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" Here you go." said Hana as she passed me my cup of coffee," You look good." she said as I smiled awkwardly," It's good to see that you moved on from whatever happened here." she added," Iam thankful we chose to get out of this city." I said as I sipped on my coffee," Yah but you also didn't have to come all the way here just to show me the progress of the cafe." she said," I had to escort my boyfriend here any way so there's no problem." I said," So how has life been..." she asked," Good I guess, I lost my grand ma just a month ago." I said as I started feeling heavy," It's been a month but every time I talk about it, it just feels like yesterday." I said," Oh iam really sorry to hear about that." said Hana," It's okay..we are coping." I replied," How are your sisters?" she asked," They are good..." I replied as we both continued conversing.



" Did you have to drag me to the market with you?" Yuri whined," consider this relaxation from studying." I said as she rolled her eyes," What should I make for tonight's dinner?" I asked as she looked back at me," so we just came all the way to the market place without you knowing what you doing to cook?" she asked angrily," I badly want to chock you to death right now." she added," Just cook something simple..it's not like you'll eat alot..you'll just spend most of the time staring at each other and giggling." she said as I glared at her," Something simple.." I thought as we continued to look around the Market.

" Bye..." Yuri said a few minutes after we were back home," Where are you going?" I asked as I washed the vegetables," I'm going over to Ye Jun's place..Nana is going to be there as well...just call me after your dinner is over." she said as she turned to leave...I started making preparations, cooking was never a struggle for me all I needed was dedication..I prepared all the meal sets and what was left was me getting ready.

I showered, dried my hair and slipped into a black scatter dress with an open back, I slipped on some dangling ear rings and held my hair up in a messy bun..I applied some lip gross and eye liner..." Perfect" I said as I smiled softly while staring at my self in the mirror...now all was left was Aaman giving me a call and telling me he was on his way...

I set the table and stared at the clock for the fifth time, it moved and moved untill it was around 8 pm in the night and I still didn't get one call from Aaman..I took off my ear rings angrily and threw then at the corner of the house.." Iam not going to spare you Aaman." I said angrily as I checked my phone...." Ahhhhhhh." I groaned.



" Are you sure you going to sleep over?" Ye Jun asked as I made my self comfortable in the sofa," I can't go back at home now, I can't bear to witness all the PDA that will be thrown to me by Mina and Aaman...just let me spend the night I'll go tomorrow in the morning." I said as I smiled softly," You can't sleep in the sofa." he said," You can sleep in my room...I'll use my dads." he said as I stood up cheerfully," I'll need to take a shower first...can you.." I asked," Just check my wardrobe and pick out anything you feel comfortable in." he said as I smiled and found my way to his room.

After my shower, I took a look around Ye Jun's room, it really reflected his personality organised," Is this him and his Mom when he was young?" I said as I took a closer look at his picture," Yuri!" he called out as I threw the picture on the floor," Aishh." I said as I picked it up quickly and opened the door," Would you like some noodles?" he asked as I put away the towel I was using to dry my hair and went headed out of the room.

" Don't we have dinner with Nana, why are we having noodle now?" I asked as I sat down besides Ye Jun," I always prepare noodles before going to bed regardless of whether I've had dinner." he explained," Strange.." I said as I picked up my bowl and started eating," I've watched that movie." I said as he glared at me," Don't worry iam not a spoiler." I added as he continued watching," I didn't know you like horror movies." he said," Like...I love them used to watch them with my dad..." I said as I remembered..." Your dad...you have never told me about your dad before..is he dead?" he asked as I put down my bowl of noodles," You can say that...woah iam stuffed...I'll get to bed thank you for the noodles." I said as I quickly walked away..talking about my dad made me feel un comfortable.



I was woken up by my phone which was buzzing non stop, on looking up at the screen it was Aaman calling..." 11 missed calls!" I exclaimed as I stood up from the sofa where I fell asleep and returned the call," Hello..." he said as I was ready to rant non stop to him but what he told me made me run out of the house in panic...

" Aaman!" I said as I entered the public ward," How did this happen to you?" I asked, he was sitted on the hospital bed with a leg injury," It isn't that serious..I was on my way to your place when this bike came out of no where and ran into me..I just sprained my knee." he explained," And why are you just calling me right now?" I asked anxiously," Well I have just got my phone from the nurse this morning..I found over thirty missed calls from you so I figured I should call you back so you don't have to worry." he replied as I stared at his knee pitifully," Is it painful?" I asked well of course it was," Im really sorry I couldn't make it for our date." he said as I pulled him in for a hug," it's okay." I said as I kissed his forehead...," Have you had break fast?" I asked as I stood up," Well no, but my mom has gone to buy me some." he said as I was shocked to hear him say," Mom!" I exclaimed," Your mom is here.." I added," What if she found us cuddling?" I asked as he laughed," My mom knows that I have a girl friend and it's you...so just consider today as your meeting day." he said as I looked at how i was wearing," Look at me...I just threw on any clothes I could find..iam not ready to meet your mom." I said as I turned to leave.." I'll come and visit you later." I added as i headed out...my heart was pumping at the thought of meeting his Mom," What a strange morning!" I exclaimed as I rushed out side the hospital.



" How was the interview?" I asked as we sat down for lunch,"it was fine..." Min young replied as he helped me cut through my beef steak," Thank you." I said as he handed me the plate," How was your meeting with Hana?" he asked," it was wonderful, she is happy with how things are going." I said as I started eating," So we have an entire day...left before we go back since you know this city better how about you give me a tour of the place." he said," But you studied college from here..." I said as he laughed," That was long time ago." he replied," speaking of that, you said you have liked me for over ten years now but how come you didn't look for me when you came to the city." I asked," I did.." he replied as I got curious," I did come and look for you...for all the three years I studied..." he added," And you didn't see me?" I asked," I didn't...so after college I gave up looking and move back to Aayan." he explained as I felt even more sad," What a pity..if you met me at that time then we would have been together for longer..." I said," Well I have no regrets since I was able to meet you again finally." he said as I smiled at his warm words," Now come on have your steak before it gets cold." he added as I nodded and continued eating.

" If there is one flex this city has it is how Beautiful it can be at night." I said as we moved hand in hand with Min Young," Its indeed really beautiful," I thought that I'll have horrible memories when I come back here...but it seems like every one forgot what happened and I was still the only one insisting on remembering them." I added as we continued moving,"," You should also let go of the bad memories...and embrace the good ones.." min young replied," I can help give you a good memory you can remember each time you walk past this road.." he said as he leaned in and kissed me," Do you want to make some more?" he asked as I slapped his shoulder shyly," Stop it..lets go." I said as I walked Infront of him.



" Are you sure you mom isn't coming over tonight?" I asked as I sat besides his bed," No I told her not to come...in any case I'll be discharged tomorrow." he said," Why tomorrow..don't you need more observation from a doctor?" I asked," This isn't the first time I've sprained my knee...I'll be okay in a few days." he said as I put his meal box Infront of him," If you say so...now come on have your food." I said as I looked around the hospital..." Are you the one who made this?" he asked," No I bought it from Min youngs restaurant...how do you expect me to make you food again after you nailed on me on our date." I said," Come on I already explained why I couldn't make it...you can clearly see why.." he replied as I burst into laughter," iam just kidding, I made that on my own today." I said as he smiled and started eating..." It's really Delicious.." he complimented as I smiled and watched him eat..." Iam glad you like it." I said as I passed my hand through his hair.