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" After taking a shower, I sat on my bed and recalled that moment I had with Min Young, I couldn't stop smiling and at the same time feeling shy about it, I fell on my bed and covered my face with the towel I was using to dry my hair," Hyuna Are you going to have dinner or not." said Mina as she sashayed into my room," There is a little something called knocking." I said as I stood up from my bed and reached out for my hair dryer," I just had dinner, you guys can eat without me." I said as Mina came closer to me," With Minyoung?" she asked as she smiled at me," Are you guys dating?" she asked as I slapped her fingers," Stop making your imagination run wild and go and have dinner." I said as I stood up and pushed her all the way to the door," But!" she said as I pushed her out and locked the door, just as I had gor back to drying my hair I got a message from Min young,« ARE YOU ASLEEP» he said as I forgot all about my hair and found my way to my bed,« NOT YET» I said as I eagerly waited for a reply,« WELL YOU SHOULD SLEEP GET SOME REST..» he said as I felt disappointed at his reply,« I CANT SEEM TO FALL ASLEEP» I said as he took even longer to reply this time, I madly put the phone on the table beside my bed and laid down when I had it ring,It was a video call from Min young...a video call with my half dry hair and my baggy t shirt and pyjama bottoms...ahhh I yelled as I cleared my throat and picked up," Hi!" I said as he took a closer look at me and smiled," Hello...okay this is sort of new to me so I don't know what to talk about like before I could literally be calling you to talk about your tutoring cafe as a friend but now you my girlfriend..so what should we be talking about." he said as my heart skipped a bit at " Girl friend"," Are you saying this is your first time in a relationship?" I mocked as he cleared his throat," Well no, but this is definitely the first relationship where I truly and whole heartedly love someone." he said as I got even more chills, is he reading some cheesy pick up lines dictionary," What does that mean?" I asked just to hear him say it again with even better words," What I mean to say is that you are the reason why my previous relationships didn't work out." he said as I glared at him curiously," Me!" I exclaimed and he laughed," Yes you, whenever all the girls I dated didn't fill like I was giving them 100% of my heart, it was because the only person who could have that 100% was you." he said as I put away the phone and almost screamed," Why would I have your 100%?" I asked," Okay are you going to tell me that you didn't know that I was interested in you from that time you gave me a bandage in junior high after I hurt my self playing basketball." he said as I stopped to remember," That's quite a long time ago." I said," Well yes to most people that would be a crush..and I think it was untill it became even deeper each time I interacted with you and that longing I got when you moved away...me trying to reach out to you but couldn't and then..I just couldn't stop my heart..." he said as I stared at him with tears in my eyes," Okay! why did you never tell me." I asked," I don't know..I guess I feared being rejected, but now that I know how you feel about me, I really want to tell you that I've felt the same the entire time...but not over a video call....face to face... physically." he said as I smiled softly at his words," That's why you should open you rooms window so I can climb up before your granny sees me." he added as I looked around and ran to my window," Hey." he said as he waved.." What are you doing here?" I asked," I don't know I couldn't sleep so I decided to take one more look at you." he replied as he hung up, I wasn't sure how he was going to climb up but mostly not sure how he even knew my room's window," Be careful." I whispered as he came in and hugged me," Okay I feel like a teenager." he said as he came in and looked around..." You room is exactly you." he said as he picked up a a book on my study table," ROAD HOME" he read and then put the book back " What do you mean?" I asked as he stared at me and sat on my bed," It's a secret." he said as I came to hit him but he grabbed my hands and he wrapped his around my waist and then rested his head on my stomach," Iam really happy today..Hyuna" he said as I smiled and passed my hand through his hair," I love you." he added as he looked up," Very much." he added as I came closer," I love you too." I said as we leaned in to kiss...



I think this is the headache you get after taking something alcoholic but no one told me it was this bad..." Ouuuccch" I groaned as I came out of the tent...most of my classmates were up and had already started having break fast," Hey! how are you feeling now." asked Nana as she handed me a bottle of water," Iam just having a headache but I'll be okay." I said," Well..you should go and take a quick shower we going for a hike after breakfast." she said as I nodded and groaned my way back to the tent....

" How are you feeling now?" asked Nana as we all gathered and waited for Mrs Shin's instructions," Iam kind of better." I said," Was that your first time drinking?" she asked as I agreed," It didn't look like it was." Ye Jun said from the back," Yaahhhh!! You stuttled us." Nana said as she slightly slapped him on the shoulder," Sorry! Here Yuri." he said as he handed me a small bottle," It's hangover juice...it's mostly lemon and honey." he said as he opened it for me asked me to take a sip," Omg! what's this?" I said with a disgusted facial expression," It will help you." he added as he urged me to have more with I did but still felt grossed out the entire time, after Mrs Shin arrived we were introduced to a really handsome guide whom everyone was complimenting for his looks and body structure,we were going to be divided into groups and we each had to hike to where we were going to meet and have a tasty treat prepared by the rest of the camp site staff," I hope we are in Mr guide's team." said Nana as we both laughed," What if Go Jang Soo is in Mrs Shin's team?" I asked," Then I'll be in a dilemma." she replied,"Okay you are each required to pick a paper from the box, that paper will determine whose team you'll be on during the hike." Mrs Shin explained as we all lined up.

I and Ye Jun were in Mrs Shin's team while Nana's dream was fulfilled as she made it to the guide's team, sadly my prophecy came true and Go Jang Soo was in our team as well.." I can't believe iam the only one in the other team." she said sadly as we're all told to gather in our teams" See you." she said as she ran to stand next to the trainee.

" I hope I didn't do anything disgraceful yesterday." I said to Ye Jun who turned to me and laughed making me think that there was something," What's it...did I sing, dance or take advantage of you." I asked as he smiled again," Don't worry aside from asking me to give you a boost so you could climb up and get the moon, you didn't do anything." he said as he laughed," You were a pretty good drinker for a first timer." he said as I smiled at what seemed to be a compliment," Well! thank you." I said as we both continued conversing as we laughed," We had alot to talk about and for the first time it wasn't really awkward between us, I actually felt comfortable with him atleast confident enough to slightly slap him on his shoulder...he also helped hold my hand when we reached places I had felt too tired to climb.



I noticed Aaman talking to some customers, they seemed to know each other well seeing how they were fist numbing and hugging, it was two boys and a girl...A GIRL!!!, I kept peeping because of curiosity and then pretending I didn't care when he looked over," I'll take three cups of iced Americano for table 4." he said as I started preparing them," Are those your friends?" I asked as he turned back and smiled at them," Yes they are my friends and class mates from my major." he said as he picked up their order and took it to them," They said they'll have some chocolate chip cookies too." he said as I went again to prepare their order," Well my friends want to take me to a KTV today..a karaoke place, do you want to come?" he asked as I tried to refuse," I don't really know any of your friends..won't it be awkward?" I asked as he smiled," It will only be awkward if you make it." he said," Consider it as my friend meeting and getting to know my other friends." he added as he left to serve their order," friend!" I said angrily as I turned to serve a customer.

I thought of many reasons to reject but after Aaman also asked granny if he could take me out for a get together with his friends, I just couldn't refuse..we were to go after work and his friends were already at the place...I was feeling really nervous as I walked into the room we had booked, when I walked in, they all stopped what they were talking about and diverted their attention to mine," Okay guys don't make her feel uncomfortable." Aaman said as he invited me to sit next to him," Well this is my co worker and boss Kang Mina s

...she made those cookies you were complimenting earlier at the cafe." he Introduced as they all extended handshakes one by one," Iam Kim cheol." one said," Iam Gun.." the other said as everyone yelled and mock him at his name choice," And that's Bora." Gun added as I stared back at the girl, she was really pretty with short bob hair," Nice to meet you all." I said as I awkwardly laughed," Well we have ordered drinks and snacks, we also have a karaoke machine right there so how about we do some singing drinking eating and having fun." Gun said as they all screamed," Are you okay." Aaman said as he touched my back," Iam okay." I said as I took deep breaths to try and get rid of my fear and shyness and open up to this fun night.


