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That night had to have been one of those I'd call memorable," Good morning." Min young said as he kissed my forehead," Good morning.." I said softly," I've made break fast.." he said as he bought the tray to the table besides his bed," Thank you...this smells nice." I said as I stood up to freshen up and dig in.

" What's wrong? You stayed up all night and now you are staring blankly out side the window?" Mina asked," It's Min young..he was called for a second interview at 55." I said but didn't sound really happy about it," Isn't that amazing, why do you look sad?" she asked," Iam happy but am also worried..if he gets in then that means that he'll be working in city...isn't that us slipping into a long distance relationship?" I said as Mina moved closer to me," Well why are you thinking about that right now?" she asked," what iam trying to say is that, wait untill he really gets in to worry about that...then you can talk to him and work things out." she added as I threw my head in my palms," You right...! I shouldnt let my thoughts run wild." I said as I cheered my self on and went back to my work.



" Doctor, nurse, athlete, or maybe a cartoonist..." I said as I srimbled on a paper," Why is too hard to think about the future?" I said as I crumpled the paper together and thew it....." Isn't littering prohibited in the class room?" Ye Jun said as he picked up the paper," What is this you throwing?" he said as he opened it," Doctor...what's this?" he said as he came and sat Infront of me," Well I was looking for a job to do in future..you know what should I study to becoming Future?" I said as he smiled," Do you have to know that right now?" he asked as I looked back at him," What iam trying to say is that most of us are unclear right now...so take your time and don't stress it." he said the exact same thing every one has been telling me but it was just so hard to let time takes it course," I've tried but whenever I sit there...my mind moves to the same thing." I said as I sighed," How about we take your mind off of that.." he said," With what..?" I asked," let's go and watch a movie..." he said as I hesitated a bit," Two seniors who are doing college entrance exams in a month..waits not even a month anymore going to watch movies is a little...strange." I said," And we have night study." I said," We just letting off some steam..we can study twice as hard tomorrow..come on we can come back even before night study." he said," Yuri ahhh." he said as I gave in," okay..let me put this away." I said as we left.

" So which movie are we watching?" I asked as we took a look at the posters," How about that one?" he asked," ONE MORE TIME, that looks so Melo." I said as he laughed," Then what about that one ." he said," FIGHTING!!, it looks nice let's watch that ." I said," okay so I'll buy the tickets and you'll buy the popcorn and drinks." The movie from the poster looked like a comedy but I must say I found my self crying a few times.

" What was that?" I said as we left the cinema," You can't trust posters any more." I added as Ye Jun laughed," It was a nice movie, thank you." I added," You more than welcome...I wouldn't have seen you this emotional for a movie." he said," But this isn't the first time we are watching a movie together...20th century girl remember?" I said," I was shy to look at you cry then." he said," what do you mean shy..." I said as I chuckled," Just like that..." he said," What do you mean just like that?" I asked as we both laughed.

While walking back to school talking and laughing, we didn't notice a man run fast by us and then a lady coming from behind him yelling," Yahhhh bring back my purse." she yelled," What's happening?" I asked," it looks like that man stole her purse." Ye Jun said," Then how come no one is helping her get it back.." I said as I handed Ye Jun my phone and folded my sleeves," What are going to do?" he asked," Iam going to run after him..." I said as I started running fast..since I had wasted alot of time talking they were quite a distance from me but the only thing I had on my mind was getting back the lady's purse...so I didn't notice how fast I ran and before you knew it I had almost caught up the thief," Yaahh stop!!" I yelled," Would you stop of you were me?" the thief asked as I stop to gasp for air but noticed a stone on the other side of the road," Sorry!" I said as I through it at thief," Ahhh." he yelled as he fell to his knees," Give that back." I said as I put his arm behind his back," Who are you and why can't you mind your own business?" the thief said as the lady caught up with us.." Did you call the cops?" I asked as I patted from running fast.

" Here..you can have some water." The police man said as I thanked him and took a sip," What was that?" Ye Jun asked," What?" I asked as wiped the sweat off my fore head," You ran after a thief...what if he hurt you." he asked," What if he hurt the lady who was chasing after him alone..and there's no way he would beat me...I know how to fight too." I said as I smirked," You!" Ye Jun exclaimed as I smiled back at him," Can you get me some more water?" I asked as he scoffed," You really no how to change a topic." he said as he stood up and left.

I looked around the police station and smiled," Excuse me!" said the lady I helped out earlier,"Thank you so much." she said as she held out money for me," It's okay..." I said as I pushed back his hand," Iam glad I helped." I said as she smiled back to me," Still thank you." she said as she pulled my hand and put the money in my palms," You can buy your self some nice food and drinks with this." she added as I smiled and bowed to her with respect," What a day!" I exclaimed as Ye Jun came running with a glass of water...



" So when are you leaving for the 2nd interview?" I asked min young who was playing with my hair," next week.." he said as I turned to look at him," Can I go with you?" I asked," What about the tutoring cafe?" he asked," Well iam going for the cafe." I said," Iam going to meet Hana..my business partner to talk about the cafe." I said," That's great then...let's consider it our mini get away." he said as he kissed my forehead," I'll walk you home then." he said as I pouted," let's stay here for five more minutes." I said as I bit my lower lip," Okay you always get me when you do that." he said as he pulled me in for a kiss...," I love you." he added as we both smiled..." I love you too." I replied.



" Look at you turning into a clingy girlfriend" I said to Hyuna who was packing for her mini get away with min Young," Iam not being clingy but after he aces this interview which I know he will then he will be hired and after he is hired then he'll move to the city and who knows how many days in a week we shall be seeing each other." she explained I could understand how she felt but all this pressure wasn't necessary," Hyuna..we talked about this." I said as she sat down," I know and I've tried but I end up thinking about it again and again." she said," Iam just trying to spend more time with him, maybe then it won't be so hard letting him go after wards." she added as I pulled her in for a hug," It's okay." I said," What are you doing?" she asked as she pulled away," Iam comforting you." I said as she laughed and continued packing.

I know I was giving advise to Hyuna a few hours back about how she should relax but after I found my self in the same situation a few hours later, I wasn't sure I could follow my advise any more," So you leaving for your next semester next week!" I exclaimed," How?" I asked my self as I passed my hand through my hair," How did time pass by so fast..?" I added as Aaman pulled wrapped his hand around my waist and pulled me close," Iam not going any where far..I can always come back during weekends or when iam free." he said as I faked a smile," I don't know what to say." I said as I rested my forehead on his chest," Oh no Mina..you aren't crying are you?" he asked as he lifted my head and yes I was crying..." Mina..." he called out as he smiled," Iam crying so why are you smiling?" I asked as pulled my self away from him," I wasn't smiling because you crying..I was smiling because this alone means that you dote on me so much and love alot..so it's heart warming." she said as he pulled me back," I love you and no distance..can take that away..." he said as he kissed my forehead," So how about we make a plan of how we are going to spend these days together...instead of crying." he said as he wiped my tears," Can't I spent them just holding you tight like this?" I asked as he smiled," iam all yours..." he replied as smiled..." Don't regret it then." I said as I gave out an evil smirk..." Huh!" he exclaimed as I fell back into his embrace.


" Okay are you going to do this till I leave?" Aaman asked, I had my hands I his pants pocket the entire day...I followed him literally every where...despite it disrupting out work at times,"Cant I...I thought you said that you all mine.." I said as I pouted and threatened to take my hand out," It's okay...you can do this as long as you want." he said as I took it out any way.." this isn't what I should be doing." I said as I sat back," We should be creating memories...like visiting places taking pictures and having dinner together..that's being said we have never had a romantic candle light dinner together." I said," How about tomorrow at my place...I'll cook." I asked," Iam all yours..." he said," So tomorrow it is..." I said as I kissed his fore head," Let's get back to work." I said as he turned to leave when I grabbed his hand," you forgot something." I said as I slipped my hand back into his pocket..," You!" he said as he smiled," Just for today." I replied as he flicked my forehead.


