Chapter 28 – “Not An Easy Fight.”

[[High Magic Swordman Of The Akru'n Adruin – Level 54 – Unique Boss Monster]]

An 3 meter tall Frog-Man caring two swords on its back as well as high level looking armor that was standing in front of the Mix.

(An unique boss monster? This is second time ever that I encounter one, well technically third if we count the guard capitan, but I never actually fought him or anything.)

(Anyway, this is first time I hear monster speaking!)

"Hey, answer me. Who the heck are you? Did you came here to save those elves or did those Fallen Wings guys sold us out?"


(The heck is he talking about? The way he said that implies that there are captured elves. He also said something about Fallen Wings, the mayor did use their name once to deceive the guard capitan. I forgot to ask what was the deal with the Fallen Wings.)

"Oi! Answer me human! How did you discovered this place!" – asked Frog-Man.

"Em…Are you serious with this question? There is literally an mining site right outside and an very suspicious mineshaft entrance that was guarded. It kind off given this place away."

"That's… Wait that is a very good point?"

(Is he an idiot by any chance?)

"A-anyway! How dare you defeat servants of Akru'n tribe! You will pay with your life for that." – said Frog-Man while taking out his weapons.

"Question before we fight."

"What is it?"

"Why did you put your strongest fighter at the very beginning?"

"What the heck are you talking about?"

"No I mean, the guy that was guarding the entrance of the mineshaft was stronger than any of the barrier guardians or that guy that I just killed."

"Wait really? What the heck father was thinking?"

(Father? Is the guy he is referring to is the Frog-Man boss?)

"Stop distracting me and die! [Corrupted Wind Slash]!"

The Frog-Man quickly slashed the space in front of it, creating an two slashed made out of black wind.

Mix quickly jumped towards left, dodging the attacks, she then aimed the crossbow and fired at the Frog-Man and he in turn blocked the arrow with his sword.

"Pawns surround him!"

The pawns fallowed the order and surrounded the monster instantly.

(Okay, I won't lie. This is bad for me.)

I still don't know much about the unique monster, so far, I only fought 1 when I was beginner and it had higher level than me. It almost killed me with ease and the only reason why I won was because I outsmarted it.

But there was one definite thing about him, that bastard hit hard. Hell, he was stronger than average level 25 mob monster in swamp forest. Heck, it may been even stronger that swamp forest boss monsters.

One thing is for sure, the unique monster are way stronger that normal monsters. I can't look down on him.

(I still need 1 hour and 40 more minutes to re-summon my tamed monsters. And I doubt that guy will allow me to stall him. The slashes that hit the wall behind me left a quiet deep slash marks, this is not a good sign.)

My current cards are: Pawns x 8, Rocks x 2, Knight, Water Frog, HP potions x 5, SP potions x 6, MP potions 6, [Akru'n Tribe Secret Potion] x 8, [Hoof Stomp], [Manifestor Barrier], [Old Restoration Art] and lastly [Frog-Ma Mage Mu'nu Staff] that has skill [Water Breath].

Each skills have quiet long cooldown, I will probably be only be able to use them once, if the fight prolog for long maybe I will be able to use [Hoof Stomp] twice.

The potions, I going to be honest I don't have a lot. I ended up using bit too much potions here, hunting without Min or others made me take more damage that before.

So far he only showed me his range attack.

(He may seems stupid, but I can't say he is weak, based on his first impression. So far, he only see my summons but nothing else. I need to force him to reveal more of his cards before I do.)

"Everybody attack him."

Every single monster under Mix control begined fighting with new boss monster, while the Mix herself was running around the field with an two handed crossbow.

While the Frog-Man was busy with pawns, Mix aimed at the monster and fire her crossbow, hitting it in the back.

(While the pawns distract him, I will aim at that guy blind spot, but there is a problem. This guys has high defense and tons of HP for crying out loud! He already took tons of damage as well but he still has a lot of HP left.)

Mix continues using the same tactic, allowing her to hit many times and almost several times hitting the Frog-Man in the face.

"That's enough!" – Said Frog-Man while taking on familiar posture to Mix.

(Wait! He can do that too!?) – "Everybody! Run away from him!"

"[Tornado Vortex]!"

Mix and all of her monster tried to run away from the Frog-Man as far as possible, but moment later it begined spinning, using the same attack the first boss monster used, the attack that took out Mix tamed monsters.

The Mix and summons tried getting away, but some of the pawns got catched in the tornado and destroyed moment later.

[Grey Chess Pawn has been destroyed.] x 4

(Fuck me! I was not expecting that at all! I didn't know boss monsters could use same attacks?! He just took half of my Pawns!)

"Stop moving around and just die!" – said Frog-Man while charging straight at the Mix with both of his swords covered in dark wind.

Mix in response instantly swapped her weapon from the crossbow, back to the axes and clashes her them with the Frog-Man swords.

[[You have been affected with: [Wind Corruption] x 2.]]

[[Each stack of the [Wind Corruption] increases the damage you receive from wind attribute attacks by 0.5%]]

(A debuff?! Oh Great!)

Mix and Frog-Man continue exchanging blows over and over again. Clashing, slashing and countering each other.

(Something is off, the damage he does increases just increased. Shit! I didn't wanted to use it yet!)

[Hoof Stomp]

Mix stepped on the ground, creating a shock wave and stunning the monster for 0.1 second, this didn't stunned monster for long, but it at least manage to held off monster barrage of the attacks, giving Mix a chance to land cross attack using her axes and fallowing that the double slice from axes that unfortunately ended up being blocked, but ended up pushing monster away.

"Everybody! Buy me time!" – said Mix while retreating a bit and taking out.

All of the monster begined attacking the boss monster, while Mix herself was drinking potions.

[[You have been affected with: [Wind Corruption] x 22.]]

[[Each stack of the [Wind Corruption] increases the damage you receive from wind attribute attacks by 0.5%]]

[[Increase of taken damage: 11%]] – [Remanning time: 1 minute and 15 seconds.]

(And there goes 5 of my HP potions. I can't let battle drag on no matter what or he will screw me over with this debuff.)

(The main other problems are those weird winds blades, by the look of things each time he hits he deals bonus damage, no matter if I block, counter or anything, as long as the blades hits me or clash with my own blades.)

[Grey Chess Pawn has been destroyed.]

[Grey Chess Pawn has been destroyed.]

The boss monster just took down two more chess pawns. It then ended up taking hit again from the rocks and water frog, making them to get boss monster attention.

"[Corrupted Wind Slash]!"

Two slashes of the wind flew straight at the Grey Chess Rock, hitting and killing it. The Frog-Man then launched itself at the second rock and quickly disposed of it, before turning its attention at the water frog, but before it could finish it off as well, Mix interviewed by jump kicking the Frog-Man, knocking him away.

The Frog-Man ended falling over but quickly got up on his feet and saw Mix caring a staff and water frog preparing together something.

It tried attacking Mix again, but before it could do that.

[Water Breath] x 2

A massive amount of water hit the creature and sending it flying away.

"Damn. I hoped you would be at least weak to magic attacks."

[[[High Magic Swordman Of The Akru'n Adruin – Level 54 – Unique Boss Monster]]

[HP: 57%]

(He did took some damage, but not really that much. He took tons of solid hits, barrage of the attacks from summons and the two [Water Breath](s), but he still has 57% HP remaining.)

(To make matters worse, I'm running out of summons and some of them are already quiet damage from holding that guy off when they were buying time, they won't last long.)

"Tch. Everybody back off for now." – said Mix to her summons.

Mix begined approaching the Frog-Man while changing her weapons once again to axes.

"Hey, I won't lie. You are strong bastard and honestly, it's impossible right now to show you my full power."

"Honestly I should lose right now, but fuck it really!" – said Mix while smile begined appearing on her face.

(This is second time I felt this rush! The rush I felt when I begined playing! The rush that I felt when I fought him!)

"The odds are against me and everything but I still want to chop to pieces you bastard. So let's stop screwing around and let one of die. So don't disappoint me until the end! " – said Mix while smiling like a monster.