Chapter 12

Alessia's POV

I woke up back in the room I was in before. I wonder what will happen to me now. I sighed when I heard my stomach grumble and right on cue the door opens and Stefano walks in with a tray of food he smiles at me and walks over. "Buongiorno bella addormentata". (Good morning sleeping beauty). I raised a brow at him for calling me that.

"Ti rendi conto di aver dormito fino a tardi?" (You do realize you slept late?) He said when I looked at him weirdly.

"O, sorry didn't realize it was late." I apologize with a small smile.

"I brought you some pasta and orange juice." He said before putting it on my lap.

"Thank you". I took the fork and begin to eat.

"So, what's going to happen now? I mean boss man knows I'm not working with the Russians," I asked with a little hope that he will let me go.

"I'm not sure, Johnny will talk to you later and discuss everything I assume." He said while sitting down on the chair next to my bed.

I nod, "Can you tell me why he took me to my family last night?" I asked hoping he would know.

"You should ask him yourself, I'm not sure." I nod once again knowing his right.

"You do realize that he just complicated my life by bringing me back to them last night," I whisper.

"I'm sorry but just hear him out before you freak out on him," Stefano said standing up.

"I just wanted to check up on you, I better be going now." I nod and wave at him.

"Wait, can I ask you a favor?" I stopped him just before he was about to leave. Stefano turns around and shows me to continue.

"Can I have a pencil and paper? I'm getting bored and want to draw." I asked him carefully.

"I will see what I can do." He said before closing the door. I sighed and went to take a shower. When I came out I notice the things I asked for laying on my bed a small smile tugging on my lips. I say on my bed and begin to draw humming while my hands move swiftly over the paper. I don't know how long I have been drawing when I hear a knock.

"Come in." The door opens and Samuele walks in closing the door behind him. I sent him a small smile.

"Ahh, my doctor." He chuckled and take a seat next to me.

"I just came to see how you are holding up."

"I'm alright. Nothing I can't handle."

"I know what your parents did to you and I'm sorry for bringing them back into your life." I look up at him shocked.

"I don't know what you mean." I try to avoid talking about my parents.

"You don't have to say anything, I did research remember? I know they abused you."

I take in a sharp breath, "Look you don't have to be sorry this is not your fault, and besides I'm a big girl now." I assure him.

"I promise I won't let them get to you this time." I hear him say as he stands up and patted my shoulder.

"Thank you," I whisper not knowing why I trust him.

"I'll leave now." I nodded with a small smile watching him leave. That was the only visitor I had that day. A few days had passed and I'm still here. I wonder what they are planning to do with me. There was a knock on the door. I called out, telling whoever it was to come in.

"I was thinking about taking you out of this room for a bit," Samuele said as he walks up to my bed.

"Won't your boss get mad?" I asked him concerned that Johnny will go mad if he finds me outside this room. He shrugged and hold his hand out toward me. I smile and take his hand. We walk out of my room and I notice a few men as we walk downstairs.

Samuele suddenly turns around, "Do you like chocolate?" He asked out of the blue.

"No, I don't like sweets at all. How about you?" I asked him back.

"Yeah, I love chocolate." He chuckles and continues to walk.

"Well looks like you two get along very well." I hear a voice behind us.

"Hey, don't know if you remember me, I'm Luca." I hear the brown hair man say.

"I remember you from the first day I think." I laughed lightly.

"Why did you ask me if I like chocolate?" I said turning around to Samuele.

"He wants to make sure you won't eat his stack." Luca interrupts grinning at Samuele.

"Ah, so that's why you asked me, luckily you don't have to worry about me eating your chocolate or any other sweets." We walk to what I assume is the kitchen.

"Do you want some breakfast?" Samuele asks when we enter.

"Yes, waffles for me," Luca says as he sits down.

"I wasn't asking you." Samuele shoots back.

"I know I'm just telling you anyways." I look between the two men bickering when I hear,

"Can you two stop bickering and start making out breakfast?" Johnny's voice from behind. Johnny looks at me, "I see you in a better mood this morning." Johnny says examining me from head to toe.

"Yes, that's because Samuele took me out of the room for a while " I smile back at him sweetly.

He looks over to Samuele, "I trust you take good care of her?" Samuele nods.

"Good, I will leave you to it." He turns around and then back at me.

"You will be staying here until I can figure out what to do with you." I nodded and with that, he leaves. We enjoyed our breakfast then he takes me on a tour through the house when he suggested that I should go back to my room.

"Don't worry I will show you the rest some other time." Samuele chuckle when he sees me pouting. He took me back up to my room and say our goodbyes to each other. I lay down smiling thinking that today was a good day. I just hope tomorrow would be just as great.