The alliance of cartels

"Remember when I stumbled upon a shortwave radio in the storage room a while back?" Thomas suggested. "We should check if it's still functional. Shortwave frequencies can sometimes bypass local network disruptions."

Excited by the prospect, Thomas and Gorge set out to locate the shortwave radio. After rummaging through the storage room, they finally found it covered in a thin layer of dust. With cautious optimism, they powered it on and tuned it to a frequency known for emergency broadcasts.

Crackling sounds filled the room as they adjusted the dials, hoping to catch any transmission. Moments of tense silence passed until a faint voice broke through the static. It was a desperate plea for help from another corner of the city.

Relief washed over them as they realized the shortwave radio was indeed functioning. While it offered limited communication capabilities, it was a lifeline in their current predicament.

Thomas and Gorge took turns relaying their situation and requesting information from the distressed individuals on the other end of the line. They learned that Lucas's influence had extended beyond their immediate surroundings, causing widespread disruption to mobile and internet networks around their environment

Armed with this newfound knowledge, they quickly reached out to a trusted network engineer, using the shortwave radio to coordinate their complains

Shortly after the network was restored, Thomas received a distress call from the police informing him that his wife and son had been assaulted by unidentified individuals wearing masks. The news filled him with fear as Thomas relayed the information to Gorge, and without hesitation, they hurried to the elevator. As they reached the garage, Gorge swiftly assumed the role of the driver and accelerated towards Thomas's residence, which was located approximately two hours and thirty minutes away from our office.

On getting to his residence, with a mix of relief and concern, Thomas absorbed the officer's explanation of the attack and the safety of his wife and son. The adrenaline coursing through his veins began to subside as he tried to process the events that had unfolded in his absence.

"I need to see them. I need to make sure they're okay," Thomas pleaded, his voice laced with worry.

The officer reassured him, "They are currently receiving medical attention at the hospital. They were both conscious when they were taken away, and the injuries are not life-threatening. We have officers stationed at the hospital to ensure their safety."

Thomas's mind raced with a multitude of questions. Who could have orchestrated such an attack? Was it connected to his pursuit of the truth behind Marvel's disappearance and the McQueen family's legacy? He needed answers, but his priority was the well-being of his family.

With a determined expression, Thomas turned to Mr. Gorge, who had followed him inside. "We need to go to the hospital immediately. I can't rest until I know they're safe."

Gorge nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I'll arrange for a security escort. We'll get there as quickly as possible."

True to his word, Gorge swiftly made arrangements for a police escort, ensuring Thomas's safety and expediting their journey to the hospital.

As they drove, Thomas's thoughts shifted between his family's condition and the bigger picture. It was evident that the attack was not a random act. Someone or some group wanted to send a message or disrupt his pursuit. His determination to unravel the mysteries surrounding Marvel's disappearance and protect his family grew stronger with each passing minute.

Arriving at the hospital, Thomas rushed through the doors, guided by the officers stationed there. He found his wife and son in a hospital room, still recovering from the ordeal. Their faces displayed a mix of relief and exhaustion as they saw Thomas enter.

Tears welled up in Thomas's eyes as he embraced his pregnant wife and gently caressed his son's cheek. "I'm here now. You're safe. We'll get through this together."

The family clung to each other, finding solace in their reunion amidst the chaos that had enveloped their lives. The attack had only intensified their resolve to protect their loved ones from further harm.

Thomas's mind raced with questions and possible leads. He knew he couldn't waste any more time. As his family began to recover, he vowed to redouble his efforts, leveraging every resource available to him.

In the face of adversity, the events of that day had not only threatened his family but also ignited a fire within him to unravel the tangled web of secrets and ensure that justice prevailed.

Seeing that his family is safe, Thomas and Gorge decided to move into action immediately, he placed a call for an immediate meeting with the alliance of cartel leaders.

Thomas made his way to the designated meeting point, where the leaders of the cartels awaited his arrival. The atmosphere was tense, yet there was an air of solidarity among the gathered individuals. They all understood the gravity of the situation and the need to reclaim the McQueen legacy from Lucas's clutches.

As Thomas arrived, the cartel leaders stood in a semi-circle, their expressions resolute. Thomas took a moment to observe the group, appreciating the diverse range of expertise and resources they brought to the table. It was an alliance born out of necessity, driven by a common goal.

"Thank you all for coming," Thomas began, his voice steady and determined. "We have a golden opportunity to strike back and restore the rightful order. Lucas has underestimated our resilience, and now it's time to show him the consequences of his actions."

The cartel leaders nodded in agreement, their eyes reflecting a shared determination. They had witnessed the power and influence of the McQueen family firsthand, and they were ready to lend their support to Thomas's cause.

Thomas outlined the plan, carefully detailing each step and assigning specific roles to the cartel leaders based on their strengths and expertise. It was a complex operation that required coordination and precision, but Thomas had faith in the collective abilities of the group.

"We strike at dawn," Thomas declared, his voice filled with conviction. "We will reclaim what is rightfully ours and bring justice to those who have wronged us. Together, we can achieve the impossible."

The cartel leaders exchanged determined glances, their loyalty firmly pledged to the cause. They knew the risks involved, but they also understood the importance of this fight. It was not just about reclaiming power and wealth; it was about protecting their own interests, their families, and ensuring a future free from Lucas's grip.

As the night wore on, final preparations were made, weapons were checked, and strategies were fine-tuned. The atmosphere buzzed with a mixture of anticipation and nervous energy. Each member of the alliance understood the weight of the task ahead and the impact it would have on their lives.

At dawn, under the cover of darkness, the combined forces of Thomas and the cartel leaders set their plan into motion. The attack on Lucas's stronghold was swift and calculated, catching their adversary off guard. The element of surprise worked in their favor as they breached the defenses and fought their way through the compound.

Amidst the chaos and adrenaline-fueled clashes, Thomas never wavered. He fought alongside the cartel leaders, each driven by a shared purpose. They pushed forward, overcoming obstacles and adversaries, determined to reach Lucas and end his reign of terror.