Action in place

As Thomas and the remaining cartel leaders made their escape from the clutches of the state police, their minds raced with the realization that Lucas had outmaneuvered them. It was a bitter blow, knowing that their plans had been compromised and their main target had eluded them.

With their adrenaline still pumping, they regrouped at a safe location to assess the situation. It was clear that they needed to rethink their strategy and come up with a new plan to counter Lucas's moves.

"This is far from over," Thomas declared. "Lucas may have slipped through our fingers this time, but we cannot let him get away. We need to gather our forces and strike back."

But this time, Thomas was alone as the other surviving leaders refused to accept that they could defeat Lucas. "We can't do this. I mean, we can't match a force like Lucas. He has more connections than we can gather. Thinking of attacking again will only lead to our deaths," one of the cartel leaders protested.

They had been double-crossed by Lucas. He obtained information about their plans and called the police to intervene during the attack. As information trickled in, it became apparent that Lucas was expanding his operations internationally, forging alliances with other criminal organizations. His ambition knew no bounds, and he sought to solidify his power on a global scale.

On the other hand, Thomas was disappointed with the response he received from the cartel bosses. He gathered the remaining members of his team and headed home.

Thomas knew they needed reinforcements and support from others who had suffered from Lucas's ruthlessness. He reached out to his trusted allies, including former rivals and even disillusioned law enforcement officials who had witnessed corruption within their ranks. He sought to form a coalition of those who had been victimized by Lucas's actions. However, to his disappointment, no one was ready to get involved in his plans

Upon arriving at the castle, Thomas found Mr. Gorge, who had just returned from the hospital. "From the look on your face, it seems something went wrong," Gorge remarked.

"We were double-crossed. Someone betrayed us and leaked our plans to Lucas. I'm going to find out who," Thomas replied, his face filled with anger as he slammed the car door.

"There might not be a need for that. I received information that Marvel managed to escape with three others," Gorge said, a smile forming on his face. Thomas let out a sigh of relief, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "How is that possible? And if it's true, where did she escape to?" he inquired.

Gorge explained, "One of our informants discovered that Lucas had underestimated Marvel's resourcefulness. She and the others staged a daring escape while Lucas was preoccupied with his own plans. They managed to slip away and are currently in hiding. As for their exact location, we're still trying to gather more information."

Relieved to hear that Marvel was safe, Thomas felt a glimmer of hope.

He and Gorge retreated to a private room in the castle, where they could discuss their next steps without any prying eyes or ears.

"We can't trust anyone with this information, I will personally go in search of her with a special team, we need to get to her first before Lucas does," Thomas said.

Gorge nodded in agreement. "We need to be smart about this. Lucas is powerful, and he has connections that reach far and wide. We have to get to Marvel before him."

Thomas paced the room, deep in thought, Thomas and Gorge knew that locating Marvel and ensuring her safety was of utmost importance. They needed her by their side, not only for her strategic thinking and leadership but also as a symbol of hope for their cause. With renewed vigor, they delved into planning their mission to retrieve her.

"We need to gather as much intel as possible on Marvel's whereabouts," Thomas said, mapping out the plan on a large board. "Every piece of information that could lead us closer to Marvel. We'll utilize our contacts."

Gorge nodded in agreement. "We'll discreetly reach out to our informants, those who owe us favors."

As they strategized, Thomas's mind raced with thoughts of Marvel's safety. He couldn't shake off the worry and anxiety that gripped him. "We need to ensure that our rescue mission is swift and covert," he said firmly. "We can't risk endangering Marvel further or alerting Lucas to our intentions."

"Let's divide our forces. Some will continue gathering intel, while others will focus on securing Marvel's safe return. We'll establish secure communication channels and maintain a constant flow of information. This way, we can react quickly and adapt to any changing circumstances." Gorge advised

With their plan taking shape, Thomas and Gorge assigned specific tasks to themselves Gorge and his team members will be in charge of communication, emphasizing the importance of caution and secrecy. Every move had to be calculated, every decision weighed against the risk. "We'll do whatever it takes, Thomas. Marvel's safety is our priority. We won't falter, and we won't let Lucas's treachery break us."

Both of them prepared themselves for the upcoming task: finding and retrieving Marvel, bringing her back to the castle before dawn. Thomas swiftly assembled his team and embarked on a thorough search of every possible area where Marvel could be located. Meanwhile, Gorge remained at the castle, coordinating with his own team and maintaining secure communication with Thomas.

Mr. Gorge, through his connections, received a tip or piece of information indicating that Lucas's men had attacked the cartel boss

His informants might have overheard conversations or intercepted messages discussing Lucas's intentions. Alternatively, Gorge's network could have included insiders within Lucas's organization who provided information about his plans. This allowed Gorge to gather crucial intelligence on the impending attack.

He quickly conveys the information to Thomas