Chapter 28

Alessia's pov

In the morning I found myself waking up on the floor. I groaned getting up, looking around I realize I fell asleep in the studio.

I walk towards the door just as I opened it, Elma stands there.

"Good morning, breakfast is ready." She said with a tired smile.

"Good morning, thank you. You look tired this morning. Didn't you sleep well?" Wondering why she had bags under her eyes.

She nodded, "Clarissa and I were looking for you all night."

I suddenly felt bad for scaring them like that, I wonder where Johnny and Ciro are and if they are alright.

"They are upstairs my dear," Elma answered my unspoken question.

I bit my lip, "Are they mad at me?"

"I don't think so dear, let's just say that room holds many memories but it's not my place to tell you."

Elma and I made our way to the kitchen as soon as I stepped inside Clarissa gave me a tight hug.

"O my dear, I'm glad you are alright. We were worried about you."