Chapter 5

“What?” I asked Bhai, when he continued to stare at me.

“Are you hiding something?” he asked making me frown but then I paled thinking he may have got to know about Satvik.

“Why?” I mumbled, not knowing what to tell him.

“It’s been so long since we went somewhere and you didn’t even ask me to take you anywhere.” He replied and I sighed in relief.

“Nothing to hide, Bhai. We are just busy I guess and you even got a new girlfriend now, right?” I asked him smiling.

“Any girlfriend will not be more important than you. So, if there is any problem just let me know.” He replied to which I held his hand.

“Maybe not now, but someday a girl would be very important than anyone in your life.” I promised him because Satvik is reaching that stage for me.

He just snorted and finished his dinner. I pushed my plate away not feeling hungry anymore for hiding the happiest news in my life from my brother.

“You both sit down. We need to have a word with you.” Dad said making both of us frown.

“What is it?” I asked him, hoping it is not some business related, but after he replied I wished it was business related.

“He is a nice boy and they want you as their daughter-in-law. Mr. Kiran already asked him son and seems like even the son wants to marry you. I can say that the proposal is from their side. Your Mom and I decided it seems to be the best proposal.” Dad just continued to talk.

“No!” I stated before Bhai can say anything giving my decision.

“You didn’t even meet him.” Mom protested, but I shook my head.

“I don’t want to meet him. I am in a relationship at present.” I informed and felt silence all around.

Bhai looked more surprised than my parents I gave him a guilty look before facing my parents.

“So, I don’t want to meet anyone.” I added looking mainly at Dad.

“Fine! Then bring your boyfriend to our house.” Dad suggested making me froze.

“What?” I asked him feeling shock because he never asked me to bring any of my dates before.

“Yes! Make us meet him and then we will decide what to do about the proposal. We will not throw this away because of your relationship if it is casual. Let us see how serious you both are.” He replied.

“We didn’t even discuss about marriage with each other.” I protested not understanding why is he doing this.

“I am not going to talk to him about marriage. I just want to see whether it is good to say no to Mr. Kiran’s son.” He said standing up.

“I can’t bring him.” I said, sitting at my place.

“Either you bring this boy or else meet Mr. Kiran’s son.” Giving that ultimatum he walked off and Mom too walked away from the dining area.

I turned to see Bhai sitting in silence and before I can open my mouth, he too stood up and walked off. Feeling the tears rolling down from my eyes, I rushed to my room and locked the door.

Taking out the phone I called Satvik but he immediately cut it and I called him again, but the next three times he did the same.

‘I am with my family. I will call you when I reach my room.’ He messaged and somehow it made me cry more.

We are not kids and we are not making any mistake, but still why both of us need to hide all this from our families? And I even hurt Bhai. I thought closing my eyes.

After some time my phone started ringing but I let it ring feeling too upset. However, when it stopped ringing I realized I have to talk to him.

I rubbed my eyes and took a deep breath to control my emotions and this time when the phone started ringing, I immediately lifted it.

“Anusha! I told you many times that at this time we will be having dinner. I even cut the call, why did you keep calling me.” He continued to talk and he was not scolding but somehow the tears started again.

“I…” I couldn’t get the words out and he paused immediately.

“Are you crying?” he asked in a shocked tone.

“Because of me?” he added when I didn’t say anything.

“No! No, it is not because of you.” I replied sniffing.

“What happened? Don’t cry, Anusha. Tell me what happened?” he asked in a pleading tone and I immediately told him everything.

“They can’t know about us right now. Otherwise, it will be a huge trouble.” He whispered.

“I know! But Dad said if you don’t meet him, then I have to meet this guy.” I pointed out and we both fell into silence.

“Why don’t you tell the guy directly that you are not interested?” he suggested and my heart skipped a beat.

“You want me to meet him?” I asked frowning.

“I know! I don’t want you to but we don’t have any other simple option.” He replied and I gave a thought to what he is saying.

“You are right!” I whispered and we both again fell into silence.

“This will just be a meeting, right. They are not going to drag you to marry. Just meet him and tell him that you love me and I am sure he will just back off.” He assured me and I sighed but before I can say anything I heard a knock.

“Bhai?” I asked, opening the door to see him looking at me guiltily.

“I shouldn’t have walked off like that even though I got angry at you.” He replied, walking into my room and I just took my phone away from my ear.

“Sorry!” I whispered and he nodded, giving me a hug.

“Now, don’t worry about anybody’s son. You are not going to meet him.” He stated and I hugged him again.

“I think it is better to meet him and tell him I can’t marry. Otherwise, Dad and Mom would be behind me.” I explained and he frowned.

“Why don’t you bring your boyfriend?” he asked and I looked away.

“He doesn’t deserve you, right?” he asked and I immediately held his hand.

“Nothing like that, Bhai. I think this is not the right time to bring him here.” I replied and when he continued to frown.

“Just forget about that.” I whispered and he finally sighed nodding.

“Okay! I will come with you and deal with this tomorrow.” He decided but I shook my head.

“No! Let me do it and I even have him to help me.” I said and he looked away but nodded.

“Tell him that if he don’t deserve you then I will keep him away from you with all my power.” Saying that he walked out of the room.

“Hello?” I called him bringing the phone to my ear.

“That’s… that’s a great brother.” Satvik commented making me smile.

“Tell him I will make sure I deserve you.” He added and I fell for him again.

“I love you!” I whispered lying on the bed and he repeated the words after which we hung up.

Next morning when Dad gave me the café name where I would be meeting this supposed proposal, I messaged Satvik and made Bhai drop me.

“You should buy yourself a vehicle.” Bhai commented making me smile.

“When I want one, you are giving the car to me, right? Then what is the need?” I asked and got down from the car.

After he drove off, I walked inside the café and searched for the person who would be wearing a red coat. I glanced at one person and immediately started walking towards him.

“Laksh?” I called the name and he nodded getting up smiling.

“I am…” I started saying, but he shook his head.

“I know who you are and you look even more beautiful today.” He greeted and when I moved my hand to shake his, he just took it and brushed his lips making me pull it back in the next second.

“Shall I order something? Maybe some ice cream?” he asked, smiling while I wish I am not sitting before him.

The way he is talking and the way he is looking is nothing but creepy and how dare he touch his lips to my hand.

“No thanks! I just want to say something.” I said, clearing my throat ready to tell him but he just chuckled.

“Sure! I can hear anything from my fiance.” His words just put something heavy on my head and my heart.

“I can’t marry you. I am in love with someone and actually I am in a perfect relationship.” I blurted out and this time also he chuckled.

“That’s nice! So, where shall we get married? Do you want destination wedding?” he asked leaning back.

“Hey! I am not marrying you. I love…” he cut me off saying, “Sure! You can continue your love, but you will be my wife.”

“I can’t believe this.” I mumbled, standing up and he immediately held my hand stopping me.

Before I can say anything I felt another presence and an arm circling my waist pulled me near a warmth.

I turned, smiling at Satvik feeling relief and also surprised, but he looked at Laksh saying, “Leave her hand.”

“He is my boyfriend!” I introduced Satvik.

“Wait! Aren’t you that Kolgha? Wow! You are in a relationship with this man? Now, I am sure we both will be getting married.” He said laughing and left my hand.

“Why do you even want to do this? For business related?” I asked him frowning.

“No, Beautiful! I want you.” He replied, shrugging and I pressed myself to Satvik feeling disgusted with his tone.

“Then you better get this in your thick head. She is mine and she is going to be mine forever. And next time that hand will be touching plaster of paris to cure the fractured hand, if it touch my Anusha again. Understand?” saying that Satvik started walking off still holding me and I followed him with a smile.

He drove in silence and stopped near the outskirts. Getting down from the car he walked a little stared at the place without moving.

I got down from the car and walked near him, saying, “I didn’t know you were going to be there.”

“Will you forgive me?” he asked making me frown.

“For what?” I asked, to which he turned around and placed his hands on my shoulder.

“For making you meet him. What was I thinking?” he asked, shaking his head.

“But this was a good idea and we didn’t think he would turn out to be like this.” I pointed out.

“No! Even if he was not like this, I felt like something is pulling me from the moment we thought you will meet him. I can’t think of you to meet anyone who has a chance of your future in other people’s mind.” He continued with anguish covering his face and I pulled him for a hug closing my eyes.

“I am yours, Satvik.” I promised and he finally relaxed.

After some time, he dropped me near to my house and we decided that I will tell my parents I didn’t like Laksh.

“Take care!” he whispered when I got down from the car and walked the short distance towards my home.

“I don’t want to marry him.” I gave my decision.

“Reason?” Dad asked not even looking up from the file he is working in his study.

“I love someone!” I pointed out and he shook his head.

“That can’t be a reason unless we meet the guy.” He stated and I frowned.

“Okay! Laksh is a big creep who didn’t listen to me even when I told him I love someone else.” I gave the second reason.

“Even after such a behavior he wants to marry you? Why are you rejecting a guy who likes you and doesn’t worry to have a future with you for a person who isn’t even ready to meet your parents?” he asked frowning.

“Dad!” Bhai greeted stepping into the study.

“You don’t even start! I had enough today at the office from you. And didn’t I ask you to start working on a New York project?” Dad asked him frowning.

“This is her life.” Bhai replied, to which Dad leaned back.

“I want this to be successful, Ansh. Otherwise, I will rethink about securing your position in the company. So, concentrate on the project.” Dad threatened and I know Bhai can’t take chances.

“I am not marrying Laksh and no one can change that.” I stated and he simply turned his gaze to me.

“This Friday Mr. Kiran is coming with his family for engagement. Go with your Mom for shopping.” Saying that he stood up and walked out of the room.

“Don’t worry, Anu! We will think of something.” Bhai assured me, but how can I believe that when Dad is threatening Bhai.

“What?” Satvik shouted when I told him what happened.

“I don’t know what to do.” I whispered, closing my eyes and held the phone tightly.

“You are not going to marry anyone.” He ordered and a smile formed, but it slipped remembering the situation we are in.

“Why don’t we marry?” I asked before I could stop myself and met silence from his side.

“Anusha!” he whispered and I covered my face.

“Fine! There is not much time. So, I will go along with the engagement. Maybe there can be something that can be done before the wedding.” I threw the words feeling frustrated.

“No!” he shouted the next second.

“We will get married.” He added, making me frown.

“I didn’t say that to blackmail you, Satvik. It will just be an engagement.” I pointed out shaking my head.

“I know you will not blackmail me.” He said and I felt relief he didn’t think that.

“First, I will tell my family about you and you tell yours about me.” I mumbled and after a few minutes he accepted.

I took a deep breath and calmly whispered, “It is Satvik Kolgha!”

“What?” Bhai asked frowning.

“My boyfriend is Satvik Kolgha!” I replied and again the same silence followed.

“You will be getting married within this month.” With that threat Dad stood up not even finishing his food.

“Dad!” Bhai protested, but he shook his head.

“I will throw you out and your Bhai also if he supports you in this. How dare you to think you can bring this nuisance to us?” Dad asked and for the first time I felt terrified.

“Dad…” Bhai started, but I held his hand and stayed silent after which Dad and Mom left the place.

“I am getting married, Bhai.” I informed him.

“Just shut up! You do all this without saying one word and now saying you are getting married.” He shouted making me flinch.

“You will not marry this Laksh and we will do something.” He added holding my hand.

“I am getting married to Satvik, Bhai.” I explained.

“Are you mad? Is he even ready for such step?” he asked standing up.

“Yes!” I replied, nodding.

“What about his family?” he asked frowning.

“He must have informed them by now.” I replied, to which he closed his eyes.

“Don’t take any sudden decisions, Anu. We will do something. Didn’t you hear what he said? He will throw us out of the company for which we worked so hard.” He explained to which I smiled.

“I don’t care, Bhai.” I mumbled, but he shook his head.

“I know you need this and I am not asking for any help.” I added to which he glared at me.

“Just go and sleep on it. Think what are you even deciding to do.” Saying that he walked off and I walked into my room to see my phone ringing.

“Hello?” I asked, lifting his call.

“We are getting married tomorrow.” His words shocked me.

“Your parents?” I asked him in a whisper.

“No! I talked to my friend and we can get married tomorrow itself in the temple and get it registered.” He replied making me close my eyes.

“My Dad said I will get married within this month when I informed him.” I mumbled.

“And I got a reality check to my face.” he mumbled.

“Are you sure? What if you regret it?” I asked frowning.

“If I feel they will accept this, then maybe I wouldn’t be. But I am sure I want you with me for my whole life and this is the best option.” He replied.

“But there will be difficulties and are you sure you can face them?” he asked making me smile.

“With you beside me as a protection? I can face anything.” I replied and he gave me the details at what time I have to reach the temple before we both hung up.

Am I doing wrong? But I tried to make them see this and I know I want him for my whole life too. With him we can face this and maybe they will accept our relationship with the time passing.