against Wind attribute by 3%.]

[Durability: 325/325]

[Weight: 65]

"Oh, that guy dropped something interesting. It's quiet good and I was hopping to change my old bracelet, I was wearing it since level 16."

[[You have de-equipped [Bhu'n Frog-Man Apprentice Mage Bracelet].]]

(I should probably put in auction when I get back to the city, since this is a quiet useful item for people starting in green town.)

"Anyway, now that boss was dealt with, what the heck is this thing?" – said Mix while approaching the pedestal with floating orb like object on top of it.

[[Barrier Seal #2]]

Mix tried putting her hand on the object and taking it away, but no matter what she did, the object would no move.

"I can't take it huh? So I guess I have to destroy it."

Mix swinged her axe and shattered the object, moment later the remains of the object would vaporize into a thin air.

"Let's go back to if that did anything."

Moment later.

(One of the circles that was on barrier disappeared completely. There are only 2 left, so I have to destroy 2 more of those things.)