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" Okay that's one big smile." Mina said,as I walked into the bakery " What happened, a few hours ago you were sulking about your job and now you walk in here smiling twice as bigger." she added as I smiled even more," Well first pack me some of your best chocolate muffins and vanilla milk." I said as she turned around to do the packing," Are you going to angry eat?" she asked as I chucked, why would she even think that of all things?," They are for Yuri and her two friends Nana and Ye Jun." I explained," Are they studying from home today?" she asked as she handed me the cupcakes," Yah iam going to be tutoring them in English." I said proudly," Woah..twist of events I thought Yuri hated being tutored by you." she replied, " Well she wants it now..I should get going, you should also go back to running your business...bye." I said as I scanned to pay and turned to leave...

Back at home,it being my first time to teach literally any one in a long time I was mor than pumped and so were the kids, they had snacks and listened to my explanation as they jotted the key points in there note book, we even joked a little mid study, I could tell they were having fun but iam guilty since I believe I was having more fun than they actually we're," That's it for today...we shall meet on..." I said as I pulled out my phone," Thursday!" they all said," Yes Thursday remember to practice and review what I have told you but at the same time don't stress you self, have fun as you study...being you tutor I'll be rooting for you to pass your mock exams." I said as they all displayed smiley faces," Thank you so much Noona." said Nana as she gave a slight bow out of respect then followed by Ye Jun," Thank you Unnie." Yuri added," It's my pleasure, you guys should get home since it's almost 9pm." I said as I escorted them to the door..and watched them leave, I was soo happy.." Now you should also go and freshen up, I'll prepare something quick for dinner." I said as she stopped me," Let's order out, you might be exhausted as well, " Uhhmmm how about noodles and meat balls, Nana's granny's restaurant has those and they do delivery." she said as I looked at her hesitantly," Consider it my treat for helping us today." she said," Hey I wasn't helping you, I was gladly enjoying it too." I said," Same thing!." she replied," Okay fine but I'll go pick them my self, no need for them to deliver." I added as she gave me a thumbs up and left...

" Here you go." said Min Young as he handed me my food order," How was your day." he added," Well it was good." I said as I picked it up and pulled out my phone to pay," It's on the house." he said as I disagreed and continued to pay," It's your first time eating here, so it's on the house." he persisted as he blocked my phone from scanning the code," Min Young!" I called out as he laughed," There many customers waiting to be served behind you, so take your meal and go home." he added as I looked behind me and hesitantly got out of the line," I'll pay for my next meal." I whispered as he replied with an okay fingers sign...



" Well today being the cafes first day was amazing, many people showed up and the bakery was impacted in a positive way too since they ordered a cup of coffee, milk with a piece of cake, muffin, cookie as an escort." I explained to Van over the call," That's impressive, hearing you talk business." he teased as we both laughed," Either way if things keep up like this then we will define make an impact." I added as he nodded happily," I've washed all the utensils, dried them and put them in the shelves, I'll be going home now." Aaman said as I turned to thank him for the good work," Who's that?" Van asked curiously," It's our new part timer, Aaman..." I said as I turned the monitor to face him," Hello.." Aaman said nervously," This is Van, a shareholder in our business." I said as Van brushed me off," Iam just a small investor." he said," Nice to meet you." he added as Aaman slightly bowed to him out of respect," I'll get going now." he said as he left...

" Why are you staring at me like that?" I asked Van," it's nothing, he looks reliable." he said as I sense something was off," Which he is, he helped out with the flyers and he's hard working too." replied as he gave one of those fake smiles," Okay, I guess we done here, I'll text you the other details." I added as I ended the call.." What's wrong with him?" I said as I stood up to close the Bakery and cafe and call it a day.



* How to open up a tutoring cafe* I wrote in the Google search engine, after today's three hour session with Yuri and her friends I couldn't help wonder if i could open up a tutoring cafe there are plenty of those in the city and now that students are nearing SATS and are having many exams many of them would want to seek academic help from some one more than their teacher or even some one new,as I was lost in my thoughts scrolling through the internet, my phone chimed and it was a message from Hana, my colleague from the previous private school I was working, I had asked her to text me when she got time and she just did, I replied the text with a call since I thought it would be more convenient for things we going to discuss," Hello." I said as she replied cheerfully," How have you been, last time we talked it when you told me you were moving out of the city." she said," Iam good, I called to ask you on what I texted you earlier, do you think it's possible?" I asked as she kept quiet a bit," It's not impossible but then again you would need to be tutoring more than one subject..like parents want to hit a jackpot get a tutoring cafe that is going to help their students in various subjects." she explained as I sipped on my cup of coffee and listened," So you may need to consult more teachers of different subjects and see if they can join you on this project." she added," Well, I don't really know of many teachers from Aayan but I can consult at my sister's place and see if any of the teachers are willing to join me, I also have to put into consideration their salaries and hours of work." I explained," How about this, it doesn't have to be all the subjects for starters, you can pick out three or four and as time goes by you can include more." she advised," A tutoring cafe is an amazing idea, but facilities,. space, labour all that needs to be put into consideration..don't you also need a letter from the Ministry of education permitting you to set up one, but I can help you on that last one if you send me you teachers licensee." she added as I felt even more involved in the matter," Well as per your advise I'll make a list of subjects, consult teachers, look for a space and organise a plan." I said," Okay you can send me the plan after wards, I'll see what can she added." she replied," Iam really glad you getting back on your feet Hyuna." she added," Good night." she said as she concluded the call, I kind of felt more motivated to do this after talking to her, her advise was helpful and gave me the starting point I didn't see when I first thought of the idea...I was so excited to sleep that I spent the entire night making research on the many tutoring cafes to get an insight on my idea....


" Good morning." I said as I pulled out a seat at the dining table," Were you wrestling a bull at night?" asked Granny as Mina and Yuri burst into laughter," I was making research in something." I said as Mina poured me a cup of coffee," Speaking of which, can you help Mina out at the cafe today? iam going to the town council meeting to discuss the program for the Town festival." Granny added," It's okay, Hyuna clearly didn't get any sleep, I and Aaman will manage." Mina said as I interrupted," It's okay I'll help, i will be sober after a cup of coffee and a shower." I said as I bit through my croissant," If you say so." she replied as she continued to have her break fast too," Whats the town festival Granny?" Yuri asked which got me curious as well," It's a fan tradition for Aayan, once in a year we have this festival with food music dance fireworks performances, literally everything." she explains as Yuri smiled with excitement," Sounds interesting." she said," It is and this year you lucky to be involved in it too, we'll have your break fast quickly, Mina hurry and open up the bakery and cafe, Yuri hurry and go to school and Hyuna hurry and refresh your self." she concludes as they all stare at me and laugh," Bye Granny." we all say as we get back to our breakfast.


