Chapter 30 – Return To The City.

[[You have accepted the quest: Infiltration And Return]]

"Did you took everything?" – said Mix to the Alfred when he exited the armor.

"Yea, I took all of my belongings and my men stuff."

Mix and the elf left the cell and begined heading towards the other unexplored path.

Both of them continue moving forward until their arrived at open space room, with an giant spell circle painted in the middle of it.

"Those are the carts that were filled with ore, they are completely empty and ores are nowhere to be seen." – said Mix.

"I think this is a teleportation circle, I think they used it to transfer the materials. But something is off. These Frog-Mans only know how to use wind magic, there is no way that they would create something like that."

(Wait, now that I rember-) – "The Frog-Man boss said something about the "Fallen Wings". By the look of things they worked together."

"That would explain this. God dammed, them again."

"There seems to be nothing else in this room, so let's go back."

Mix with the elf headed back towards the city.

(The journey back to the city was surprisingly easy. The reason was the players starting to hunt Frog-Mans in area. But this also ended up me being seen together with elf. Last time on game community there were already talks about me and all, now this will probably reignite things and give me more headaches.) – Though Mix while entering the city.

(I'm really thinking right now if I should just kill people that would stalk me, before I couldn't because of [Newbie Protection]. It was extremely annoying before.)

"-Hey! Are you listening?" – said elf to the Mix.

"What? Sorry, was lost I thought."

"Like I said, I'm going to report to my boss right now. And I need to accompany me as witness. So fallow me."

Moment later.

[Grain Alleon - Viscount Of Green Moon Kingdom]

"Ahhh…...Why everything….Never mind. Take your rewards and let me be."

[[You completed the quest: Infiltration And Return]]

[[Level Up! You became level 56!]]

[[You received gold.]]

After explaining everything and confirming the young elf story, Mix received her rewards and was shortly after was "Kicked out".

(….Wait that is all?! No chain quest or anything?)

(There a buildup and everything but nothing?! I even showed him my recommendation letter and asked if he needed help, but he just told me there is nothing to do and forced me out. Are you bloody serious right now?)

(No, I mean seriously! There was a foreshadowing that something big will happened and all, but nothing really?! And who the heck are those Fallen Wing guys?! They didn't tell me any information or anything about what is happening or who mysterious people are!)

(What kind of person designed something like this?)

"Well, at least he game tons of gold at least."

(Frist thing first, auction house. I need to sell those swords.)

"Welcome." – said staff worker.

[The selected item will be put on [Auction – Bidding]. The item will be auction for the 6 in game days.]

(While I'm at it, maybe I will check if there is anything interesting here.)

Mix begined scrolling through the items that were put on the auction by the players while sitting in the chair.

(Nothing interesting yet again. Well, it's pretty much obvious since people would keep the useful stuff for themselves like me.)

(…Let's check that.)

[Search: Skill books.]

[Results: 12]

(There are people selling the skills books, meaning the existence of the skills books are now known to public.)

(I was hoping to buy them quick and cheap on the auction when people still didn't know much about them and then maybe sell them later for higher price. Some of them were already bought and some are on bidding mode with already quiet high bids on.)

(There goes my plan with scamming everybody with high prices. Well, I should at least put this skill book on auction as well, it's completely useless for me anyway.)

(Speaking of the skills books, I have enough money from selling stuff, looting monsters and reward from the noble. I think should be enough to buy something.) – though Mix while leaving the auction house.

Moment later. At the skill book shop.

(Huh, I didn't know you could buy the [Hoof Stop] and the [Wind Attribute Booster – Weak]. Before I only did the quick look at the prices, but now I see they are put in different categorizes, some are put in specific class category while others are on non-class category.

[You have bought:

-[Skill Book: Monster Training – Beginner] – [Common]


[Increases your tamed monsters stats by X% (X= current skill level multiplied by 0.5).]

-[Skill Book: Taming Art: Team Up] – [Rare]


[For each active tamed monster, you received X% buff to all basic stats. (X= skill current level multiplied by 0.5]

-[Skill Book: Summon Spirit Wolf] – [Rare]

[Active] [Cost: 150 MP] [Cooldown: Depends]

[Summon a Spirit Wolf to fight alongside you. The Spirit Wolf possess a skill [Spiritual Feast] that drains small amount of MP whenever the Spirit Wolf Lands the Hit.]

[Spirit Wolf stats depends on the skill level and user level. The number of the wolfs you can summon by this skill is 1 by default but it will increases by 1 when skill reaches level 4 and level 8 the maximal amount of Spirit Wolf 3 at level 8.]

[Each Spirit Wolf possess their own cooldown of 5 minutes when de-summoned or if wolf is slayed, the wolf will instead enter 20 minute cooldown.]

[Skill Book Slots: 6/6]

(That should do it. Honestly there weren't much interesting skills that would work for me, but those skills fits me perfectly.)

(And now, time to lock myself in blacksmith.)

I still needs wait for my tamed monsters to be available again, so in meantime I begin training my [Blacksmithing] again and again.

I finally manage craft a proper nails and that kind of made me proud.

(My first proper made item huh? Well it's not a weapon or armor, but at least I made it.)

(Now then, let's try making an axe and see how I manage!)

Moment later.

[Complete Garbage Axe]

[You somehow manage to made a weapon that hates their own existence and wants to end it self.]

(….Wow…...Yea….I think that will take some more time.]

Many failures and throwed curses later.

[One Handed Bronze Axe]

[Weapon type: Axe]

[Attack Power: 245-285]

[Rarity: Common]

[Effect when worn:


[Item Restriction(s):

-User need to be at least level 25.

[Durability: 400/400]

[Weight: 200]

"Finally!" – shouted Mix.

(I wants tons of materials and time but I finally fuking did it! I made tons of those failures but I bloody didn't given up!)

(It has around the same stats as my current item as well.

I went and asked the worker here about somethings.

First question.

"Is it possible to create higher rarity ranking or just better weapon, using the same materials."

Apparently, it does and there are exactly 3 things that will influence the weapon performance.

1. How well the item was made. This was pretty much simple and obvious. Simple put, how well you made your item, did you made the item in correct way, did you made any mistakes during production. Its pretty much the deal with my failure axes and proper axe, the axes ended up in failures since I made them poorly and all, this resulted in creating those failures. He told me to learn how to make specific item type by making that item type over and over again.

You need to learn how create item "Properly" and depending on that the results may change, for example the weapon may end up being: Failure, basic or something better that normal.

2. The second factor is the shape. Simple put, what is the shape of the weapon, how thick or thin are specific parts, how long is the blade and other stuff. This can often determine the weapon attack, durability and damage type it deal (blunt, cutting, things like this.)

3. The third and last factor is my [Blacksmith] occupation. The level and the form the said occupation has, may help you in your work in different ways for example, guiding you in some ways or making your work being done faster. Also [Blacksmith] saves the blue printers of the weapons you make, meaning you will have a safe data about items you made and that can be used to create the already.

In short if you want to mass produce item, this feature will make everything easier.

(I kind of see his points clearly. I finally succeeded after trying to make a same weapon and over again. On top of that my [Blacksmith – Beginner] reached level 2.)

(Hmmm….I think it would be better if I lock myself in blacksmith for long time. I may end up falling behind the others in terms of levels, but if I learn how to make a properly items, I won't have to deal in the future with equipment problem.)

(But honestly, I just want to experiment and see what things I can make right now, since now it seems to be fun part in item crafting!)