Chapter 31 – Item crafting.

One of "The Infinity Wills Online" officials buildings.

"What the actual fuck?" – said one of the executives.

"High Magic Swordman Of The Akru'n Adruin was not to be meant to be defeated that early! He was literally defeated the first day the city access was granted! Is this a bug?!"

"No sir, we watched to footage of the fight and confirmed there was nothing. The person that defeated him was player named [Mix], she was the player that defeated the first named monster in the Green Town as well as played the key figure in the monster stamped event." – said the secretary.

"God dammed. First the incident in Alrundrian City and now Green Moon city. Won't this trigger the planned story quest for each city way too early?"

"Fortunately it won't. The progress of the story of each city won't progress until the first global events start and end. The global event would be held, sometimes after all cities complete their event quests."

"Speaking about that. How many cities still needs to complete those even quests?"

"About that, recently all remaining towns completed their own event quest and will soon be able to travel to the next city. But there is a problem." – said the secretary.

"Originally each time a town would complete their event quest, the timer before official access to outside world for the other cities after would have decrees waiting time."

"The problems comes with the players, you could say they "Speed run it" it all at once and finished their respective quest quiet fast, that happened in each town. Players from Black, White, Red and Green Town have already advance over the remaining players from the different starring town and we are considering signific derepressing or completely removing the waiting time-"

"Do it." – said a man in the suit, sitting in the middle.

"We already screwed up by underestimating how players works. The waiting time before people could travel to the other cities was meant to slow down people that got ahead of the others, to make sure that gab in power between them and people from other cities won't grow too much. Now there is no much point of having it right now."

"We also have to do something those two cities that deal with their respective city quest too early. Any objections."

Many people looked at each other in silencer but in the end, nobody opposed the man.

Next day.

When I quieted the game yesterday, an sudden update was dropped in the evening.

[-Each of the remaining beginners town that recently completed their respective town quest had their waiting time before entering new city, completely removed and instead the players will be able to enter new cities at the 10 : 00 AM.]

[-The EXP received from the monster at the beginner towns had been increased, to help players level up faster and be able to catch up to the others players.]

[-An first global game event will be held in next Saturday. During global event, each player from across the entire game will be allowed to enter, no matter what town they started into. Only players that reached level 50 will be allowed to enter the event.

Day before the even would start, the entire information about the event would be revealed.]

[-Due to players of the other cities starting bit late that an others players, an areas with higher level monsters above level 70 will be temporarily restricted and. The reason why it was implemented was for the balance reasons, to make sure that players that started bit earlier in the new cities won't have way too big advantages over the other players. This will be lifted after the even had officially ended.]

[After the event is over, the max level that player could get: Level 70. Will be increased and players will be able to reaches higher levels.]

(As expected, there were already talks in community, speculating what will happened during the event. Anyway, it was revealed that the max player level that can player reach right now is the level 70. There was no information about the max level player could get before or anything.)

Anyway, I kind of ignored all of that for the moment and focus on something else. I spend of the rest of the day yesterday in the blacksmith crafting, experimenting and improving myself in terms of item crafting.

[One Handed Bronze Axe]

[Perfect One Handed Bronze Axe]

The first thing was that after many trials and errors, I was finally able to create the [Perfect One Handed Bronze Axe] and its definity better that standard one.

[Swift One Handed Bronze Axe]

[Heavy One Handed Bronze Axe]

The second thing I did was giving the axe different shapes, adding more materials or decreasing them. The [Swift One Handed Bronze Axe] and [Heavy One Handed Bronze Axe] were results of them. The swift version had lower attack and durability, but it weight less and had effect that increases the attack speed by 5%. The heavy version instead had higher attack and higher durability, but it weight more and it had debuff that decreased the attack speed by 5%

I also created a [Brutal One Handed Bronze Axe] and other types of axes. Literally, there were tons of options and only your own imagination was the limit.

I also went and browsed some stuff on the net, about how some weapons were produced in different ways, given different shape and all, changing some aspect in them.

For example: Did you know that there were different types of arrows, used for different things? Like for example against humans or when hunting.

I made tons of axes, crossbows and crossbow bolts, most of them I sold on auction house where they would ended up being bough next day, allowing me buy more materials and stuff.

Before I noticed my [Blacksmith – Beginner] became [Blacksmith – Average], honestly speaking, I didn't realized that I speeded the entire time in the game crafting stuff.

This is already the next day and I'm still in blacksmith facility making stuff. Yesterday when I logged off, I posted my first blog on the games forums, revealing my nickname and everything.

Why? Simple, I wanted to make a business.

I knew that sooner or later people would discover the dungeon and the mining site, so before they do that, I decided to make a profit.

Simply put, the people would meet in person and I would share my map data, with informations and marking I did, in turn they would pay me with gold. The plan worked and I earned a lot from bunch of different players.

From selling the items prototypes I made to selling info, I quickly regained the lost money I used on buying the skill books. I won't have to worry about having money to buy materials.

(I also find out that the stuff I got from the dungeon is extremely useful and learned how to use them.)

[Fragment Of The Necrotic Energy – Lesser – Small].

The worker that helped me before told me that there are ways to use this stone in crafting. Simple put, when I'm making an bronze ingot, I should throw the stone into the mix while smelting.

Apparently, those stones are just the crystal version of energy and when destroyed they will return to their original form, the pure energy. Doing this process will create this.

[Bronze Ingot Imputed With Necrotic Energy (Low Energy)]

This resulted in creating those special ingots and from them I created this.

[Necrotic One Handed Bronze Axe]

[Weapon type: Axe]

[Attack Power: 345-375]

[Rarity: Common]

[Effect when worn:

-Each attack made using this weapon will deal additional 40 Magic – Necrotic Damage.]

[Item Restriction(s):

-User need to be at least level 40.

[Durability: 520/520]

[Weight: 200]

[An weapon that posses an necrotic energy, energy of the dead beings.]

The results were quiet interesting to say the at least but costly.

To create bronze ingot you need specific amount of bronze ores and to create this special ingot you need to put specific amount of those crystals.

I went back to the dungeon and farmed a zombies there a bit for the crystals.

The boss room in dungeon instantly resets whenever somebody complete it or gets defeated, meaning that you only have to wait until the fights inside there end and you can just go in next. Since I was already familiar with the boss the fight only took short time to end.

I also hunted some Walking Trees for the materials as well. The wood their drop is way higher quality that from the trees you can chop down here.

I also buy the stuff from the others players that went to the dungeon and hunted Walking Trees for cheap price. Well no surprise really. There is literally only 5-7 players in blacksmith besides me. By the look of things people are still not interested in occupation classes.

I also went and bough several iron ingots as well. Iron is obviously better that bronze and I'm planning on using all of my materials to create new weapons for myself.