Glass House

Sitting in a large hall, with Marvel and Gandalf, holding a glass of water in my hands, the maids watch as I was ordered to sit.

"Is this how you are going to treat me? First I saved your life, I brought you home, and I returned your belongings." I said, fuming with anger, the water in my hands was becoming too heavy and my gaze was fixed on the gun

"Gandalf!" She called "Gandalf, he is my guest, and he means no harm, please put the gun away," he did as he was told, he must be one of her toys, taking command from a little girl as Marvel

"Excuse us, I would like to discuss with him alone," the maids including Gandalf left the room and shut the door behind them, Marvel stood up and walked around the hall, she stopped and rested on the transparent acrylic crystal grand piano, she touched the keys softly and played from the music note Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, and ti.

She played it quite well, "you haven't drank from your water" she paced back and forth in her beautiful gown

"Hmm, I am yet to know why you brought me here, and I'm not thirsty at the moment" I replied with a grating tone, she knew I'm tough but yet she felt safe since I'm not holding a gun, she moved closer in front of me and whispered, "I think I can trust you,"

"I don't care if you do or not, I just need to get going," I said,

"More reason I want you to work for me," she said

"Work!" I giggled

"I'm going to pay you any amount of your choice, just name it"

"Mmm, I don't work for people, if you need extra hands you know where to find them," I said dropping the glass of water on the floor as I was about to take my leave

"You don't know the trouble you have gotten yourself into if I must tell you. You started working for me the moment you helped me eliminate those men and if you take one step from this building, your life and that of your family will be in danger. They happen to be members of the most dangerous cartel in this city and the entire country, you can't hide from them, and not even the police can save you. But I can protect you from him, we can join forces together," she said opening the door for me

"From the look of things, the fight is already on. I did not help you to kill those guys back there, I just took my chances, and I don't have a family that will be in danger, you are the one in danger and I will advise you should start running for your life because you won't get to see a guy like me the second time" after I finished saying this words she realized of a truth she was the one in danger she kept mute for a moment

"Marvel, you remind me of someone but that someone would not get caught up in a gang fight, my advice is that you take whatever thing that is left for you and run far away..."

"No! Never, you don't know whom you are standing before, unlike that someone you know, I don't run. Over the years, the McQueens have dominated this entire region, and the reason why is because they stand their ground, I'm not going to change that" she said clenching her fist

"If you stay in a glass house don't throw stones, he can't find me, unless you tell him I helped you kill his men, and you won't do that because if you do..." I crack my throat and swallowed deeply

"He killed my father and my brother. I promised my father I will avenge his death and that I must do, with or without your help" she replied angrily just before she stepped out of the hall we heard a gunshot

"Did you hear that?" She asked, I nodded in response to her question

Gandalf and ten other men rushed in and pulled her by her arm, "what's going on?" she asked

"My lady, we are under attack, we need to take you out of here immediately," Gandalf said, I was confused when he rushed back and handed me his gun "you need this, make sure no one passes through that door," he said in a wobbly tone pointing at the glass door. All the maids began to run for their dear life, left, and right.

Marvel had sent more than half of her tugs on a mission and the few ones left are outnumbered by the gang that is attacking, "take cover!" One of the guards said as he hides behind a pillar

The report from a firearm is very loud and sharp, I could see some of Marvel's tug retreating, running for safety, I steady my gaze at the door, holding the gun in my hands still confused but ready to squeeze a bullet into someone's head, do I really need a gun? Was the thought that pops out of my head.

"Hey! Don’t shoot at the glass, it's bulletproof, it will take time for them to pass through," the guard said terrified, he was an inch close to peeing on his pants

"You look frightening and I guess you have a family waiting for you at home?" I asked

"ain't you? Well, my pregnant wife and my 3years old son, his birthday is around the corner jeez" he said sweating, hands shaking

"You should not take a job this risky if you don’t want to die leaving your family behind," I said

"It's the only way I could provide for them and this shit does not happen every time, since the boss died we have been facing one attack or the other " he replied

"hmmm, don't worry, I got your back," I said giving him a reassuring smile

"Shhhhhhuu," he said as the gun sound began to increase, they are approaching the entrance of the building, and one of the guards ran to the entrance, banging on the glass door, begging to come inside, but we ignored him. In our very eyes his head popped open by a single bullet, and his body slowly slides down the glass leaving bloodstain on the glass

"Jeez," the site of this made him more terrified

"What's your name?" I asked him

"I'm Thomas," he said in a tremulous voice

"Thomas, I need you to go behind that door, I will try to hold them back from here, but if I can't, it's left for you to..." I could not finish the sentence when I heard rapid gunfire on the door Ratatatatatatatata, of a truth the doors, are bulletproof, the men who wore masks well-armed, panting very hard, they began to communicate but we could not hear them

Thomas ran inside the hall and closed the door behind him, four masked men, fully armed is standing at the entrance trying to pull the door down, one of them brought out a c4 explosive, they are fully prepared, but I am not worried, I quickly dropped the gun on the floor and turned to the table at the corner of the room to pick up a bottle of water, they could see me, but I left them wondering why I had dropped the gun to pick up a bottled water

I poured the water on the floor and stepped backward, pointing the AK-47 at the door, immediately I heard a booming sound, and the glass door shattered to the ground, spewing glass shards everywhere, they did not wait for a second before shooting the entire building, I moved my fingers and used the water to form a shield after they emptied their magazine, one took off his mask, his jaw dropped, surprised to see me standing without any signs of blood or bullet wounds

"My turn," I said, bending the liquid into a sword, it took just one swing to separate their heads from their body. I waited if they were more coming but to my disappointment, they were the last

"Thomas!" I yelled but he is too scared to respond

"Thomas! I'm coming in please don't shoot, they are all dead, you can come out from hiding" I opened the door slowly, and he felt relief seeing I was alone

"We are safe now, you should alert the others to come out," I said, he brought out a Radio with so much excitement on his face, but he was not receiving any signal, he frowned his face a little

"They must have gone to the safe house," he said, putting the radio back into his pocket "what happened here?" his eyes widened in shock "how did you cut off their heads with a gun?"

"Everything is possible Thomas, the good news is you are safe, and you will see your family again" I replied, but he doesn't seem to be satisfied with my answer

"Ok, that's all for today, I will be taking my leave now, my regards to your family," I said

"Please tell me your name?" he said with so much enthusiasm, just before I could tell him my name, a call came in from the radio

"Shmm...hello, do you copy?" Thomas froze for a moment, "are you not going to answer?" I said clueless, but the look on his face shows something is wrong

"We don't say Hello on the radio, he was supposed to call out a code name first to identify who is speaking," Thomas said looking frustrated, I took the radio from his hands and replied "hello!"

The frequency is not very clear, but I could hear him speak" I have your boss with me, and you have 48hours before I kill her, but you stand a chance to save her life only if you can bring back the red diamonds she stole from me, 48hours"

"How do I find you?" he replied "the shipping yard" they are so many shipping yards, how do I search for this particular one? I did not get any response again

Thomas moved over to the corpses and searched to see if he could get any identification "I think I know where to find Marvel"

"If you do, just look for the diamonds and take it there"

"That I don't know, I wish Gandalf was here, he knows a lot of things in this Castle, and finding the diamond will be difficult"

"ok, you look for the diamonds before dark, first thing tomorrow morning, I will drive you to see your family then you take me to the shipyard," I said stepping out of the building

"But sir, I don't know where to find the diamond"

"That question is not for me, find it, it should be somewhere. If you can't find it, try reaching them with the radio for directions. Have a lovely day, Thomas"