The journey to our camping site was longer than expected, I slept atleast twice and each time I woke up my head was sadly on Ye Jun's shoulder who also didn't push it away, maybe it's not as heavy Hyuna says.." My phone is out of battery." Ye Jun said as he checked his bag," And I forgot my power bank." he added as I offered to help, most of the he students including Nana had gone out to refreshen them selves buy drinks and eats as the bus took a thirty minute stop over, I stood up and tried to get my bag from the rails but they were to high up for me to reach, I figited and pulled the back and just when it nearly hit me on the head, Ye Jun came to the rescue and I hate to make this sound like those scenes in highschool romcoms but yes he stopped the bag from falling on me, making him stand so close to me, I was looking up at him while he was looking down at me, my heart was racing and not sure about his though, we had eye contact for over forty seconds before some one walked in causing us to rush..at the end of it all the bag hit Ye Jun instead..." Sorry! are you okay?" I asked as i subconsciously touched his head to check for bumps," Iam okay." he said as I smiled nervously and sat down," Here." I said as I handed him my power bank, he offered to put the bag back up and I couldn't get over the moment..we just had earlier..the rest of the journey was characterised by shouting from my class mates, Nana telling me about her plan to confess to her crush Go Jang Soo who is also our class president, and then me dozing off and Ye Jun having to lend me his shoulder to sleep on.
" So there's gonna be a pastry competition at the festival? should I join it or are you joining it granny." I asked," Iam way to old for that now, you should join it's good publicity for our bakery." she suggested as I stared back at Aaman who also nodded his head agreeing," Well iam not so good at making pastries." I said as granny stood up and held my hands," You'll never know you good enough untill you try..." she said making me smile at her advise," Think on it tonight and give me an answer by tomorrow." she added as she left for home, I sat down and looked back at the flyer granny had left for me at the table," You should do it." Aaman said as he came and pulled out a chair next to me," Every one who comes here loves your pastries so how dare you think you not good enough?" he said," Remember when you thought you were a bad singer, you changed your mind after hearing a recording of your self sing, why does it have to always be you proving your self to you, try proving yourself to others too...I know you good so let the rest know as well." he advise as I was moved my his advice," Well ..I" I stuttered," Think on it." he said as he stood up to continue with his work," Should I do it?" I thought to my self as I stared at the flyer...
The camping site was absolutely amazing, iam saying great scenery, the warm yet cold breeze and is that a lake nearby, we were told to set up our tents and register our names with Mrs Shin...Nana couldn't stop taking pictures of her self and of me," Once you done setting up your tents get into comfortable clothes and we shall have a tour of the place, we have many games planned out..meals are gonna be served on time." Mrs Shin said as we all clapped our hands," Okay then get to it." she added as she left..
" Wow! this place is soo good, look at all the pictures I've taken...these are defined Getting lots of likes on my Instagram..take that Rhaya..." Nana said as she scrolled through her phone, Rhaya was like her internet frenemy they challenge them selves with who gets more likes on her content...it's pretty fan to watch but I personally ain't a social media person...I believe these days social is way too toxic for my well being..
We were given an all round tour of the place, we were shown the different activities we were to participate in during our two days here, many classmates were taking pictures, we also took one as a group yes it was memorable because for some reason I was standing a little too close to Ye Jun...after that we went and had lunch..I had received over ten calls from granny Hyuna and Mina, I don't know why it isn't even my first time being away from home," I heard that we having a bonfire at night." Nana said as she came to sit at the table we were having our meals from," Are those vegetables?" i asked," Sadly, I've gotten quite fat so iam on a no fats diet plan." Nana said as I took a more keen look at her, she wasn't fat anywhere," So you willing to make your body suffer." I said as I picked up my piece of meat showed it to her and then Ate it," Stop!" she begged as she sat down and sadly ate her Vegetables...
" Now that the contract is signed and the half payment has been made, we are going to find some one to furnish the place." the Real estate agent said as we shook hands," Thank you." I said as he packed up and left, I sat back and stared at my copy of the contract and smiled, I had met up with the teachers and had agreed on the payments and time, it wasn't going to take long untill my tutoring cafe was up for business...I was happy so I texted Min young maybe I needed some one to celebrate with....« CARE FOR A DRINK!" I asked, « YOU MUST BE IN A GOOD MOOD.» he replied « IAM! I JUST FEEL LIKE EVERYTHING IS FALLING INTO PLACE» I said as he replied with smiley emojis,« LETS HAVE THAT DRINK TONIGHT....» he concluded as I smiled at his text....« ALRIGHT»
When hanging out with Min young I usually don't care about how I look but frankly speaking I felt the need to scramble my way through my wardrobe to get a nice out fit one that makes me look good but also doesn't show that I wore it for him to see and probably compliment,I wore my black scatter dress with a denim jacket and white Snickers , i know a bit too teenage for a 26 year old woman but I looked good atleast granny said as I did... we were going to meet at some out door restaurant, it wasn't a date though it was more like a celebratory dinner.
" Nothing says peace like sitted some where quiet staring at the sky while your friends are having fun dancing around the fire and eating lots of snacks," Why are you sitted here alone?" Ye Jun asked as he came and sat by me," I just feel like staring at the stars." I said as he looked up,I turned to him and noticed a bottle of Soju ( a kind of alcoholic drink)," is that!" I exclaimed as I pointed at the bottle," It is." he said as he picked it up and had some," Don't be shocked...what's the point of a school trip of we can't do a few illegal things." he said as he smiled," Do you want some." he asked as I turned away to think," I've never had it." I said as he laughed," I have only had it twice, once with my dad and then today." he said," Your dad!" I asked suprisingly," Well we were both going through a rough time to care about what's right and what's not." he replied as his expression changed, maybe I made him recall something hurtful," Iam sorry!" I said as he smiled," You haven't done anything." he replied as he handed me the bottle," Have a sip and no iam not being a bad influence." he said as I laughed, grabbed the bottle and had a taste," WOAH!" I exclaimed at the bitter taste, he stared at me and laughed," You can stop there." he said as I took a few more sips leaving him with a shocked facial expression.
" Take it slow!" said Min young as I sipped on my second can of beer," Iam just so happy and iam a hard drinker two cans can't do anything." I replied " By the way Min young...thank you." I added as he smiled," For what?" he replied," For always being available when I need you." I said as he stopped and stared at me," Don't mention it, I feel happy helping you." he said as I picked up a piece of beef," Hyuna!" Min Young called out in a low voice," I..." he said as I stared at him keenly," Iam glad you happy." he said as I felt a chill on my body," Thank you." I replied as sipped on my beer.
" It's either the night is so beautiful today, or iam drunk." I said as I turned back to Min Young who was following slowly behind me," Min Young.." I called out,as I turned and stood Infront of him," Iam usually quite conservative when it comes to my feelings..but I've realised that I've missed on many good opportunities because of that..so today iam going to take the risk." I said as I came even closer to him," Min Young...I like you." I said as his eyes widened," Not like as in the friendship like but love, I don't know when I started too but I do..." I added as he stared closely at me," Well it's okay if you can't give me an answer now, I understand it's a shock but..." I stuttered as he pulled me in and put his lips on mine,I felt all the butterflies gather around and flatter in my body...as I held on tightly at the back of his shirt," You have no idea how much I've been wanting to do this." he said in a soft yet deep voice," Well you can do it now." I replied as he smirked and put his hand around my waist, we leaned in and kissed everything at that moment disappeared be it the cars the people or the lights it was just me and him engrossed in each other's warm embrace...
I don't know if she did it intentionally or not but seeing Hyuna in that black dress, her hair falling onto her shoulders and her red lips had me staring at her the entire time, it's no news that she's pretty and that her smile drives me crazy but I guess I was going on a new level of crazy tonight...I tried telling her how I felt over dinner but held up because I wasn't really sure but to my surprise she went ahead and told me all the words I've been wanting to tell her, not all because if I were to confess we'd take an entire night to tell her how I've been in love with her for an entire ten years, yes I tried dating other girls but always went back to staring at that pic of her in my wallet and realising if it ain't her then I didn't want any one else,fate as they call it bought is together again and now fate is the reason am standing at this beautiful street in a beautiful night , embracing and kissing the girl I love ten years after I thought I wouldn't see her again...
Thank you for reading my book, I'll be uploading a new chapter soon...