Chapter 29 – Second Wind.

[Mix] – [ HP: 1345/1510 ] [Remanning HP potions: 8] [Remanning Summons: 4] – [Pawn x2, Knight, Water Frog.]

[High Magic Swordman Of The Akru'n Adruin – Level 54 – Unique Boss Monster] - [HP: 57%]

Both Mix and the Adruin rushed at each other with their weapons in hand, ready to resume their fight.

Moment later their blades would clash once again.

(In terms of [Agility] and [Strength], we both have around the same, but his defense and HP are obviously way higher. He also has a debuff that increases the damage I take from wind attribute attacks with each stack.)

(If I don't end fight soon, he will end overwhelming me with debuff.)

"[Old Restoration Art]."

[Your regeneration rate have been increased for 100 seconds.]

(This guy isn't a mob that uses pattern or random attacks, he fights like a person.)

(Meaning I have to use it against him.)

Blow after blow were exchanged over and over again, while the blows were being exchanged, the Frog-Man noticed the opening near Mix waist and he went straight for it with his sword, but that was Mix trap.

She parried the slash with her axes and quickly followed up with slash attack that landed a solid hit. The Mix then tried fallowing up with double attack from the side but the Frog-Man noticed that and instantly positioned his swords to block the attack from the side.

But that was a faint.

Mix instantly rushed straight Frog-Man with the shoulder, making the Frog-Man lose balance, allowing Mix to fallow up with attack from below, slashing the monster across the entire body with Mix axes.

[HP: 39%]

The creature ended up falling on its back and Mix quicky saw that before standing at top of it. She then begined slashing the creature over and over again, not giving it chance to recover.

"[Wind Sphere]!"

The gust of wind suddenly appeared, sending Mix flying away from the boss monster.

(That was the skill that mage boss used! But it's way stronger.) – Though Mix while trying to user her axes on the ground, in order to stop her flying.

[Boss HP: 18%]

(He doesn't have much HP left!) – Though Mix after finally stopping her self and landing on the ground.

"I'm going to murder you alive!" – said Frog-Man.

"[Corrupted Wind Courtin]!"

A black wind suddenly surrounded the Frog-Man, before dispersed with the Frog-Man that was inside of it.

"He is gone?!" – said Mix while looking for the enemy.

(This is the same thing he did when he first appeared!)

(Where the heck is he? Considering that he appeared out of nowhere, this either some teleportation or stealth skill.)

(Should I drink a potion? No, this will give him opening to strike.)

[The effect of the [Old Restoration Art] has ended.]

[Mix] – [ HP: 621/1510 ]

[[Corrupted Wind] stacks 45.]

Suddenly above Mix, the black wind sphere appeared and from it, the boss monster reemerged, ready to strike the Mix.

Mix heard the sound of wind above her and turning around to see the enemy above her. She somehow manage to block one of the swords, but the other sword landed a solid hit on her, taking away half of her remaining HP with it.

The Frog-Man tried to fallow up with another attack but –

"[Manifest Barrier]!"

[Manifest Barrier]

[Skill Type: Active]

[Cost: 10% of your Max MP]

[Cooldown: 1 hour]

[Manifest Barrier on yourself that will protect you and absorb any form of damage dealt to you.]

[The barrier value is equal to the MP spend on this skills + X% (X= Current skill level multiplied by 5) (X=5%).]

[Each of your monster within range of 50 meters will share this effect, but their barrier will be equal to the 10% of the total barrier value you received.]

[The barrier lasts for 10 minute.]

Mix in time manage use the skill that created a barrier, making it receive the full damage.

[Your barrier has been destroyed.]

(I have too many stacks of that god dammed debuff! I won't last long.)

"Get him!" – said Mix to her summons while herself backing away.


The Frog-Man chased after the Mix in hopes of finishing her off, but instead of seeing surprise or despair on the Mix face, he saw a smile instead.

(You fell for it!)

Mix suddenly stopped moving and instead of running away, she rushed straight at the boss monster.

An act that even Frog-Man didn't understood. He though that her action was desperate, but that wasn't the case.

The answer was confidence.

The Frog-Man tried to finish off Mix with her slash, but when it seemed that attack would land on her, she ended up nowhere near the blade before being slashed himself.

"?!" – The Frog-Man was confused what was happening.

He then tried slashing Mix again, but she ended up dodging right and then attacking counter attacking again. Frog-Man then turned it towards Mix and tried slashing it again, but in front of the Mix there was pawn, that ended up taking the hit instead of Mix.

[Grey Chess Pawn has been destroyed.]

When the corpse of the Pawned fallen, Mix was standing right behind it, preparing to strike once again. Before Frog-Man could react in time, he ended up taking once more a solid hit.

[HP: 9%]

The desperate Frog-Man tried going straight for the Mix, but because of that, it ended up forgetting the pawn and the knight behind him. This let him being hit from behind by both of them right from behind.

"Fuck off and die!" – said the Frog-Man while quickly turning around and finishing off both the pawn and knight in instant.

Frog-Man then turned his head around and as soon as he does that, he saw Mix axe right next to his neck. Before he could do anything Mix ended up cutting into Frog-Man neck and moment later she would pull it out from the neck and then using her second axe striking already damaged neck and decapitating it.

Killing the monster and finishing the fight.

"Heh. My win." – said Mix.

[You had slain: High Magic Swordman Of The Akru'n Adruin – Level 54 – Unique Boss Monster]

[Level Up! You became level 54!]

[Level Up! You became level 55!]

"Fuck me that was close."

"Thank god it was option B."

I had two scenarios in my head.

The scenario A was for him to play safe, that would meant that he still had something he still didn't used. Honestly this was bad option for me, since the summons barely had any HP left and would only hold him for few seconds, this would only allow me to drink only 1-3 potions before he would charge straight at me. I would be still under the effect of debuff and recovering bit of my HP would not really work for me in favor.

The scenario B was him running desperately at me, that would meant that he is all out of his cards and he wants to quickly end the fight. In this scenario he probably fight more desperately, since he would know that both of us are at the death door.

The reason why I rushed straight at him was to buy summons time to get to him, if he is definity faster that them and my plan would not work out if they weren't near us. My plan was to use the summons as the meat shield and create opening where I can finish him off.

(I honestly had higher chance of winning with scenario B, if it was scenario A instead, I would probably have only 50% chance of winning or less, depending on what he would be hiding.) – though Mix while drinking a potion.

[You have used [Akru'n Tribe Secret Potion].]

"And that was my last HP potion. Well its better than having to deal with surprise attack by any chance."

"Anyway, what did he dropped?"

[You received: [Adruin Chest Plate], [Wind Slave Blade] x 2, [Ring Of Akru'n Tribe], [Skill Booster Stone – F] x 5, [Enchantment Stone – F] x 11, [534 Gold coins].]

[Adruin Chest Plate]

[Item type: Equipment.]

[Equipment type: Torso Armor]

[Rarity: Epic]

[Effect when worn:

-Increase all basic stats by 12 when worn.

-Increases your [Physical Defense] and [Magic Defense] by 12 when worn.

-Increase elemental resistance against: Wind Attribute by 8%.

-Decrees cooldown time of your own personal skills by: 5%] (Personal Skills: Skills that are attached to your character. Skill from the weapons and items are not the personal skills.)

[Durability: 1250/1250]

[Weight: 350]

[Item Restriction(s):

-Minimal level 50.]

[An armor pieces crafted by the finest craftsman from the Akru'n tribe. The armor was the gift from the Akru'n tribe chieftain to his 3th son Adruin.]

[Wind Slave Blade]

[Weapon type: Sword]

[Attack Power: 465-515]

[Rarity: Epic]

[Effect when worn:

-Increases the damage dealt using your wind attribute attacks by 6%. This effects stacks.

-You deal increased damage to the enemies that possess wind attribute by 6%. This effect stacks.

-Increase user [Strength] and [Intelligent] stat by 10 when worn.

[Item Restriction(s):

-User need to be at least level 45.

-User needs to possess [Sword Mastery – Rank F] on at least level 3.]

[Durability: 950/950]

[Weight: 220]

[An corrupted sword that contains corrupted energy of the wind. Blade was forged by sacrificing a lesser wind spirits.]

[Ring Of Akru'n Tribe]

[Item type: Equipment.]

[Equipment type: Torso Armor]

[Rarity: Epic]

[Effect when worn:

-Increase all basic stats by 5 when worn.

-Increases your regeneration rate of SP and MP by 2.

-Increase elemental resistance against: Wind Attribute by 5%.

-Decrees cooldown time of your own personal skills by: 5%]

[Durability: 850/850]

[Weight: 100]

[Item Restriction(s):

-Minimal level 50.]

[An ring given to all member of the Akru'n chief family as well as their high ranking members.]

"The items seems pretty nice, but I didn't get a skill book or none of those items has that annoying debuff skill. I was hoping of getting that, considering how broken it was. Well, I don't have any wind attribute skills, but I bet it would sell for tons of money."

"The armor is quiet nice as well as ring, I will equip them. The swords are pretty good, but I will sell them. Even if I wanted to use them, they have restriction on them."

(Anyway, those things are left: [Skill Booster – F] and [Enchantment Stone – F].)

[Skill Booster – F]

[Using this item will increase the [Progress Rate] of the skill by the specific amount. The amount of the [Progress Rate] increases depends on the skill.]

[The Skill Boosters can only be used on skills you received from the skill book.]

[Skill Boosters ranges from: F, E, D, C, B, A, S.]

[Enchantment Stone – F]

[This item can be used on any equipment type or weapon type item to enchant them.]

[Item can be enchanted multiple times, up to 10 max and each enchant increases the item performance by 5%. Enchantment of the weapons includes, the item attack power, item bonuses when worn and some special abilities that item possess. Enchantment stone won't increase the performance of the skill generated by the item.]

[Different enchantment stones are require for each specific enchantment tier.]

[F – 1 and 2.]

[E – 3 and 4.]

[D – 5 and 6.]

[C – 7.]

[B – 8.]

[A – 9.]

[S – 10.]

"Huh, so there are enchantment/ upgrades for the items in this game. Skill boosters seems pretty useful as well."

(But before I do anything else, let's look around.)

(That guy said something about captured elves.)

Mix approached an door that was located in the room and opened it. After she opened the door, there were two paths, one in straight line and other leading downstairs.

Moment later.

"Hm? Is someone there?" – said a person inside the cell.

A person inside of the cell got up and approached the cell bars, to see what was going on, but as soon as he did that an Frog-Man corpse fallen on the ground with an axe in its head.

[You have slain: Elite Warrior Of Akru'n Clan – Level 52]

"Hm? There was somebody here!" – said Mix after noticing a person inside of the cell, while pulling out her axe.

The person inside of the cell was a young elf male, covered in injuries.

"H-how did you get here? This place is filled with Frog-Mans." – said the elf while holding the cell bars.

"Killed them all. I heard one them talking about captured elves. Are you the only one?" – asked Mix.

"U-unfortunately yes. The others didn't make it." – said elf with angry voice.

"Amway! Can you open this cell? One of the guards here should have it."

Mix begined looting Frog-Man bodies one by one, until she found the key and opened the cell.

"Thank you. My name is Alfred Willwind. Me and my team were spying on the suspicious activity of the Frog-Mans in these area, but we ended up getting caught by the enemy leader named Adruin."

"Considering that you are wearing his armor, I can assume that you killed him too."


"Good. I'm sorry, but I have to ask you a favor."

[[QUEST: Infiltration And Return.]]

[[Alfred and his men were sent to infiltrate enemy base and found out what was happening, but unfortunately Alfred and his men were found out and captured. Only Alfred was left after the series of interrogations.]]

[[Alfred requires your aid in two things: Find out what was the Frog-Man plan here and help Alfred return alive.]]

[[Quest Rewards: Unknow.]]

[[Failure Condition: Alfred Death.]]

[[Quest difficulty: Unknown.]]

[[Do you accept?]]