Chapter 29

Alessia's pov

The next day while Clarissa and I were inside the studio to finish some last touch-ups, Johnny came walking inside.

His hair fell onto his forehead and his hands shoved into the pockets of his suit.

Clarissa walked up to him wrapping her arms around him and whispering something to him. She kisses him on the cheeks and then left.

He nodded and walk closer to me putting the last paint on its shand and elf turning to him.

He cleared his voice and stands next to the table, biting my lips I went and stand next to him.

It was silent between us when I hear him say, "My mother came to me this morning and told me what happened yesterday."

I looked away and suddenly find the floor more interesting.

He cleared his throat again, "I'm sorry for the way I acted, I'm not the kind of man who shouts or abuse woman."

Biting my lips I nodded trying to understand why he acted that way.