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" What movie are you going to watch?" I asked Yuri who had disorganised her wardrobe searching for something to wear," 20th century girl." she replied," Oh I know that one!" I exclaimed as she immediately shussh'd me," Don't you dare spoil it for me." she said with glaring eyes," I haven't watched it, I was just going to say its been trending on twitter." I said as I looked around our room which was now littered with clothes," I can't believe both of you have weekend plans and I don't." I said sadly," Don't you have the bakery?" she asked as I scoffed," I mean fun plans..not work." I replied as she laughed," What's Hyuna going for anyway?" Yuri asked," She's going to her alumni association camp." I replied as she stopped and stared at me with shock," Yes I was shocked too, she hates going for reunions but here she is." I added," That's new, ahhhh why can't I find anything to wear?" Yuri said angrily as she sat on her bed and sulked," What happened to your cargo pants..and T shirts?" I joked as she grinned at me," You probably have something in there that you have never won, let me help you check." I said as I stood up and went through her part of the closet," I lack clothes, I don't remember when I last went out fit shopping." she continued," Wait! is this the gift I gave you on your last birthday?" I asked as I pulled out a gift bag containing a tiny scattered flower print dress," Yah where has that been?" she asked as she cheerfully pulled the bag from me," Should I wear this?" she asked as I nodded in approval," You would look really good in it, why else would I have bought it?" I said as she pulled it out and gave a closer look at it," I'll try it on and I hope you can give me a sincere response to how I'll look in it." she added as she went to try it on," I hope you can clean this mess up after you confirm you look good in it." I said as she shut the door loudly.

"Done!" she said as she stood before me, looking so precious," Remove your hands so I can have a closer look." I said as she put her hands behind her back," 360 for me." I said as she glared at me," you better do it if you want an honest opinion." I said as she turned around," You look good, trust me." I said as she went to the mirror," I've never won such clothes before, I mean dresses." she said as I hugged her from behind," You look good." I said as she smiled," Thank you." she replied," You welcome but I hope you cleaning this up before you go." I said as I turned to leave," Great way to ruin a moment." she yelled.



" Come on, make a nice pose." said Nana as we took a pic Infront of the large 20th century girl poster," Come one make a heart sign." she added as they took more pictures," Are they good?" Nana asked the young lady that had offered to help us," Thank you." she added as she scrolled to see the pictures, there were many people who had come to watch the movie seeing how many were waiting to take a picture Infront of the poster," Now that it's done, let's go and buy popcorn then wait for Ye Jun." she said as I stopped in shock of her statement," Ye Jun!!" I exclaimed," Yes he's on his way." she replied but I still couldn't wrap my head around it," i thought he's taking care of his dad?" I asked as we stood in the queue to buy the pop corn," Well yes but my mom is there today, so they told him to take rest so I invited him so he can blow off some steam." she replied as out turn to order reached," We shall have two of you medium pop corn packs and three large size juice tins." I said as wrapped up out order and so we went to wait by the entrance," He better get here soon." Nana said as she checked her watch.

After a few minutes Ye Jun arrived so we went in to watch the movie but I really didn't expect it to be so much of a roller coaster emotion wise, it was funny and cute but then things got serious at the latter that I found my self shed a few years but no one won the crying award like Nana, she literally was sobbing as though she had lost a loved one, Ye Jun on the other hand was just laughing at us for crying, he didn't seem emotionally affected by the movie at all," I can't believe you guys actually cried for a movie." he said emphasising the word " movie"," I knew it was melodramatic but I didn't think I'd cry alot too." Nana said as she reached for her purse and pulled out a mirror," Omg! I look horrible, I'll go to the wash rooms, you guys can wait by the ext for me." she said as she left," Don't you need to use the washroom too?" Ye Jun asked," Iam good, I didn't apply any strong make up." I replied as I looked around, from a distance of spotted a couple kissing, I don't know why I felt embarrassed for them though it's non of my business," Shall we go and seat over there." Ye Jun said as he pointed at some seats by the exit," Okay ." I said as I followed him from behind, at times situations where it was just him and I together got a little strange and uncomfortable since we didn't have much to talk about, maybe because we hadn't become that close at friends," Hows your dad?" I asked since it was the first thing that popped in my head," He is getting better." he replied," Thank you for the notes again, they are really organised and easy to understand." he said as I replied with a simple smile and a nod, thankfully the awkward situation didn't last long as Nana came back," Let's go to our next destination." she said as we all stared at her curiously," Next destination?" I asked," Yes! you guys didn't think we were watching a movie alone, let's go have some icecream and then end the day with a nice meal and not a meal from our family restaurant but at some nice place, we have alot of those in Aayan." she explained as she pulled both of our hands," We have a long fun day ahead of us." she said as we left.



" Are you sure I don't need to bring anything?" I asked Min Young who replied with a positive nod," Everything has been taken care of, we just need to go there." he said as we got in the car, he helped me out my back up in the back seat as I got into the passengers seat and he the driver's seat," Fasten your seat belt." he said as we set off.

It was a long ride to the camping area, but his awesome and soothing play list, and his jazz kept me entertained, we talked about many things and also got time to catch up and that took an entire journey, the sun was setting when we finally reached the venue, it felt fresh since it was surrounded with tress, and lots of greenery," Min Young!!" said a voice from a far, it was a " Wooshik!" Min Young said as they hugged," Bro I thought you weren't coming." Min Young said as Wooshik drifted his eyes to me," And this is?" he asked," Right! Wooshik meet my junior high class mate and friend, Kang Hyuna." min Young said as he pulled out his hand for a hand shake," Nice to meet you." I said as I reciprocated , I felt a little out of place since the only person I knew as of right now was Min Young maybe Sa Ra too if she even decides to come," Let's go everything has already been sorted out and you guys were the only ones left," Min Young!" I called out as I pulled him by the hand," I thought this was going to have our junior high classmates?" I asked as he turned to me," Are you talking about Wooshik, he always comes to our reunions because his girlfriend was our alumni, do you remember Garem?" he asked as I nodded," She comes with him every year so that how I got to know and become close to him, don't worry everything will be okay." he said as tapped on my shoulder," Let's go." he said as I took a few breaths and followed closely behind him,meeting old classmates after a long time made me anxious, how will they react to seeing me, I wasn't the most associated person back then so I didn't get to make many friends, I also moved after junior high ended but these guys must have been together throughout high school and even the university, what kind of conversation iam I going to have with them, will they even remember me, all these questions ran through my head as my legs started moving with hesitancy," Hyuna!" Min Young called out as he moved back to where I was," Iam here just be yourself iam sure most of our classmates remember you and they are not mean, If you feel uncomfortable then we can live at anytime." he assured me," let's go." he said as slipped his fingers into mine and walked besides me, that action rushed a strong form of aderaline into my body to the point where I could even feel my palms sweating.



Being at home alone felt so boring with Yuri at the movies, Hyuna at that camp and granny who insisted she works alone at the bakery today since all she needed to do was interview a part timer who was going to help serve at the cafe, looking around the house I didn't know what to do so I ended up pulling out my guitar and trying to play a few songs," What's wrong with it?" I asked as it gave an off tune,so I decided to play it again," What is happening?" I asked as I look a closer look at the strings," Have they loosened?" O asked my self as I stood up and left for Granny's Bakery this was my favourite guitar, if it got ruined I'd feel devasted, so we even have a place they could fix it in this town? I asked my self as I rushed out.

" Granny!" I called out as I got into the bakery," What are you doing here? I thought I told you to take the day off." she said as I showed her the guitar," What's wrong?"she asked," I think some thing is off with my guitar, it keeps giving off an off tune." I explained as she stared at me blankly with the what do you expect me to do kind of face," I don't really know anything about guitars." she said as she turned to go back," I wanted to know of we had a place that sells musical instruments around here, they would know what to do with my guitar." I said as she turned back and nodded her head," I don't think I know of any place." she said as I sighed with disappointment," I think I can help." said a voice from behind it was a young man with black natural curly hair and pretty good looking face, " Excuse me." I said as he moved closer," Right! that's Aaman he is the part timer I chose for the cafe." Granny said as I turned back to him," Aaman that Mina your soon to be boss." granny continue as we both smile in recognition for each other," Did you say that you could help me with my guitar?" I ask as he positively nodded," Really, do you know anything about guitars?" I asked as he laughed," Yes iam a music and dance major at my college." he said," Oh!" I replied as I pulled out rh guitar," What do you think is wrong with it?" I said as I handed it over to him," Let's find out, he said as he started to test it out," The strings might need changing." he said," Can you help me with that?" I asked as he stood up," I can but the tools I need are at my place." he said," maybe I can bring them tomorrow as I come to work?" he asked," Well that's okay, iam just relieved that it can get fixed." I said," Well I'll bring the guitar tomorrow, you can bring your tools and get it fixed." I added as I cheerful put the guitar back in its bag and turned to leave," Thank you." I said as he smiled.



I was worried for nothing, most of my classmates remembered me well because I was among the smart students in class but they were okay and nice to me, no one had asked me anything private like about my dad which made me question if they knew what happened it was all over the news and social media or if they aren't at petty as blame the daughter for her father's mistakes," So Hyuna, what career are you into?" asked one of my old class mates," Iam a teacher." I replied proudly," Teaching is good it kind of suits your personality." she said as they all laughed, though I had my eyes around searching for Nana who they had said was still on an important call," This could be the perfect chance to talk to her." I said as I got ready to stand up when a class mate who turned out to be Garem grabbed me by the hand," Hey where are you going we going to play the drinking game." she said as I tried to make an excuse but ended up sitting right back, "Min Young, Wooshik enough with your male talk, join us for the game." she said," Hey Coco go and call Nana to come as well we came to get away from work and yet she bought work with her." she added as everyone gathered around in a circle, Min Young sat next to me and luckily on my other side was Nana who just acknowledged my presence with a simple smile," Well the rules of the game are simple it's called NEVER HAVE I EVER, most of you know how it works since we played it more often in college." Garem said as she turned to look at me," You must have played it too Hyuna?" she asked sarcastically as they all laughed, Garem had this jerky attitude but that's not something I can't handle," So raise five fingers, some one says something they have never done, those who have done it before have to drink while those who haven't fold a finger." she explained as we all raised our fingers," Who's going first?" she asked as min Young raised his hand," I'll go."," Never have I ever robbed a bank!" he says as they all mutter in disapproval," Come on man say something more realistic." Wooshik says as Min young prepares to go again.

The game left most of the guys drunk and wasted while I was a little sober well sober enough to stare at the stars," What are you doing here, don't you feel cold." Min Young asked as he put a shawl on me," Thank you." I said as he sat next to me," I don't feel like Sleeping." I said as he turned and looked at me," Neither do I." he said as we both laughed," I tried to get to talk to Nana the entire night but couldn't, she also didn't seem that interested to talk." I said," You can talk to her as we leaving tomorrow." he said," It's not like she's going to get up and run in the middle of the night." Min Young joked as we both laughed," How was it? the interaction with old class mates?" he asked as I sighed before replying," Good! Iam glad I stayed other wise I would never have known that I used go by the name BOOK WORM." I said ," I never used to call you that." he said in his defence," Well you always called me fatty even when I wasn't fat." I said as he turned to be smiling," You even remember that?" he asked as I nodded," I remembered alot of things from that time." I said as a sudden silence surrounded us as we both stared at each other, I could really feel my self having evil intentions as I got closer to him," Uhhmmm I should get going." I said as I stood up," Good night." I said as I rushed to leave," What were you thinking?" I thought to myself as I put my hands over my face and entered my tent...






Staring at her,made me feel many things yes she already makes me feel things but I could feel even more, the atmosphere the weather the tension that was building because of that stare called for so much more than just sitting next to each other,she leaned in next to me and I was ready to lose control if she let me, I folded my fists as she came even closer and just when I thought..." Uhhmmm I should get going." she said as she stood up letting her shawl fall to the ground," Good night." she continued as she rushed off,on the other hand I still had my heart racing, leaning back to my seat with my hand over my chest I couldn't help smile.