Chapter 27 – Miming Site Manager.

[[You have slain: Akru'n Frog-Man Paladin Instructor – Level 50 –Boss Monster.]]

[[You have slain: Akru'n Frog-Man Old Priest – Level 50 –Boss Monster.]]

[[You have earned two new achievements! You have gained 20 free stat points.]]

[Mix – Level 52]

(Thank god that those two other paths weren't like the first path. One was straight up elevator fight while the other one an armory for Frog-Mans.)

(When I got back here, the barrier was already gone.)

(Min and others still didn't recovered, all I have is my self and all of my summons right now. The wise choice right now for me, is to put all of my stat points that I just got into [Agility] and [Strength].)

"Now, let's go."

Mix with all her summoned monsters went though the path that was once blocked by the barrier.

(The surroundings changed, the surfaces are now made out bricks and everything, however I don't see anywhere those mining carts anywhere. I wonder where they are, can I take the ores from them for myself? There was huge amount of them in each cart, it would quiet nice if could do it, I could use the or sell them.)

(Speaking about selling ores, how much to they sell for? Maybe they are worth a bit or something?)

While Mix was thinking, she ended up walking into a door with two guards grading it.

[Elite Warrior Of Akru'n Clan – Level 52]

(This is new? Unlike normal warriors, they have full body armor, minus the feet. The only other Frog-Man wearing full armor that I encounter was that boss monster. Their spears look better that average Frog-Man spear as well.)

The two Frog-Mans saw Mix and immediately begined rushing straight at her. They then tried attacking Mix, but she dodged their attacks one by one.

(Same pattern, but they are noticeable faster.)

Mix used her axe to counter attack.

(They are tougher as well.)

The pair of the guards was quickly dealt with moment later.

(I though they would be a challenging, since they have "Elite" in their name. Well they were definity stronger that normal warriors, but that is all to them.)

(Well then.)

"KNOCK, KNOCK!" – said Mix while kicking the door open.

[Akru'n Frog-Man Mining Site Manager – Level 52 – Boss Monster]

An Frog-Man was standing in the middle of the room. The Frog-Man caring an two handed hammer made out of the stone.

"So you are the owner of this place huh?"

(I never saw monster using hammer before. Should I use the pawn as sacrifice to figure out his pattern?)

"Pawn 1 and 2, attack that guy from left and right."

The two pawns rushed towards the hammer wielding Frog-Man before splitting into two directions. The boss monster noticed that and tried swing his hammer, Mix in turn noticed the Frog-Man preparing for the swing.

"Dodge it now!"

The two pawns instantly jumped backwards, right before the Frog-Man swinged his weapon around. The boss monster tried swinging from above his weapon at one of the pawns.

"Run straight. Go left. Go backwards." – Mix was giving out commanded each time the boss monster was about to swing, making the pawn dodge the attacks.

"Now don't move and get hit."

The pawn fallowed the order and instantly stopped moving, letting an Frog-Man hammer hit it and smashing it.

(The pawn lost 60% of its HP from this single attack.)

(High damage but slow attack speed. The spin attack was slow but moment later it got faster. I think that should do it.)

(High damage but slow attack speed. The spin attack was slow but moment later it got faster. I think that should do it.)

"Pawns surround the room. Knight use taunt on it. Rocks and water frog attack him nonstop, try to aim at that guy head as much as possible." – said Mix while herself charring at the 3 meter tall monster.

[Grey Chess Knight had used skill: [Chess Taunt].]

The boss monster ended up being affected by taunt and ended up targeting the Chess Knight, it tried swinging from above its hammer but before it could do it, Mix rushed straight at the creature legs and slashed its left knee from the side, she then quickly slashed the right knee from behind. Before the monster realized it lose balance completely and fallen completely flat front on the ground.

The Frog-Man tried getting up, but as soon as it lifted it head, it ended up getting hit over and over again from the Rocks and Water Frog. Meanwhile the Mix jumped on it's back and begined slashing it over and over again.

"Pawns attack its legs!"

As Mix said the Pawns surrounded the monster legs and begined stabbing them over and over again.

At this point it was straight up bullying the poor boss monster living its life.

[[You have slain: Akru'n Frog-Man Mining Site Manager – Level 52 – Boss Monster.]]

[[Level Up! You became level 53]]

[[You have acquired achievement. You have received 10 free stat points.]

"That was…Quiet disappointing really."

(I honestly though it would be way harder that any boss I fought so far here. Heck, I don't have my tamed monsters with me, meaning I wasn't fighting at full power. Well I did ended up using tons of potions when I farming but still. )

[You have obtained: [Solid Stone Hammer].]

(Holy, this thing damage is high, but it decreases the user attack speed when equipped by 10%.)

[Skill Book: Hoof Stomp] – [Rare]

[Conditions of use:

-User need to be at least level 40.

-Use needs to have at least of both 55 [Strength] and [Intelligent] stats.]]

"It dropped a skill book?! Let's see…It's short range AOE attack and it doesn't have class restrictions conditions."

(Wait, did boss monster had that skill? If so, why it didn't used it?)

(Oh right I crippled that guy legs and the condition of use is to stomp the ground. I accidently countered the guy fighting style without knowing.)

[You have learned skill: [Hoof Stomp] – [Level 1].]

[Hoof Stomp]

[Skill Level: 1]

[Skill Type: Active]

[Cost: 200 MP]

[Cooldown: 15 Minutes.]

[Stomp an solid surface below you to create an shockwave that damages everybody around you and stunning them for short duration.]

[Skill range: 7 + X meters (X= Skill level multiplied by 0.5).]

[This skill magic damage, equal to your 100% of your [Intelligent] stat and deals additional physical damage equal to 100% of your [Strength] stat.]

[This skills apply an stun effect that lasts for Y time. This skill can stop casting time of the hit targets. (Y= Skill current level, multiplied by 0.1).]

[This skill can only affect enemies that are directly touching the ground surface or are close it.]

[This skill is categorized as: Stomp type skill. ]

(Finally I have an proper damage skill, but its range is small, meaning I can only use it at close range combat, but it still seems pretty useful if you look at it. Well the main problem is the cooldown and the cost, but is reasonable, since at level 10 it can stun everybody around you for 1 second.)

"Now that guy was dealt with lets-"

"And who the heck are you?" – suddenly a deep unknown voice could be heard echoing the room.

Mix instantly took out her axe and one handed crossbow and begined looking though the room, in hopes of finding the source of the voice.

Suddenly an massive amount of black wind gather and formed an sphere, moment later the sphere would disappear and from it and Frog-Man would appear.

[[WARNING! The boss monster: High Magic Sword Of The Akru'n Adruin, had appeared!]]

[High Magic Swordman Of The Akru'n Adruin – Level 54 – Unique Boss Monster]]