
It was a bright, cold morning in the woods, the serene atmosphere filled with the melodic tunes of singing birds. Days had passed, and I still hadn't heard from Vicky or her men. I attempted to reach her multiple times, but the weak signal hindered any connection.

Assigned as the guard, I stood to watch when Ethan approached me with careful, silent steps. "We're running out of food supplies, and Elizabeth is sick," he informed me.

"Yeah, I've noticed. I'm trying to come up with a solution," I replied, my breath creating visible steam in the chilly air.

Ethan nonchalantly asked, "Do you trust your contact, Vicky?"

"Yes, I do. She's been my only friend, and we've come a long way. Maybe something has happened, but I refuse to believe anything bad has befallen her," I answered, genuinely sincere.

A moment of silence hung between us as Ethan's stomach growled loudly, causing us to chuckle momentarily. He grimaced, squeezing his belly, and said, "Ouch, my stomach hurts. By the way, I thought you initially declined working with us. Why did you change your mind?"

Speechless, I found myself grappling with the questions swirling in my mind. "Why did I change my mind? Are they suspecting that I am working for them?" My hands found their way to my head, tousling my hair. The truth was, my presence here was driven by reasons other than just Madeline.

As Ethan awaited my response, I took a deep breath, composing myself before speaking. "I did refuse initially, but circumstances changed. I had my own reasons for protecting Marvel, reasons that go beyond personal gain or loyalty to anyone."

Ethan's curiosity arose, his eyes narrowing slightly. "What are those reasons?" he probed, his tone tinged with skepticism.

I paused, unsure of how much to reveal. Eventually, I chose to confide in him. "Marvel, your boss bears a striking resemblance to someone very dear to me. Madeline was my first love, but she was tragically killed by my cruel brother. I couldn't save her. She was brutally murdered, her head impaled on a stick."

"Why would your brother do such a horrific thing? I hope he rots in jail," Ethan exclaimed, his voice filled with anger.

Meanwhile, inside the safe house, Elizabeth lay on the bed, battling a high fever. Marvel and Charles stood by her side, concerned for her well-being. Suddenly, Emmanuel stormed into the room, his face filled with anger.

"If anything happens to my mother, I won't go easy on you guys!" he shouted, his frustration evident.

Marvel tried to calm him down, but Emmanuel continued to yell and threatened to take his parents out of the safe house to seek better medical treatment.

"Emmanuel, if you step outside this place, not only will you risk your life, but also that of your parents. I don't think you want that to happen," Marvel warned, hoping to reason with him.

"How long do we have to wait for rescue? My parents were living peacefully and happily before you came and disrupted their lives with your own problems," Emmanuel retorted, his frustration clear.

Marvel took a deep breath, understanding Emmanuel's concerns. She knew he was scared for his parents' well-being and frustrated with the uncertainty of the situation.

"Emmanuel, I understand that this is a difficult time for you, your family, and the rest of us. We're doing everything we can to ensure everyone's safety," Marvel reassured him, her voice calm and empathetic. "Right now, staying in this safe house is the best option we have. It may not be ideal, but it's the safest place for your parents and all of us."

Emmanuel's anger slowly subsided, replaced by a mixture of fear and vulnerability. He glanced at his sick mother lying on the bed and sighed heavily. "I just want my mom to get better. She's been through so much already."

Marvel approached Emmanuel and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "I understand, Emmanuel. We're all worried about her. We are out of medical supplies and we are doing our best to help her recover. Just hold on a little longer. Help will come soon."

As if on cue, the sound of approaching footsteps echoed outside the safe house. Marvel's eyes widened, and he signaled for Charles to stay by Elizabeth's side. With cautious optimism, Marvel opened the door to find me

"What is the situation with her health?" I inquired, trying to maintain a light-hearted tone.

"She isn't responding to treatment. We can't afford to wait any longer; we need to take her out of here," Marvel suggested.

"Yeah, I'll venture into the woods and climb to the mountaintop. Maybe I'll get a better signal there to call Vicky. If I don't succeed, then we'll have to pack up and leave tomorrow morning," I replied. Emmanuel seemed relieved and offered to accompany me, but I declined.

"No, I need you to stay here and take care of your parents. I'll be fine on my own," I reassured him.

"Please be careful," Marvel said, her eyes welling up with tears. She felt guilty for putting everyone's lives at risk. If it weren't for her, Gandalf would still be alive, and Elizabeth wouldn't be in this condition.

"It's alright. I'll return before nightfall. And please, take care of yourself," I said, closing the door behind me as I set off toward the mountaintop.

As I walked through the woods, the sun cast long shadows across the path. The air was crisp, and the sounds of nature surrounded me. It was a serene setting, but my mind was filled with worry about Elizabeth's worsening health and the urgency of the situation.

I navigated the winding trails, occasionally glancing at my phone, hoping for a signal. The higher I climbed, the clearer my surroundings became, and I could see the vast expanse of the forest stretching out below me.

Reaching the mountaintop, I stood on a rocky ledge, searching for any signs of a signal. I dialed Vicky's number repeatedly, my heart pounding with anticipation. After several failed attempts, a faint signal bar appeared on my phone. Relief washed over me as I connected the call.

"Vicky! It's me," I said urgently. "I have been trying to contact you. Elizabeth's condition is worsening, and we can't stay here any longer. I need a secure way out of here."

"I have been trying to contact you too, my men are in the forest too but can't locate you," she said

Vicky's voice crackled through the line, filled with concern. " Meet them at the designated coordinates. I have arranged transportation for all of you."

I noted down the coordinates and thanked Vicky profusely. Hanging up the call, a surge of hope coursed through my veins. We had a way out—a chance to find safety out of the woods and proper medical care for Elizabeth.

I made my way back down the mountain, retracing my steps through the woods. As I approached the safe house, I could see the dim glow of lights from within. The anticipation of sharing the good news with everyone filled me with excitement.

Entering the safe house, I was met with concerned faces. Emmanuel rushed towards me, his eyes searching for answers. I smiled reassuringly and shared the news of Vicky's assistance. Marvel's eyes shimmered with gratitude and relief, while Emmanuel's face lit up with a glimmer of hope.

Together, we began preparations for our departure, packing our belongings and ensuring Elizabeth was as comfortable as possible. The air was filled with a mixture of tension and anxiety, but we knew that our chance of getting home safely was secured.

As the first rays of dawn broke through the darkness, we bid farewell to the safe house that had sheltered us during our darkest times. With grateful hearts, we embarked on a journey to the designated coordinates that were given to me by Viki