" Well we might have a spot, we have been looking for a substitute teacher for Mrs Shen who will be asking for maternity leave at the end of the month, according to what you have told me I will give in your name and then we shall see how everything goes." Sa Ra said she was my desk mate back in junior high I was actually shocked that she remembered me after I bumped into her in the staff lounge," Well I'd appreciate that, thank you." I said as I stood up and extended my hand in for a handshake," Don't thank me yet, wait for my news first." she said as she reciprocated," Well I should get going now, my sister must be done with her interview." I said as I rushed out pulled out my phone and called her," Where are you?" I asked only to notice her running from the other side," Where are you coming from?" I asked," Wash room." she replied with that mischievous smile, I didn't want to dig more into details so I just held her hand to go," How was the interview?" I asked after we for into the cub," Okay." she replied as she continued scrolling on her phone," So when did they say you should start school?" I asked again," It's all written on those papers in the envelope." she replied," But I want to hear it from you." I continued as she glared at me angrily and then faked a smile," Tomorrow." she replied as she inserted her ear pods in both her ears," Tssskkk" I said as a message popped on my phone, it was Mina asking if we were coming back," We are on our way." I replied as I opened the car window and enjoyed the fresh breeze.
" One slice of chocolate cake, here you go." I said to a customer, I noticed that granny didn't get alot of customers considering I had only attended to three since I came and that was three hours ago," Aren't they coming because they aren't seeing granny." I asked my self as I sat down and scrolled on my phone instead...
After some time, Yuri and Hyuna joined me," How has business been going." Hyuna said as she sat next to me," I really don't know how granny runs this place without any customers." I replied with disappointment," Maybe every day isn't this way, give it some time plus they might not find us familiar and that's why they aren't coming in." she added I didn't buy what she said though, when it comes to business I believe it's the products that sell and not the person who makes the products, or is it the other way round I don't know iam not so good at economics," Good afternoon!" said a customer as she quietly walked in," Hello!" I said with the biggest smile on my face," Well isn't Mrs Kang around." she asked," Well yes she is out but I her granddaughter so iam running the bakery for her today."," Okay I just wanted to make a cake order for my birthday tonight, I know it's late but I really have run out of options." she said as I smiled mischievously at this opportunity," Well we can get you a cake ready by tonight." I said without thinking twice, forget thinking twice I didn't even think about the fact that iam not that skilled at baking, yes I used to see Van bake and helped him from time to time but I wasn't really sure I could bake a cake on my own but sadly it took me accepting her offer, and her walking out of the bakery happily to realise what mess I had gotten my self instead," How's business doing?" said a cheerful Yuri as she walked in, sadly I'd be happier if a chef who knew how to bake cakes came in," Hi!" I said in a tired low tone," Ouch!" she replied as she dramatically put her hand on her chest," Where is Hyuna, we have a problem." I said arrousing Yuri's curiousity which was visible by how her eyes widened," She was on a phone call, she will be here soon, what's wrong?" she asked," Well we have a cake order." I said," Isn't that good?" she replied obviously clueless," it would have been good if one of us here was well versed with baking." I said," What do you mean, you know how to bake remember that cake you baked for Hyuna's birthday last year." she said as I recalled," Yah and remember how every one who are it just couldn't take a second bite." I replied as we both laughed," But that's not the issue right now, her party is tonight, how are we going to get a cake ready by tonight." I asked as I anxiously walked around the room," Hello." Hyuna said as she walked in and immediately ran to the refrigerator," What's wrong with you guys?" she asked as she sipped on a glass of water," Well Mina got us a cake order." Yuri said," That's good." Hyuna replied," It's to be delivered today, but none of us can bake, well Mina can but then we would have to pay for medical services after every one gets sick from eating it." she added brutally," Shut up!" I said to Yuri who just kept on giggling," What should we do Unnie?" I asked Hyuna who also seemed confused about the situation," Calm down, let me think of something." she said as she walked around the room making me even more anxious," Van!" she yelled as we all stared at her wondering that this situation had to do with Van," Van?" I asked," Yes video call Van he can give us directions as we bake the cake." she replied, it sounded like a good idea till I remembered how we parted, him confessing he liked me and me ignoring his confession not directly but still," We can't call Van." I said as they both stared at me curiously," See Van confessed to me and I didn't reply because I was saying good bye to him so who knows he might be mad at me seeing how he didn't text me since I left." I explained," That's tricky then." Hyuna said as she made her ' I have another idea face' again," Well Van might be mad at you but not me, so I'll give him the call." she said as she pulled out her phone," But!!" I stuttered but it was too late since the call seemed to have gone through," Hey Van, it's Hyuna...Kang Hyuna." she said...the rest we could hear was yes...mmmmmhhhh and then a thank you at the end," Well!!" Me and Yuri said," He told us to prep the ingredients needed for the cake and he'll call us in ten minutes." she said, I couldn't help lay out a sigh of relief," I can't believe he said yes." I said," You were the one who was over thinking it, he didn't seem mad at you." she added," Well, I will go check the kitchen for ingredients needed, you can prepare the rest too." Hyuna added as she left....
" Do you have everything you need?" Van asked as we all replied in affirmative, so we making a chocolate cake right, you don't have to worry about anything just follow each and every one of my instructions." Van said as well stared attentively at the phone screen.
After a while we were done with baking the cake, it took messing up and encouragement from Van, smearing flour all over our hands and face but it was finally ready, I couldn't help giggle while staring at it," This is my first cake." I said as Yuri pulled out her to take a picture," No one would believe we made this, I'll send it to granny." she added," Oh we almost forgot! Van" I said as I rushed to Hyuna's phone where we had left him staring blankly," Sorry we got so immersed in staring at the cake, we forgot you were still on the phone." I said as he stared at me and smiled," It's okay iam happy I got to help." he replied as as an awkward silence came after," Uhhmmm..I" I said as he cut me short," You really don't have to ignore me anymore." he said as a sense of guilt arroused in me," I wasn't ignoring you." I replied as I looked away," Of course you were, any one would if a friend suddenly confessed to them, but I'll respect your decision, we can't still be good friends." he said as he smiled, I was feeling relieved that we didn't have to be awkward around each other any more but at the same time I was feeling a bit guilty that I got his heart broken," Okay then, we shall talk later make sure you give me feed back about the cake." he said as he ended the call, I let out a sigh of relief as I left to go to the kitchen and admire the cake one more time....