" Have some milk to nourish your brain." said Mina as she put a tall glass of milk Infront of me, making my stomach groan," Did you have to fill it to the top." I asked as I held the glass with hesitation," Here! This is my lucky pen, I'll lend it to you." said Hyuna," Okay iam just going for exams not for war." I said," War and exams are technically the same thing." Mina joked though we all just glared at her," Yuri!" called out granny as she approached me with what look like a beaded bracelet," Wear this, I prayed all night for it." she said as my jaw dropped," Granny! You too." I said as she came and put it on my wrist," Success on your exam dear." she added as she kissed my forehead, seeing how all of them were going crazy for just the mocks then I don't want to imagine how they'll double up for my SATS," Thank you for all of these, I'll get going." I said as I picked up a bun and rushed out before they decided to let me bathe holy water.
Nana was waiting for me by the school gate nervously," There you are! Oh man so scared." she said as I held her hands," We have read and reviewed everything,our hard work will pay off." I said as she took deep breaths and smiled," Fighting!" he said as we went in.
Days past as we did our exams, some were nice some were fair and some were terrible,Nana Ye Jun and I tried so hard to avoid any after exam conversations since most of those could leave you doubting every thing you have written, so we always left immediately and after each paper we were awarded with a big bowl of noodles at Nana's granny's restaurant, I must say that was the best part about exams.
" I can't believe we finally done, not necessarily but at least I can now catch up on my Korean series and hang out with you in all the places I've been wanting too." Nana said as we headed home after wrapping up our last paper," I also need to treat your sister to a meal." she added," She was a really great help, I have never done a paper so confidently." she continued as we both laughed," By the way do you have any idea why Ye Jun was called in by Mrs Shin?" I asked as she shook her head," I don't know, but don't worry iam sure he will tell us once he's done, so how about we go and have..." she said as I interrupted her and yelled noodles," No ice cream, we have had alot of noodles these past weeks, I literally smell like them now." she said as she Jockingly raised up her armpits to my nose," See.?" she said as I ran away from her," Come back and sniff me." she said as she ran after me...
" I swear I haven't fought with any one for the past month." I said in my defence as Mrs Shin signalled me to sit down," Iam not here to talk to you about that." she said as she put a piece of paper Infront of me," Is the the university sheet?" I asked as I picked it up and looked through it," Yes and you didn't fill anything in it." she added as I placed it back down," Well that's because iam not going to college." I said bluntly as she stared at me with curiousity," And may I know why?" she asked as I kept quiet," I just don't want to go to college." I said as she sighed and picked up my form," It's okay if you aren't ready to tell me anything now but I'll leave this form with you, after you have had much thought about the matter, then you can either fill it or bring it back to me empty with a solid answer to my question." she added as I nodded my head and picked up the sheet," You may leave now, iam sure most of your friends are out celebrating the completion of exams." she concluded as I bowed with respect and left..the question she asked was an easy one for me to answer, I don't want to join college because I want to work and be able to take care of my father..but for some reason I could give her that reason..." What iam I going to do with this?" I asked my self as I folded it and put it away in my bag, right then I received a text from Nana asking me to meet them at the ice cream parlour...
" Check this out?" Aaman said with excitement," What's this?" I said as I stared keenly at his phone," I got an A for the song project I submitted last time." he said as I jumped with joy at the news," Congratulations." I said happily," Well thank you for your affirmation, I was planning to actually submit another song instead but after you said it was good...I felt confident about submitting it." Aaman said as I smiled softly," So how do we celebrate this success." I said cheerfully," Woah it's like my song has made it to no 1 on the 100 top chart." he said as I tapped his shoulder," This is a big deal too, now come one tell me how we should celebrate before I start feeling bad about spending my money." I joked as he looked around," Well Uhhmmm should we have dinner at this nice hot pot place?" he asked as I immediately agreed," Done let's wrap up here and go and have dinner." I said as we high fived and went back to our work," Congratulations." I whispered as he mouthed " Thank you" I return, for some reason I felt happy and not because he put me forward as a reason for his success but because I was genuinely happy for him.
" Iam meeting Mrs Shin tomorrow, she said she was able to convince a few teachers for the project, so I'll be meeting them tomorrow." I explained to Hana over the phone," That's good iam also working on your licence, I think it will be ready in a few weeks." she said as I thanked her cheerfully," Well I've also checked out places, I'll finalise that tomorrow too." I said," Take it slow, we shall be able to make it." she said," Thank you for all your help." I concluded as I hang up, just then I got a message from Min Young, he had sent me pictures of places we could use for the tutoring cafe,* CAN WE CHECK THEM OUT, I WANT TO FINALISE THIS SOON* I replied as he responded with a * ANY TIME YOU WANT*, I just loved how everything was going, how I started this as just a thought and now iam really making it happen.
" Woah look at it boil." I said as Aaman passed me a bowl and chop sticks," I still can't believe you can't handle spices!" I exclaimed," Well last time I had something so spicy, I could feel literal fire coming out of my nostrils." he said as I burst into laughter seeking attention from the other customers," Like a cartoon." I said as he laughed too," Bur seriously, I can picture how you felt, what even made you have spicy food when you can't handle it?" I asked as he put some in my bowl," Will it be embarrassing if I say I did it for a girl." he said," The same girl who introduced me to her gym instructor boyfriend the next day." he said as I held back my laughter," Iam sorry for that." I said as he stared at me," You can laugh if you want too, most of my friends still mock me to date for that incident." he added as I laughed to the point of almost chocking on my meat," Have some water." he said as I cleared my throat," Thank you." I said as I had some water and continued laughing," Why do I feel like I made a mistake telling you." he said as I put my hand over my mouth," Sorry,here this is my favourite part." I said as he shook his head and smiled.
" Thank for today, seriously it's been a while since I laughed so much." I said after we had reached my place," I should thank you because it was you who was treating me." he replied," Well yes untill you offered to split the bill." I complained," That doesn't count as my treat, I'll make sure to treat you so something better next time." I added as he agreed," Well thank you for walking me home as well, Good night see you tomorrow." I said as we fist bumped," Congratulations again Aaman." I added as he smiled," Thank you." he replied as he turned to leave, I on the other hand couldn't help smile as I remembered how much fun we had at the hot pot restaurant.