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Every one was having fun singing and dancing, and even drinking while Aaman who clearly told me I should have fun was just staring at Bora and Kim cheol who seemed like a couple considering they were hugging and kissing and whispering little words to each other while laughing again, I didn't know though why Aaman was instead staring at them angrily as he sipped on his beer," Did they have something between then." I thought as Aaman stood up and left the room at once, shortly after Bora followed him too, I personally wasn't comfortable staying in the room with Gun and Kim cheol so I left for the bath room...

On my way back I must have heard things I wasn't supposed too,but I couldn't also move away since Bora and Aaman would see me then so I just hid behind the vending machine as they spoke," Are you angry at me and Kim cheol?" Bora asked as Aaman scoffed," Why would I be angry, you and I broke up a month ago." he said," Look we talked about this, iam good the reason why I left the room was because I felt stuffed, I needed fresh air." he added as he sipped on his drink again," Are you sure?" Bora asked again as I noticed Aaman folding his fist I guess in anger," Well I get more angry if you ask me that." he said as he walked away, Bora remained there puzzled as she walked back into the karaoke room,I stood there puzzled if I could go meet Aaman and see if he was fine or mind my own business and go back and sit quietly

" I didn't know you smoke." I said to Aaman who was standing by the balcony with a cigarette in his mouth," I don't..well I nolonger smoke, I just feel calm putting it in my mouth." he said as he showed it to me, it wasn't burnt at all," Are you okay, you left the karaoke room and you weren't having as much fun as you asked me too." I said as he sighed," Iam crazy right?" he said," Saying iam okay with my best friend and ex girlfriend dating ." he said as I tried to cover up the fact that I knew something," Well...ii" I stuttered as he turned to me and smiled," I know you had every thing, your hand was exposed behind the vending machine." he said as I laughed awkwardly," Iam sorry I listened in." I said as he shook his head," There's nothing to feel sorry about." he said as he sipped on his beer again," Iam not happy for them..I won't lie." he said as I looked at him, he seemed really sad and broken that I wasn't sure it was him or the beer talking," Well maybe I would have been if I didn't know, like she would have hidden it from me and not exposed it....I know we broke up and it's non of my business but she got together with him a week after...that clearly meant that she broke up with me for him." he said," Iam I being too much of a saint even laughing with them...I should be angry right, j shouldn't even be friends any more with them...I should ignore them." he said as he stopped and threw his face in his palms, I didn't know what to do so I just parted him on his back," It's okay." I said as he stood up and stared at me," That makes it two." he said as I stared at with with confusion," You now know two secrets of mine." he said as he smiled," You know, I don't know why but it feels more comfortable, me talking to you than with most people, i guess because you are a nice listener." he said as I smiled," Iam not the best listener, but you can tell me if you have any thing on your mind." I said as he held me by my shoulders," Thank you." he said," Let's go back." he added as I nodded and followed behind him, I was really feeling hurt for him but I guess like sometimes when you feel like just letting things be for your peace of mind, I guess he was doing that too..." I'll sing a song." he said as the others clapped and cheered," Was he okay or did he just know how to gather him self up"



" I bet you guys had more fun than I did." Nana said as we sat down for dinner," What happened?" I asked," Well our hot Mr guide wasn't as sympathetic, he didn't let any of is have rest, it was like we were in the military." she replied as I laughed," Well we had fan, Mrs Shin let us rest..and we took alot of pictures too." I said as she glared at me," Break my heart." she added as she dramatically put her hand over her chest," Anyways..I have something to tell you." she said with a serious look on her face, it made me nervous," I've decided to confess my love to Go Jang Soo." she said as I almost Spilt my soda," What!!" I exclaimed," Are you crazy!!" I yelled as everyone turned to look at us," What's wrong?,I had to do it anytime soon any way." she said as I turned and held her by the shoulders," Think about this, we don't know his answer right so that means if you are rejected then things will be really awkward he's in the same class and school as we are...well maybe if he says yes...but I mean we need to consider both sides." I said anxiously like I was the one going to confess," Well I've considered all that and decided I don't want any regrets so I'll tell tomorrow at our farewell bon fire." she said as I gave up on convincing her, I know and support her taking the stand on what she wants but in a confession is rejection and personally can't handle that plus I thought to her Go Jang Soo was just a crush that will pass but hearing her her talk about confession told me otherwise.." What are you talking about?" Ye Jun said as he came and sat besides me," Well..should I tell him?" I asked Nana who smiled," Well iam going to confess my feelings to Go Jang Soo." She said," Really!" Ye Jun exclaimed," Well good luck." he added as I turned and glared at him," What's wrong?" he asked," Well Yuri here is afraid that I might get rejected and that could affect almost everything in my school life since Go Jang Soo is a class mate." Nana explained," Well iam just saying...it's risky confessing to someone when you don't know how they feel in return." I explained," Well it's also risky hoping for that person to expose how they feel about you when they are waiting for you to do the same as well." Nana replied," Look it's just a confession, I can always bounce right back if rejected but I'd be haunted and heart broken if some one else does it before I do." She added as I sighed," Okay, whatever makes you happy...I support you." I said as she smiled and hugged me," Let's eat." she added.



" Why are working instead of having you food, it's getting cold." Min Young said as he put his hand to block me from viewing my laptop screen," I'll finish this real quick and eat." I said as he glared at me," I need to go back to work, so I'll only leave if you have a bite of your food." he added as I closed my laptop and took a bite from the rice," Happy?" I said as he smiled and patted me on the head," Have more, iam gonna be watching you." he added as I smiled and continued having my food..

Shortly after Min youngs granny cane into the restaurant, I could tell she was walking towards me seeing how she was smiling and waving directly at me," Granny." I said as I stood from my seat and bowed with respect towards her," Hyuna! How are you dear." she said," Iam good granny and you." I added as she sat opposite from me," Iam okay as well, well how's your granny now." she asked as I stared at her with confusion," My granny?" I asked," Yes, she told me she had a huge headache a yesterday." she added as I felt uneasy," Well she's fine." I replied, she had not told me or Mina anything about her headache, I was anxious so I stared packing up my things," Well I have some work to do so I'll get going." I said as granny Shin nodded her head," Help me tell Minyoung...that I'll call him later." I added as I quickly rushed out of the restaurant, why would granny lie about her health to us, regardless of it being a headache we deserved to know.

I ran to the bakery where I found her sitted and talking to someone, I guess for the festival," Hyuna!" Mina called out as I went to her," What are you doing here?" she asked," Did you know that granny had a really huge headache yesterday?" I asked as she gestured with a no," Is granny sick?" she asked as we both stared back at her," Well, they told me she had a head ache yesterday." I said," She was okay yesterday, we even had dinner and watched her tv series together." Mina explained as granny said good bye to the person he was talking too, right then me and Mina ganged up on her," Hyuna!, what are doing here?" she asked," Okay iam I not needed here because iam getting tired of that question." I said as Mina and granny laughed," Iam here to take you home granny." I said as he stared at me for more clarification," I still have alot of work to do regarding the festival." she said as she stood from her seat," Granny! you need to rest just give me your orders and I'll help you with the work today." I said," Okay what's wrong with both of you?" she asked as we stared at each other," Why didn't you tell us that you had a bad headache yesterday?" Mina asked," That's because I had medicine and was fine." granny replied," Well you needed rest too, but doubt you had that." I said as granny sat back down," Okay so what do you want?" she asked," We just want you to rest, don't stress your self out and take care of your health." I said as she smiled," Iam okay , you don't need to worry about me, iam stronger than most young people too." she said as she held both of our hands," How about this, I'll go home take a one...two hours nap and then get back to work." she suggested as we both agreed," But I'll have to go with you and supervise you till you really fall asleep." I replied as Mina agreed with me," Don't you have work to do?" granny asked as I pointed her towards my laptop," I can do my work any where." I replied as I helped her pack up her things and we headed out of the bakery," Have a good rest Granny." Mina said as we left.






I woke up from my sleep feeling uneasy, I felt nauseous and dizzy, I found my way to the bathroom where I threw up and then turned to the mirror to rinse my month, while I was at it I noticed blood in my hand, when I looked up in the mirror, the blood was coming from my nose, I washed it off as my heart beat first, " NOT AGAIN" I thought to my self as tears started to roll down my cheeks," Granny!" Hyuna called out, I didn't want her to worry so I cleared my throat and prepared to reply to her," Yes, iam in the bath room." I said," Well dinner has been served, should I bring it to you or are you having it at the dining table with us?" she asked," I'll come to the dining table." I said as I had her walk out and shut the door...it can't be a relapse, can it?" I asked my self as my brain went completely numb.