" Shin Minyoung!" i exclaimed after that long dive into my memories I finally recalled him, I must say he look a little different from when he was in junior high, he was taller than me now, " Wow! it really is you." I said as I laughed awkwardly our last memory together wasn't the best," Yah! iam actually more surprised you still remember me." he said as he smiled again I must say his smile was distracting, oh no iam getting lost in my thoughts again, I started giggling really loudly I guess it was because I was nervous," Park Hyuna!, Mrs Parks grand daughter I remember you." Granny said as she stood from her seat," No wonder you looked familiar she added," You all grown up." she continued as she pinched my cheeks, things were getting really awkward,", " Granny, stop that you making her uncomfortable." Min Young said as granny let loose," We should get to the market then." he added as we turned to leave," " don't forget to show her around." granny added as we turned to leave.
As we walked there was a strange silence around us, no one was saying anything I guess it was awkward since had not met for a long time," So!" we both said at the same time and smiled," You go first!" he said," How have you been?" I asked is that the only question I could think of," Well I've been okay, I run a restaurant with my grand mother and work as a physical education teacher in a highschool, well I guess I've been okay." he said as we both laughed, " What about you?" he asked," Well Iam okay , I lost my job and now I've moved in with my grandmother, iam really fine." I said as we laughed again," It's nice to see you again, you never come to any highschool reunions." he added," Well I've been busy." I replied as we continued to move, the conversation between us was slowly being built and it felt good to have a familiar face to talk too.
" Okay you really didn't have to walk me home." I said as he handed me my bags," It's okay, we haven't met for a long time so we had to catch up on things." he replied," okay l see you around then." he concluded as he left.
" Iam sorry guys, I met a friend and he started to show me around hence being late, but you don't have to worry I bought you chocolate filled buns, they are fresh and warm enough for you eat." I said, only to noticed Mina and Yuri staring at me strangely," Who was that hit man that dropped you home." Mina said as they both giggled," A friend, we went to junior high together." I said as I started unpacking the things I had bought," Just that?" Yuri asked," Of course just that, now stop asking questions and come help me out." I said...
Unpacking my things was like a trip down memory lane, why because I could see all these things I forgot existed like my very first guitar bought by my dad on my 15 th birthday or my small notebook in which I used to write my songs, I had stopped playing any music after dad was jailed, I didn't feel the need too because he was mostly my number one fan, it's him I played my songs too and now I didn't know what to do any more," Woah I haven't heard you play in like decades." Yuri said as she walked into the room," Speaking of playing, can I ask you a question." she said which made me curious," What's it?" I asked," Did you really quit music?" she asked," Why would you say that ?"," I just stopped playing for a while." i added," I heard you and Hyuna talking about you not going to music school anymore." she replied," That well iam not going right now it's not like iam quitting I just want to find settle down, heal from all the drama and then find the courage to chase my dreams again." I said as she stared at me and smiled," Never quit your dreams, at least not for us because it will make us guilty and you will regret." she added, I couldn't help smile at how mature she had become hearing such words come from her was a bit surprising," Okay!" I replied as I continued to organise our room...
After all the organising, Yuri was asleep and I wanted some fresh air," Why aren't you asleep yet?" I asked Hyuna who was sitted outside staring at the sky," Iam not sleepy." she said as she made room for me to sit as well," Here cover your self." she added as she extended her scarf to me," what are you looking at?" I asked as I raised my head to stare at the sky too," It's just the stars, it's crazy how I haven't had time to notice how beautiful they are." she said as I burst into laughter," Aww, look at you appreciating the little things about life." I said as she smiled," It's not that I haven't been appreciating, I had lost interest in many things about life." she said," Well! I have to escort Yuri to school tomorrow so let me go get some sleep, you should too as you have to open Granny's Bakery." she said as she stood up," Bakery!!" I exclaimed, "That explains the way the kitchen smells." I added," She isn't around but her products are so as I escort Yuri you can help her sell them." she added," Good night." as she left," She really has a bakery." I said as I sat back and stared at the starry sky....
" What do you think, should I wear this or this to school today?" I asked Mina who was busy staring at her phone," It's just an interview, you will be wearing uniform in normal days any way." she said as she stood up and left," She's right, since when do I care how I dress." I said as I held my black hair out in a pony and headed outside where Hyuna was waiting impatiently for me," You finally here, let's go" she said as she started walking," You know people would think you the one going to school instead of me." I teased as she walked back and helped me fix my hair, " Stop it." I said as I walked Infront of her...
Sitted in the principal's office I could help look around, at the paints on her wall the trophies in her shelf and the small globe on her desk," Sorry I had a meeting, I hope you didn't wait long." she said as she sat Infront of her table," It's okay we should be the ones waiting." Hyuna said," So this must be Kang Yuri, how are you?" she asked," Iam fine." I replied nervously as I pressed my fingers together," Well I have a few questions for Yuri alone, so do you mind waiting in the staff lounge Ms Kang?" the principal said to my sister who moved out obediently, now my heart started to beat faster, what was she going to ask me," Feel at ease Yuri." she said as I faked a smile...
After the short interview I was given an admission form and some other documents I didn't bother checking since I was in a hurry to leave her office, I couldn't help let out a sigh of relief after that entire hour of awkwardness," Where's Hyuna?" I asked as I looked around," I need to use the toilet, I whispered to my self as I tried to ask for directions from a girl who was walking nearby," Hello, can you help direct me to the washrooms." I said while she politely directed me," Thank you." I said as I turned to where they had pointed me
While I was washing my hands, I couldn't help hear noises from what seemed to be the boys washrooms," Look I told you iam not the one who told the teacher you cheated." said as voice from inside, I couldn't help get closer to the door," Well if it isn't you then who did." another voice said harshly as I had a sound of a slap next, " Is someone being bullied?" I asked my self as I without thinking walked into the washroom where a boy was being pinned against the wall," Who is that? did n't I ask you to guard the door?" yelled some strange looking boy as they all turned and looked at me," Who are you?, what is a girl doing in a boy's washroom." he said as he walked up to me," Get out!" he added as I smirked, I really didn't understand how bullies were just weak people who put on this ugly image to save them selves from being defined weak," Is she smiling, yaahh!" he yelled as he raised his hand which I caught and squeezed till I had him whine," What! Can't you unwrap your self from a girls grip." I said as I pushed him away and ran to help the other boy up, his fore head was bleeding from a scratch," What! are you waiting for me to scream and tell the teacher that instead of studying you were bullying your peer in the wash room." I said as they all stared angrily at me," This is not yet over Ye Jun." they said as they stared at me," We better not find you walking alone Little girl." they continued as I scoffed," Get out!" I yelled as they all turned to leave," Here, let me help you." I said as extend my hand to Ye Jun who seemed to be the boy I was helping," It's okay, I can stand on my own." he said as he stood up," Thank you!" he added as he left quickly, maybe he was embarrassed, it didn't take long till I got a call for Hyuna asking me where I was so I turned to leave too...