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" Iam starting to think that the reason why we had many customers yesterday was because of curiosity." Mina said," That's how business works.." I said as I wrote down my tutoring cafe plan," By the way can I take some time off at 4?" I asked as she stared at me curiously," Why?" she asked bluntly," Iam going to meet some one." I explained," it's fine there aren't many customers so me and Aaman will manage." she said as I gently tapped her back," Thank you boss." I teased as she brushed my hand away.



For some reason this day had some boring aura attached to it, I sat by the counter waiting for customers as Aaman scrolled his phone," Mina!" he called out," Can I have your opinion on something?" he asked as I agreed curiously," I want you to listen to this song and tell me if it's lacking or if it's just fine." he said as he put an ear pods in my ear...I kept quiet and close my eyes to get a clear feel of the song, it was slow and the lyrics were emotional but at the same time the chorus was addictive so I couldn't helped shake my head a little when it came on," What's it called, I don't think I've heard it before." I asked," How was it?" he asked," it was nice, the lyrics were well written and it felt nice to my ears." I said as he smiled a bit," Are you the one who wrote it?" I asked as he positively nodded," Okay don't tell me you sung it too!" I exclaimed as he nodded his head again," Woah...no like seriously wow." I said, I was really shocked but after putting into consideration the fact hat he studies music and dance in his college everything started to add up," Iam jealous of your talent..you know." I added," I beg you can sing too." he said as I rushed to deny,"," Well yes I can sing but I can't

guarantee my voice is nice." I said as he laughed softly," Try singing something for me, let me be the judge." he said," How can I do that?" I said hesitantly as he continued to persuade me," Should I look the other way?" he asked as he turned making his back face me instead," Well do you guarantee that you won't laugh at all?" i ask as he nods his head," Sing away!" he says as I clear my throat...123..I said as I closed my eyes started singing...."," Okay I can't do this is said stopping the song in half," Wow." he said as he turned to me," Stop exaggerating..." I said as I laughed nervously and turned to leave when he played the recording, I couldn't believe not that I couldn't but I just felt Soo good listening to my self sing, I mean am not sure if it was teasing from Hyuna or Yuri but whenever I sung let's say while cooking or in the shower, they always told me to tone it down,I didn't think I sounded so good even during our end of highschool performance I got nervous to audition for the main vocalist position and instead chose to play the guitar, I hate to sound emotional but after Aaman played the audio, I got teary eyed," When did you record this?" I asked as I sniffed," When I asked you to sing..I thought you might deny it coming from me so I decided to record it." he said as threw my head into my palms," I don't know what to say!" I exclaimed as he tapped me on the back to calm me down," You're a great singer, with training and practice I bet you can become an musician." he complimented as I stared at him and laughed," You are a great singer too...trust me if you have any songs that require my opinion in the future I'll be more than willing to listen and give you my opinion." I said as he we both laughed, it just felt good having some one discover something I didn't know about my self and that person being some one I only met a few days back.....!!!



" Thank you for agreeing to meet me." I said as Mrs Shin pulled out a chair for me to sit," The pleasure is mine." she said politely as she sat down," Well, iam here to talk about a project I've been having in mind." I said as she paid critical attention," As you already know iam a teacher by profession, I was thinking of making a tutoring or study cafe for students from different highschools who wish to get extra academic attention or advise out side school, I mean don't know if it's the system here but on my previous school, it wasn't allowed for teachers to give students extra attention...they all said it seemed unequal to their other peers, so I came up with this idea as a way to help the students out." I explained," That's a good idea, may I know how I can help?" she asked as I smiled and proceeded to say more," Well, a study cafe can't be teaching only one subject, it requires a few more subjects to help more students, so I was wondering if you can help find teachers that might be interested in working at the study cafe and helping out students we can talk about the hours and payments after they agree." I added, she looked like she was a bit hesitant but at the same time interested in the idea," Well, iam not sure how many teachers would agree but I'll try to talk to a few not only here but also in the Aayan 2nd highschool...I hope you can give me sometime, I'll call you incase of any progress." she replied as I sighed with relief to her buying the idea," Thank you so much really." I said as I cheerful shook her hand," Thank me after I get the work done." she said," I'll thank you again then." I replied as we both laughed," I'll get going then." I concluded as I left everything was getting in place well at least some of it, " Fighting Kang Hyuna!" I said to my self as I cheerfully walked out the teachers lounge.....

On my way out of the school, I noticed a familiar figure," Min Young!" I called out as he turned and cheerfully waved," What are you doing here?" I asked and then noticed he was putting on a track suit and a cap," Iam a physical education teacher here..part time iam supposed to come in every Friday but my colleague was sick so I filled in for him." he explained as I smiled," You are a restaurant owner and a physical education teacher!" I exclaimed," Nice." I added as he gave a soft laugh," And why were you here?" he asked," Well there is a project I think iam going to start so I was talking to a teacher here about it." I said," Do you mind telling me more over some icecream?" he asked," Well it's quite a hot day, ice cream will be a great help." I replied as he cheerfully grabbed me by the hand," Let's go!" he said as we left....

" A tutoring cafe!!" he exclaimed as he handed me my bowl of ice cream," that's sounds like a good idea, I haven't seen many of those in this town." he added as he helped me pull out a seat and say Infront of me," It is I actually thought of it after tutoring Yuri, Nana and Ye Jun, I want to do it and I believe it's going to work out." I replied as I took a had some of my icecream,'." This is good." I said as I had more and noticed he was staring at me," What's wrong?" I said as he smiled," Iam just admiring your fighting spirit." he said," Keep it up...fighting Kang Hyuna." he said as we both laughed," Have your icecream before it melts." I replied as I took a sneak peek at him...and smiled



" I just submitted the song demo to my teacher...let's see if he will feel the same way you did while listening to it." Aaman said as we prepared to close the Bakery and cafe," He will trust me, if there is one thing i can proudly say is that I have great taste in music, I know a great song when I listen to one and your song is amazing." I replied," I'll trust you on that." he adds as we Lock Up," I'll see you tomorrow then." he says as I turn to leave," Good night." he concludes as I looked back at him..." Good night." I replied...

When I got home, I found that granny was making dinner," Hello granny." I say as I run and hug her from behind," How's my favourite granny in the world?" I ask as I hug her even tighter," Well suffocating and could die anytime if you keep bugging her so tightly." she says as I loosen up my grip a little," Sorry." I said as she smiled and pinches my cheeks," How was work?" she asked as I sighed," Not good and not bad, I'll let you do back to your work ...I'll shower and come down to help you." I replied as I rushed to my room.

*HERE'S YOUR RECORDING, I THOUGHT YOU WOULD LIKE TO HEAR IT MORE INCASE YOU DOUBT YOUR AMAZING VOICE AGAIN* said a text from Aaman,which I read with a smile on my face I played the audio as I laid down on my bed with my eyes closed...and I still couldn't believe it was me singing...I played it again and again and again and couldn't get over it..." Thank you Aaman." I whispered as I put the audio on loop.