" This was once a dance studio, Uhhmmm it takes up two floors you can have an office right there and then you can divide the space equivalently." said the real estate agent as I and Minyoung looked around," What do you think?" Min Young asked me as I sighed," It's better than the three places we visited earlier." I said as the real estate agent continued to compliment it," We shall go back and discuss with my business partner and then I'll get back to you." I said," It's fine, just don't take long to decide since it's needed by many people." he replied as we shook hands and left," I have an hour left before I meet the teachers, should we go grab a bite?" I asked min young who instantly agreed, we had lunch at a nice chicken place and then I proceeded for my meeting while he went to his restaurant.
" It's just a trip and not a personal but school trip meaning my classmates and even teachers are all going to be there so why can't I go, and it won't be my first time camping...and it's just two days and it's the only outing I can go too before we start ranking our brains studying for the college entrance exam....please Mina." I said to Mina who was walking back and forth making coffee, taking customer's orders," Look iam not saying you can't go, iam just saying that we shall discuss this over dinner tonight with granny and Hyuna." she explained as I sat down," Where's Granny and Hyuna though?" I asked as I pulled out my phone and texted Hyuna.." She's off line too." I added," Granny is busy with the town festival preparations while Hyuna is busy with the tutoring cafe preparations." Mina said as I sighed and looked around," What about Aaman?" I asked because I couldn't see him any where," Aaman's mom isn't feeling well so I asked him to take care of her today." Mina replied," Aren't you going to visit her?" I asked as she glared at me," Why would I visit Aaman's mom?" she asked," Well so that in case you fall for Aaman one day she won't make it hard for you when Aaman introduces you to her as his girlfriend." I said as Mina held out a slap to me," Stop talking nonsense and wear that apron and help me out." she said said as I laughed in satisfaction of mocking her," Though jokes aside, Aaman and her would look nice together." I thought to my self as i stood up to help her serve the customers.
" Here is your bowl of porridge." I said as my dad held it in his hands and had a taste," It's good...you getting better and better." he said as I sat down opposite of him," Well I found something in your room earlier." he said as he checked his pockets and pulled out the university form I had not filled in," Why haven't you filled in any university?" he asked as i started to look around, " Well I still haven't made up my mind on which university I want to join...it still early." I explained as he agreed," Well Ill put this away for now, first have your porridge and take your medicine...I'll make you you your favourite favourite beef stew for dinner." I said as he smiled and continued having his porridge, I stood up and picked the form almost tore it apart but had second thoughts and instead shoved it into the drawer, as I went back to where my dad was,my phone rung," Hey! Nana what's up." I said as I sat back on bed," Well are you going for the trip?" she asked," No, I mean iam not going." I said as she started complaining," Look I know and I really want to go and make memories but I can't leave my dad home alone while he's sick." I explained," Come on, what if I ask Min Young to keep him company?" she said," Brother min Young has many things to do, you can't add taking care of my dad on top of all that." I replied as she sadly accepted," Bye! I'll call you later ." she added as I hung up..I kind of felt bad but my responsibility towards my dad was far more important than my need to go out and have fun...just as I was getting of phone and preparing to leave, I noticed my dad standing at the entrance of my room," Dad! Are you looking for your medicines?" I asked as I stood up to go find them for him," I have already taken my medicine and even done our dishes." he said as I stopped and stared back at him," I can take care of my self so you can go and have fun at the trip." he added as I tried to speak up," I know you want to look after me but don't grow up so fast,go have fun with your friends....I can take good care of my self." he added as he gave me a soft smile and left," Dad!" I called out...
" Iam pretty sure iam going, I just need confirmation from my sister and granny first." I said to Nana who had come to the cafe to tell me that Ye Jun had decided not to go," I can't believe Ye Jun isn't going." she said as we both sighed," He has a solid reason, so let's respect his decision." I said as Nana nodded and picked up a cookie," These are good." she said as she took a bite...
While at home, I decided to give Ye Jun a call, yes I know we should respect his decision but this is a once in a life time trip after this it will be college entrance exam then university and then separation making new friends all that can happen, I held my phone as I hesitantly stared at his number, " Let's respect his decision." I said as I turned off the phone and put it on the table by my bed," Maybe I should ask and see if he has changed his mind." I said," But no.." I replied to my self I fell back in bed and started turning around," Yaahh Yuri, I've had a long day the least you can do is sleep quietly." Mina yelled as I grabbed my phone and headed to the sitting room where I found Hyuna was still working in her laptop," Why aren't you alseep...excited for the trip?" she asked as I came and sat next to her," Kinda and also because I can't really get any sleep." I said as I peeped to see what she was working on," You really serious about that project." I said as she turned and smiled at me," I feel proud of my self for thinking and actually putting it into action so I have to work hard to make it work." she said as she continued pressing the key board," Fine I'll sit here and watch you work, maybe that will give me sleep." I said as she softly tapped my shoulder.." I'll get some water as well." I added as Hyuna told me to get her some too.
The next morning, I still had not had from Ye Jun, meanwhile Nana was blowing my phone up with texts of what she should part, what snacks she should buy and which places we are going to take pics from..." At this rate your phone is gonna blow up." said Mina as she helped me pack," Have we forgotten anything?" she asked as I looked around and shook my head," No!" I replied as she closed the bag and carried it all the way to the sitting room," Why don't you have something to eat as you wait for Nana." she said as I pulled out a chair and sat at the table, I looked back at my phone and finally gathered the courage to call Ye Jun..but he didn't pick up," Can you pack this for me, I'll have it as we go." I said as Nana took the place away from me," Are you okay?" she asked," Iam good... iam just sad Ye Jun won't be coming with us." I said," It's not like I don't understand why he isn't coming but as his friend I just selfishly want him to hang out with us." I added as Mina handed me a lunch box" Respect his decision, he must have thought alot about it iam sure you guys can arrange for a another trip after wards." she advised as I sighed and turned to my phone which was ringing," Ye Jun!!" I exclaimed as I cleared my throat and picked up," Good morning.." I said as he replied," Well Nana had told me that you won't be making it to the trip..so I was calling to..." I said but was interrupted," Iam going, I was almost calling you to ask if we can live for school together." he said as I almost let out a scream with excitement," Really!! well I was waiting for Nana we can come over at your place and pick you up." I said as he bought the idea," okay I'll wait for you." he added as he hang up," Yes!!" I exclaimed as Mina stared at me curiously," Ye Jun is going." I said as she smiled," That's good you guys are going to have alot of fun, remember to take as many pics as possible." she replied as I nodded with excitement and rushed to call Nana.