
I just killed two bad guys, making it more than 10 million kills, walking back the distance to where she is hiding, I found her under a wooden table, "you are ridiculous! I asked you to hide, and you could not do it properly," I said to her lifting off the table with one hand, she looked at me terrified

"Is everything alright?" She does not seem to be alright from the way she looks at me

"I'm...fine" she swallowed nervously

"Alright, you are free to go now," I said turning back to leave the hut, it stinks in here like someone died, and his corpse was not disposed

"Are you sure they've gone?” She asked trying to arrange her suit and dusting her skirt. “I’m not sure, I wouldn't call you out to be killed by some unknown gunmen" I replied

The rain had stopped, but the wind is still bursting, adjusting my cap, I took another peek at the environment if anyone is present.

"What did you say to them?" She asked leaping to catch up with me, she must have broken one hill from her black shoe while running, I did not give any response or pay attention to her

"Is that not the car they came with?" She stopped and took some steps backward, ready to run

"I killed them, so you don't have to worry again," I said still walking ahead, "you better be going before someone else finds you attractive to kill" I added, and she rushed forward to catch up with me

"Are you holding a gun all this while?" She asked cluelessly. I stopped and place one hand on my face looking frustrated, "do you always talk and ask questions? I said go home and leave me the hell alone" I yelled at her, but I don't seem to scare her at all, maybe because I was not holding a gun, or I look harmless to her

"You should be happy you have a company like me, you look handsome you know... Can I ask for another favor?" She did not stop there, I played deaf ears to her questions, this generation has little knowledge of how life works, she still has not asked me my name, who I am, or anything related to me, all she cares about is asking for favors, they have so much technology, but it has swallowed the functions of their brains, and now they careless of others.

"By the way, I noticed your coat is dried. is that possible?" She continued talking, trying to get me into a conversation with her. Getting to my car, I noticed she is still following me; she tried opening the passenger side

"And where do you think you are going, young girl?” my eyes widened

"Are you going to leave me behind after saving me from those guys back there?" She asked, sobbing like a baby

I sighed in frustration, how did I get myself involved in all this? How can I do away with her? Too many thoughts came into my mind, she reminds me of a talkative I had met hundreds of years ago, Madeline my first love. Could she be... her reincarnation, or she came back to me, knowing this I accepted giving her a ride home just to see where she lives.

It was neither a smooth nor a peaceful ride to her house, the terrible traffic, and she never stopped talking, all she was saying went through one ear and escaped through the other

"Turn left, and drive towards that building," she said pointing to a well-decorated glasshouse, we got past the gate without any obstructions

"Here we are," I said, taking a breath of relief still holding the steering wheel with both hands

"Ok-thank you, Mr...?" She said taking off her shoes after which she stretched her right hand forward for a handshake, I cleared my throat and replied "Mmmm... Useless" I grabbed her hands softly, and her eyes widen "ok, Mr. Useless is that the name your parents gave you?"

"Yes, I am called Useless" I let go of her hand placed mine back on the steering wheel, and inhaled deeply, Useless is my name given to me by my Dad. He was such a terrible father for calling me that. Marvel busted into laughter as she opened the passenger door and stepped out of the car, a man dressed in a black jacket was approaching us holding a gun, she smiled at him, and he smiled back, they both talked for a while, I tried reading his lips, but I could not. I instantly put my car in reverse; approaching the gate I discovered a little purse on the passenger seat.

"Fuck! How imprudent can she be, forgetting her purse in a stranger's car" I said to myself turning the car back to the parking lot, I stepped out of my car and a beautiful smell hit my nostrils, it was the smell of flowers. They planted so many flowers around the compound, "wow! This is beautiful" I said out loud

"Yes you can say that again" a voice from my left-hand side, I turned slowly to look who it is, but he looks different from the first guy I saw with Marvel

"Please can you take me to the lady I dropped off a few minutes ago, her name is Marvel," I said,

"You mean my boss?" He replied

"I don't know if she is your boss, but I just dropped her off a few minutes ago, and she went that way with a guy dressed like you, but I can't see any door leading to the entrance," I said reveling the purse in my hand

"Ok, follow me" he ordered

I walked behind him as he leads the way in front, we walked on the looping stone path, and I was not comfortable "Mr. McQueen will cut off your legs if he sees you stepping on the green grass" the tall body-built man said

Who cares about Mr. McQueen and his house rules, "I don't find it comfortable walking this way, I can't move my legs freely" I replied. We walked to the other side of the building "that is the entrance, you will see a doorman ask him to direct you" he said

"Mmm, can you accompany me there or probably give her this purse for me, so I can take my leave?"

"No, sorry man, I can't help you. That's not part of my job here, just go in, don't be afraid, we don't bite harmless people here" he said tapping my shoulders before leaving...

Did he just say harmless? Wow! How I wish he knew I can drain the entire liquid in his body he would not have said that, this cap must have made me look harmless, I chuckled and continue.

"How can I help you, sir?" the doorman asked, he looked a bit old, he is supposed to be resting at this age, why is he still working as a doorman?

"Because I function very well as a doorman I guess," he said with his throaty tone, did he just read my thoughts? How the hell did he know what I was thinking?

"I am looking for Marvel the lady I..." just before I could finish explaining, I heard her voice from the hallway and I turned

"Sir, you were saying?" the doorman asked

"Is ok Gandalf, he is my guest" Marvel said, before continuing her conversation with the gentleman she was talking to, a different gentleman, I guess they were discussing business from the way he is dressed and holding an office file, but then I heard her say "I won't take any more mistakes from you, send the strongest and well-skilled men to pay our old friend a visit, I will make him understand the language of the McQueen?" she said with so much confidence and boldness before turning to me with a devilish smile, I could not believe my eyes. This was the same girl who was terrified like a chicken under the rain a few hours ago, now giving commands

"This red dress looks glamorous on you" I commented on the dress she has changed into

"Thank you Useless," she said smiling

"You forgot your purse," I said handing it to her, "oh! I'm sorry, I was not needing it, but then I knew you would bring it, can you have a drink with me?" She asked, I don't seem delighted with her idea, I just heard her give orders, but she had acted like a child when she approached me at the funeral ground

"Common Useless, a glass of champagne won't hurt," she said leading the way to an empty hall, Gandalf is walking behind reloading his pistol, but I am not bothered about him, I paid more concern to Marvel. She is a wolf in sheep's clothing.

"Champagne and two glass please" she ordered

"Water will be fine"

"Ok then" she waved her hands to the maids and one of them brought a glass of water for me.

"Take a seat please," she asked, I turned but could find just a stool, I sat on d wooden stool

"Those are my father's collection, the stool. He won't let me sit on it" Marvel said taking a sip from her champagne glass, I wanted to stand up when she said "He is dead, and I allow my puppy to sit on it" demmm! Did she just say dog?

"I would like to go home to my family now if you don't mind, thanks for your hospitality," I said standing up from the stool but then Gandalf points a gun at me and asked that I sit down

Wow! Wow!! Take it easy...