Chapter 2

Johnny's POV

I don’t know why I took her to my home. I don’t even know her. All I know is I couldn’t just leave her there in the alley. I wonder why the Russians are after her. As soon as she wakes up I will find out why they want her. I decided to go to my club where I know Stefano always hangs out.

Walking back to my car I told my maid to watch over the girl and to let me know if anything happens. My life has been rough since the day I turned thirteen years old. My old man told me to become a man and that I will someday take over from him. By the time I took over the family business, I had killed more people than most people change underwear in a day. I don’t trust anyone except a hand full of people.

My three best friends, Stefano my right-hand man, and Samuele. They have known me since I was a little boy. We all grew up together since our family was friends. Kevin and Jake both have their gang but they aren't as powerful as mine. Alessandro is a billionaire who took over his family business after his parent's death he was married now to Lisa. Stefano's father was my right-hand man and we met Samuele when we were around twelve years old.

My only sister was killed when she was ten years old and after that mom and dad were never the same. My father became abusive, a sadistic figlio di puttana {son of a bitch}. I was eighteen when I stepped in and took over. My mother was always afraid I would turn out like my old man. Sometimes I think I'm just like him but I don’t rape, beat or kill women. That’s one thing I promised myself I would never do.

Soon I find myself in front of my strip club, seeing Stefano waiting for me at the door I get out of the car and walk towards him "Good evening boss". The bouncer greets me. I just nod my head and show Stefano to follow me. I walk over to my private booth and tell one of the girls to bring me a bottle of Bowmore.

"Any news on who the snitch might be?" I asked Stefano.

"Nothing yet, boss I'm still working on it." I nod, "I want him alive, I want him to suffer," I said with a sadistic smile. The girl brings the whiskey and stares at me like I'm some kind of meat she wants to eat. I show her that she can leave. Making her face fall, I don’t trust women, they are only after one thing. I have learned my lesson.

"Are you going to tell me what happened tonight back at the alley?" Stefano asked.

"It was raining heavily so I had to pull over…." I tell him everything.

"Do you think she's one of the Russians?"

"I don’t know, but I will ask her some questions as soon as she wakes up tomorrow. I do think she's somehow connected to them or she owns them money". Stefano nods and adverts his eyes to one of the strippers upstage.

"If you will excuse me, it's been a long day and I need to blow off some steam". He smirks walking away towards the stripper. Man, he's going to get into trouble one of these days sleeping with the strippers I hate getting involved with my employees but Stefano doesn't have a care in the world. I took my drink when a stripper came and sit on my lap out of nowhere, she began to rub her hands up and down my chest, I usually wouldn't mind it, but not with the people that work for me. She came closer and start licking my neck. Her hair was dyed blond, her face was covered in makeup wearing bright pink lipstick.

I leaned forward and whisper, "Do you know who I am?" She looks me up and down and shakes my head.

"I'm your boss, so if you still want to work here you better get off from me." She quickly got up with wide eyes and left mumbling curse words I shake my head thinking how desperate most women can be to get a man's attention. I stood up and left texting Stefano that he needs to be at my house early tomorrow morning as I walked to my car not feeling like getting drunk tonight.

Back at home, I walk upstairs passing the girl's room when one of the maids came out. "Sir, she woke up a couple of hours ago still feeling tired. Samuele says it's nothing serious she just needs some rest and that she has some bruising where he assumed they kicked her". I nodded then went to check on her. As I walked inside I went to the bedside.

"I wonder what your name is and why that people wanted you?" I whisper. Taking one last glance at her I walk to my room. This has been one shitty day.

I took a quick shower and went down to get a bottle of whiskey, "You had to bring a girl to your home?" I asked myself as I pour myself a drink.

I don't trust women, especially after what happened a few years ago when Lisa got kidnapped and we found out that Aurora was the one that snitched she used us to get what she wanted with her family. She had played us all, especially me after I discovered who and what she was I swear never to fall in love again only fuck girls that are willing to sleep with me and kick them out the next day. I know it sounds harsh but that's what I have become much to Lisa's frustration. She will always scold me telling me to get back into the whole dating thing. I know she cares about me about us but I can't and I told her that.