" I can't believe you finally accepted money from me, aren't you afraid that out friendship will be in the line?" Van said over our video call," I didn't accept money from you, it's called an investment, you will benefit and so will I and granny." I said as he smiled," So are you done with the budget?" he asked," iam almost done, can you take a look and tell me what's missing." I say as he struggles to look at it," I'll send it to you." I say as I pull out my phone.
" I hate P.E..." Nana says as she groans, I don't know if I hate P.E too but I definitely hate standing in the sun for long, it drains all the energy from my body, I know iam being dramatic but it does," I wish Ye Jun was here, he always manages to get me fake medical passes to escape this torture." she adds as we walk to the out door pitch," How is Ye Jun's dad?" I ask," Well my mom told me they helped take him to the hospital yesterday and he will be fine with time." she replies as we gather with the other class mates, " Can I get everyone's attention?" says the Physical education teacher a tall young man in his 30s wearing a black track suit," He's our P.E teacher?" I ask as I point at him," He is, well my brother is too but only in Fridays." she said as I get even more shocked," Your brother!" I exclaim," The one I met at the restaurant." I continue as she approves with a nod," Are you surprised?" Nana asks as she laughs," Well my brother does many kinds of jobs, I don't know why though because he could have just gone to the city and got a job in some posh company." she adds," But he's one unpredictable person." she adds as I smile softly at her comment," We shall be running laps today" the P.E teacher who every one calls Coach Alex because he is also the basket ball team coach," Laps!" Nana exclaimed as the rest of the class mates mummer with complaints," If I were you I'd be done with one lap by now." he adds in a firm deep voice as ever one starts to run.
I don't even know why iam jogging when exercising is my least favourite thing but I defined feel a little too idle recently, I know I've whined for two weeks now and help hope on the possibility of receiving that call but iam losing all the patience right now," Kang Hyuna!!!" called out some one from behind as I quickly turned only to notice Min Young standing Infront of his restaurant, he invited me in which saved me from my self since I was nearly fainting after running what I think was three blocks from our house," Here!" he said as he handed me a bottle of water," Thanks." I said as I opened it and almost had all of it," Take it easy." he said as I nodded my head seeing that I still had some left to swallow," Should I be surprised that you were jogging even though in my memory I have this girl who hated exercising more than anything." he says, at times it gets so strange how he remembers these details," well I have alot on my mind and I read online that jogging helps block them out a little." I said as I put the bottle on the table and looked around, it's just 10 in the morning but he's restaurant already seems busy," Do you mind sharing whats on your mind, I read some where online that talking to some one helps." he said quoting my last words," Well! it's nothing special, I have just failed to get a job." I said as I turned to look away," like I had hope when we first got here since I met Sara and she said a spot may open up, but I haven't heard from her since then." I explained as he stared at me, I don't know pitifully or its just his eyes either way, I loved how that stare made me feel," Sa Ra, the one from junior high?" he asked," Yes her, I was actually surprised she still remembered me but she did." I replied," I might have a solution for you then." he replied as I stared at him with curiousity," Do you have a tiny job package in your pockets." I jocked as he burst into laughter attracting attention from his customers," It's not that, we are having a class reunion camp during the weekend and do you know who the chair person of our alumni association is?" he asked which the answer ultimately had to be," Sa Ra!" I exclaimed as he snapped his fingers," Right! you need an answer other wise you wouldn't know if you should wait or shouldn't, so how about we both go to the camp, you find a chance to talk to Sa Ra and see." he added as I automatically got a smile on my face," That's sounds like a good idea, but it's been a while since I met every one, won't it be awkward?" I asked putting awkwardness first but my main concern was that some might have read about my dad being a murderer," I'll be there with you." he assured as we both stared at each other, it's always those little words he says that have me comparing his old version to this new and mature version," Well, then as you said I need closure on this job offer so yes, I'll come to the alumni camp." I replied as he slightly hit the table with what I believe was excitement, " Done!" he added.
I wasn't really confident about deciding to go but I really needed closure on this job offer, I needed to know If I should keep refreshing my emails or checking my phone for an SMS or even waiting for a call or even giving up and finding something else to do, so I was more than ready...
" Will this be enough?" I asked Nana who was staring at her phone," that's more than enough ." she replied as I swiped the QR code and made my payment, I had bought a basket of fruits for Ye Jun's dad who we were going to visit aft r school," I've noticed something!" Nana exclaimed as she turned back and stared at me," You care so much about Ye Jun some times I feel like you care for him even more than I do." she said," Yes so." I replied as she cleared her throat," Do you like him?" she asked which almost made me chock on my own saliva," What are you talking about, Ye Jun is our friend so it's normal that I worry for him, I'd worry about you as well." I explained as she nodded her head in approval," Makes sense." she replied as we continued walking to the hospital.
" You guys didn't have to come." Ye Jun said as we handed him the basket of fruits," And most importantly you shouldnt have bought these." he added," Don't be so modest, how can we visit Uncle without bringing anything." Nana said," How is he by the way, can we see him?" I asked as he led the way.
Reaching inside, he's dad was lying on the hospital bed looking at the window, he had a cannula on his hand," Dad, my friends are here to see you." said Ye Jun as his dad turned to look at us," Uncle Ye!" Nana exclaimed as she walked to his right side," How are you feeling?" she asked as he nodded," Iam fine." he said in a low and weak voice and then turned his eyes to me," Dad this is a new friend who joined us this year, Kang Yuri." Ye Jun introduced me as his dad held out his hand summoning me to come sit at his right side," It's nice meeting you, though it would have been nicer if we were meeting over hot pot or fried meat." he said as I smiled softly," It's okay, we can have all those after you recover." I replied as he smiled too," Thank you both girls for coming to see me." he says
" Iam sorry, I have to leave now." Nana said as she rushed," Is everything okay?" I asked as she nodded with a smile," Yes I just have to help my granny with something." she replies as she waves to us and goes, now it was just me and Ye Jun and a little awkwardness from the question I received from Nana earlier," Uhhmm thank you for coming today." he said for the fourth time now," Were friends so it's okay." I say as he smiles, I don't know for what but he does," Are you going home now as well, I can escort you to the hospital exit." he says," Well yes, thank you." I reply as I remember something and reach for my bag where I pull out a bunch of papers," Here!" I said as he stared blankly at them," What are these?" he asks as he goes through them," Notes fro when you haven't been at school, I highlighted major points for you, you can go through them in preparation for the 1st mock exams set coming soon." I replied as he looks at me and smiles again," Thank you, seriously no one has ever highlighted notes for me." he says which had to be a joke but my facial expression was rather straight not because I didn't get the jock but because I was still digesting what it meant , which made him feel uneasy seeing how he cleared his throat and looked around," Shall we?" he asked as I turned to follow him out of the hospital...
" I never thought that making business could be so tiring." I said to granny who was making both me and her a cup of her very own herbal tea, I had been worked up by arranging the outside cafe, making calls, getting deliveries and working at the bakery too so I felt my shoulders were sore," Here! but be careful it's hot." she said as I put it on the table," Thank you granny." I said with a smile as she sat opposite me," Don't tire yourself out, everything will be okay." she adds as I smile at her comforting words," Iam just anxious this has to be the second most important decision I have made in my entire life." I said as I sipped on the tea and paused to appreciate how good it tastes in my mouth," Second?" she asked," What was your first?" she added as I stopped and stared at her," Not going to music school." I added but I could feel my voice break, I know why I made the decision but staring at my guitar has me thinking alot," Right! Hyuna called sometime back complaining about that, can I ask why you chose to give up." she asked, now that's not a question I was ready to answer truthfully but just like I said before," I didn't throw away music as my dream, I just put my dreams on hold as I gather the courage to pick them up and follow them again later." I replied as granny moved to my seat and offered to hug me," Everything will be okay." she whispered as I held her tighter," I know granny." I replied...