Chapter 3

Alessia's pov

I groaned at the sharp pain that was piercing my head, ignoring it I opened my eyes, and I was met with an unfamiliar sight. I was in a big room that had a walk-in closet, and light brown walls, and the bed I was in, was n king-size with dark brown covers. At the end of the bed was a big dark brown chest. I sat up abruptly making my head pulse and my vision blurry for a moment. I let myself have a moment to compose myself before I stand up to think of the men that tried to kidnap me last night.

Then I remember a man who rescued me, killing those men. I have never seen him before, what if it's my parents that sent someone to take me back home? No, they won't spend money to hire someone to find me. I can only think of one person who would do that, Sergei Mikhas, the man to that I was sold. Now knowing it was Sergei's doing I laid back down and closed my eyes thinking how I was always going to be a caged animal, and there was nothing I could do about it.

My four years of life outside felt like a tease. It felt like hours that only my breathing could be heard when suddenly the door swung open and closed bringing my attention to the man who had just walked in. It wasn’t Sergei at all, instead, it was that man who saved my life last night.

My eyes widened. What was he doing here? "Comi ti senti?" {How are you feeling} Was the first thing his deep voice asked me. I pushed myself up so I was sitting with my knees pressed to my chest, my face scrunching up in pain as I felt a sharp jab to my stomach.

"Me sento meglio, grazie per avermi aiutato". {I'm feeling better, thank you for helping me} I said sincerely.

"We need to talk". He said in his deep Italian-laced voice, his arms bulging in his suit as he leaned back against the door, his Rolex watch glimmering under the light. He was too damned handsome and rich. What was he doing in a place like that last night, for some reason it pissed me off. I bit my lips and pushed away all my thoughts. Although his voice was commanding I wasn't just about to let him kill me as he did to that man last night.

"What do you want to talk about?" I asked nervously, hoping it didn't show. I bit down on my lips as I subtly search him for any weapons.

"I won't tell anyone what I saw last night," I said, afraid that he will kill me after what happened.

"Calm down, I won't hurt you. I just want to ask you a few questions that I want you to answer truthfully". He said looking at me intensely.

I bit my lip and nodded. "What is your full name?" I almost hesitated, but decided to answer his question "Gioia Brambilla". The name sounded fake, but it didn’t matter unless someone found out.

He nodded and then continue, "Who were those men last night?"

I looked away trying to find an answer, "I don’t know." That was the truth, I don’t know who sent them.

He nodded. "That’s all, one of my men will take you back to your apartment." after saying that he left, leaving me alone. I quickly got up and walk to the bathroom. I freshen up and went down the stairs to find the guy who will take me back to my apartment.

"Buongiorno signorina, Juan ti sta aspettando dalla signorina dell'auto". {Good morning miss, Juan is waiting for you by the car miss} a housekeeper tells me. I smiled at her,

"Grazie di tutto. Arrivederci". {Thank you for everything. Goodbye.} I walked out of the house, or rather mansion, and see Juan waiting for me. He opened the door for me and I tell him my address. Soon I'm on my way back to my reality. Wondering if I will ever see the stranger again. When I got back home I decided I deserved a hot bath and to relax. I turned the taps on and put shampoo in to make a bubble bath before I stripped and sat in the tub humming a song.

But it wasn't long before the pit of dread made its way to my stomach. I looked at the door waiting for my mother or sister's voice to yell from the other side, but it never came. I sighed as I closed my eyes only to feel tears sliding down my cheeks.

"Open this fucking door, Alessia! Why is it locked?" My mother screamed through the door?

"Madre, {mother} I'm just having a bath please leave me alone." I quickly wrapped a towel around me and opened the door.

"Apri questa porta ora, piccola porca porca!" {Open this door now you dirty little slut!}"

"Who told you, you can take a shower?" She demanded as she pulled my towel off me.

"Just fucking look at you! You're a fat cow, no wonder no one wants you. That’s why we have to sell your fucking ugly ass to the highest bidder! I can't believe I made you." Then she slaps me across the face. "Get ready!

The Mikhas will be here shortly! Try not to make a fool out of us". She continues her insults. She pushes me back making me hit the wall behind me, winding me. She stared at me disgusted.

"Weak, so pathetic can't you be more like your sister?"

"Affrettatevi!" {Hurry up!} She hissed with a scowl before leaving. I cried about the fact that my mother treated me like that I always wished that someday I will have the love of my parents and my sister but sadly it never happened.