Chapter 11

Alessia's POV

When we walk inside the fancy restaurant I knew my life is over. We walked up to a table while I just kept my head down not ready to face the monsters from my past. "Alessia?" I hear my stepfather's voice and I went stiff. I think Mr boss man must have felt it because he drew me closer to him.

"Mr. Berlusconi, please take a seat." Mr boss man told my stepfather in a cold voice.

"I just wanted to hug her I can't believe it's been four years." My stepfather said and I feel like vomiting.

"Alessia, honey it's you". My mother said as we sit down and I look up at my monsters.

"Yes, your long-lost daughter is back," I told them sarcastically.

"Thank you for reuniting us with our daughter, Mr. Gravano." My stepfather said to boss man or shall I say, Mr. Asshole Gravano.

"My pleasure, let's order shall we? We have a lot to discuss," Gravano told us.

The waitress comes and takes our order with her eyes on Gravano the whole time, "Yeah he's good-looking but an asshole". I can't help but think.

"Alessia, I missed you". My dearest sister said after our food arrived. I look up at her and give a sarcastic laugh.

"Yeah, I can tell all of you missed me very much. Please tell me what exactly you missed. The beatings or locking me up for days without food or water?" I said watching each of their reaction.

"Alessia, what on earth are you talking about?" Mother asked shocked or maybe embarrassed.

"Like you don't know, don't act all innocent," I say in a cold voice.

"Alright, that's enough. I don't think we have to discuss family matters in front of Mr. Gravano." My father interrupts. Mr boss man just looks between us without saying anything. We finish our dinner except for me I lost my appetite the moment we step inside.

"Alessia, you haven't eaten anything yet." My mother said looking at my untouched food.

"I'm not hungry." That was all I replied before giving my plate to the waitress. Mr. Asshole just looks at me not saying anything to which I'm grateful.

"Mr. Berlusconi, I came here to discuss your daughter's future with you". I hear the boss man say and almost choke on my water. What the fuck is he talking about? My future? I don't have one if he sends me back to them.

"Ahh, I also wanted to discuss a business deal with you, I will let you marry my daughter then we can combine and become stronger." I hear my father say.

"No, I'm not talking about marriage," Bossman says in a cold voice that will make anyone flinch.

"Look here Mr. Gravano, if I give you my daughter's hand in marriage we can be one of the strongest mafias in all of Italy. She's smart, she can fight and she knows how our business works." My father continues, "As you can see for yourself she's a beautiful young girl and will submit to you fully." My father explains further but I realize he's talking about my sister.

"Mr. Gravano, I have been watching you a long time, I asked father to marry you." My sister decides to speak up. Yeah, you only want a man who's rich so you don't have to work, or maybe you and daddy dearest have something else planned. I thought to myself.

"My answer is no, and I wasn't referring to that daughter I was talking about Alessia's future," Bossman said ignoring my sister.

"Wait you want to talk about her future?" My mother asked shocked.

"Yes, I will give you one hundred and fifty million dollars to have her." I think my eyes just popped out! What the hell is he talking about? Buying me?

"I'm sorry Mr. Gravano, but Alessia already has a fiance." My father says looking at me.

"I already did my research, Mr. Berlusconi, she doesn't have a fiance anymore you already gave him his money back two years ago," Bossman said surprising me even more.

"Wait he did research?" I asked myself.

"I don't know what you are talking about, Mr. Gravano." My father says without taking his eyes off me. I turn to boss man not wanting to look at that prick and notice him calling Samuele over. Samuele hands him a file and walks away.

"I thought you might say that, so I brought my information with me. Shall I begin?" He asked my father with a stern look.

"Four years ago you sold Alessia for a lousy few euros, you and your wife sold her on the black market thinking you can get rid of her, but you didn't know that she would run away without a trace. The Mikhas threatened you to either give them money or they will take your other daughter to replace Alessia, I don't know why but you gave them the money back a few hours after they threatened you. What still bugs me is the fact that the Mikhas still want Alessia." Bossman continues telling them I just sit there thinking that I'm a free woman I'm no one's fiance.

"I don't know why they want her, Mr. Gravano but I can't sell her to you, we just got her back after four years." My father said trying to sound like a carrying father. Everyone's eyes turned towards me, because after my father said that I started laughing, yes I laughed so hard that tears were rolling down my cheeks.

"Alessia are you, alright sweetheart." My mother asked trying to take my hand.

"You know what's wrong? You guys acting like your loving parents." I say once I finish laughing.

My father gives me a look to shut up but somehow I'm not afraid, "Stop trying to act as if you love me, we all know that it's not true because if you loved me you would have never beaten me that I nearly died so just stop with this act." I told them.

"I... I don't know what you are talking about." My mother keeps acting and I just look at her with hate.

"That's enough! Alessia show some respect for your mother." My father gritted out.

"Respect? Wow, I will never have respect for this woman you call my mother." I say looking him straight in the eyes.

"Mr. Gravano, I'm sorry for all of this, I think it's time we head home. Thank you for bringing Alessia back to us." My father said trying to get his anger under control.

"I'm not going anywhere with you." I spit out anger and stand up ready to walk away.

"Alessia, where do you think you're going?" My sister suddenly asked.

"Away from you." Was my only answer when I walk away just as I was outside someone grabbed my arm.

"You're coming with me," Gravano says as he pulls me towards him.

"Why will I go with you? If it weren't for you that people would have never found me". I told him pissed off that he ruined everything for me.

"You're coming with me if you like it or not." He said still holding my arm.

"You don't get to tell me where I can and cannot go!" I yell at him pissed I try to get out of his hold but he's stronger just as I was about to knee him he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.

"Hey! Put me down you prick!" I said while hitting his back but I don't think he feels anything he walks over to a car and throws me in the back before he slides in.

"You're going with me and that's final! Samuele takes us home," Gravano told him I look at him still pissed off for taking me against my will. The whole car ride I didn't say anything, what am I supposed to say? He's the one that got me into this mess, now I have to hide again because my parents will send someone after me. I close my eyes thinking about everything and I drifted off to sleep. I feel someone picking me up and I open my eyes.

"I'm awake you can put me down," I said when I notice I'm in Gravano's arms but he just ignores me walking further.

"Do you have a hearing problem?" I asked and again this prick decides to ignore me.

"You are such a fucking prick." I continue to get his attention.

"If you don't shut up in going to throw you down, now keep quiet we are almost at your room." He finally speaks. I shut my mouth before he drops me, we enter my bedroom and he puts me down gently.

"We will talk tomorrow, get some sleep." He said as soon as I'm on the bed.

"Thank you." Yeah, I think I must have bumped my head to thank him but what the hell ever I'm tired, lifting the covers I snuggle in bed and feel my sleepy eyes slowly closing.